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An Angular 2 sidebar component.


npm install --save ng2-sidebar

SystemJS configuration

If you're using SystemJS, be sure to add the appropriate settings to your SystemJS config:

var map = {
  // ...
  'ng2-sidebar': 'node_modules/ng2-sidebar',
  // ...

var packages = {
  // ...
  'ng2-sidebar': {
    main: 'lib/index',
    defaultExtension: 'js'
  // ...


Add SidebarModule to your app module:

import { SidebarModule } from 'ng2-sidebar';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule, SidebarModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
class AppModule {}

If you're using it in a feature module, you may need to add it as an import in that module as well.

In your component, simply use the directive in your template:

  selector: 'app',
  template: `
    <ng2-sidebar [(open)]="_open">
      <p>Sidebar contents</p>

    <button (click)="_toggleSidebar()">Toggle sidebar</button>
export class AppComponent {
  private _open: boolean = false;

  private _toggleSidebar() {
    this._open = !this._open;

A directive is also provided to easily close the sidebar by clicking something inside it:

  selector: 'example',
  template: `
    <ng2-sidebar [(open)]="_open">
      <a closeSidebar>Closes the sidebar</a>
// ...

Browser support

Note that this component uses Angular 2's animation system, which relies on the Web Animations API. Unforunately, there is only partial support for this API in Firefox, Chrome, and Opera, so it's recommended to use the web-animations.js polyfill for support in other browsers.



Property name Type Default Description
open boolean false If the sidebar should be open. This should be two-way bound.
position `'left' 'right' 'top'
closeOnClickOutside boolean false Whether clicking outside of the open sidebar will close it.
showOverlay boolean false If a translucent black overlay should appear over the page contents when the sidebar is open.
animate boolean true Whether the sidebar should animate when opening/closing.
defaultStyles boolean false Applies some basic default styles to the sidebar.
trapFocus boolean true Keeps focus within the sidebar if it's open.
sidebarClass string Additional class name on the sidebar element.
overlayClass string Additional class name on the overlay element.
ariaLabel string String used for the sidebar's aria-label attribute.


Property name Callback arguments Description
onOpen Emitted when the sidebar is opened.
onClose Emitted when the sidebar is closed.
onAnimationStarted e: AnimationTransitionEvent Emitted when the animation is started.
onAnimationDone e: AnimationTransitionEvent Emitted when the animation is done.