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Workstation Acceptance Tests

Conor Schaefer edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 53 revisions

SecureDrop Workstation test scenarios

Some scenarios require a supported printer. We're tracking compatible printers available to team members here.

For some scenarios, it can be helpful to have a VM with Tor Browser that can access the Journalist Interface. This one-line command in dom0 will create an sd-research VM for this purpose:

qvm-create --template whonix-ws-15 --property netvm=sd-whonix --label orange sd-research

The netvm setting will prevent the make clean or securedrop-admin --uninstall tasks from working. In order to uninstall, run qvm-prefs sd-research netvm sys-whonix, which will allow sd-whonix to be removed completely.

Qubes scenarios

Some of these may be a bit time-consuming, so we typically have a subset of devs test these specific scenarios.

Client testing


Verify mime handling in sd-app

  • Behavior in client (e.g. mailto, http:// link w/ modified client that disables escaping)
  • Review default mime handler apps in sd-app

Verify mime handling in sd-viewer

  • Review default mime handler apps in sd-viewer
  • Send a .desktop file that execute code, see what happens
  • Check macro execution default policy in libreoffice


RPC Policies

  • Open a shell in a non-SDW VM, e.g. sd-dev. Run: QUBES_GPG_DOMAIN=sd-gpg qubes-gpg-client -k. Confirm that the request is denied, i.e. you do NOT see pubkey info for the SecureDrop Submission Key.
  • Try to copy/paste from the Client to a non-SDW VM, e.g. sd-dev. Confirm you cannot.
  • Add the clipboard tags to sd-dev as described in the docs, and repeat the copy/paste procedure. Confirm it works.

Archive handling

  • What happens when a zip archive is submitted to the source interface?


  • Logs are send to sd-log VM
  • No sensitive information is stored in sd-log - @redshiftzero has reviewed, review of resulting logging changes are merged

Client scenarios

Scenario: Online mode


  • server is available and contains source test data
  • access to sd-gpg keyring has not been previously granted
  • ~/.securedrop_client/data in sd-app is empty, and ~/.securedrop_client/svs.sqlite does not exist (do not delete the entire ~/.securedrop_client directory)
  • the sd-devices VM is not running (shut down manually if necessary)
  • a supported printer is available, but not attached.
  • all VMs are up-to-date
  • test instance contains several sources, including some with files & some with HTML characters in messages


  • when SecureDrop desktop icon is double-clicked, preflight updater is displayed
  • After preflight updater runs, when user clicks Continue, login dialog is displayed
  • In login dialog:
    • show/hide password functionality works
    • incorrect password cannot log in
    • 2FA token reuse cannot log in after password failure
    • invalid 2FA token cannot log in
    • valid credentials and 2FA can log in


  • after valid login:
    • the login dialog closes
    • source data is downloaded and source list is populated
    • user is prompted for GPG key access
    • submissions and replies are decrypted
    • the source list is displayed but no sources are selected by default
    • the conversation view is not populated
  • when a source is selected in source list:
    • conversation view is populated with source conversation
    • a source message containing HTML is displayed as unformatted text
    • source submissions have an active Download button
    • source submission compressed file size is displayed accurately
  • when the upper right 3-dot button is clicked:
    • a menu is displayed with a delete source account option
    • when delete source account is selected:
      • the source is deleted from the source list and the conversation view is blanked
      • the source is deleted from the server and not restored on next sync
      • source submissions and messages are removed from the client's data directory
  • when a source is starred in source list, and the client is closed and reopened in Online mode:
    • the source is still starred in the source list


  • when a source is selected in the source list:
    • the reply panel is available for use and there is no message asking the user to sign in
    • a reply can be added to the conversation
    • a pending reply can be added to the conversation (wget && git apply pending-reply then send a reply)
    • a failed reply can be added to the conversation (wget && git apply failed-reply then send a reply)
    • a reply containing HTML is displayed as unformatted text
    • a reply with a single string of characters longer than 100 chars is displayed correctly
    • a reply with a line longer than 100 chars is displayed correctly
    • two replies added immediately after each other are ordered correctly


  • when Download is clicked on a submission:
    • the submission is downloaded and decrypted
    • the Download button is replaced with Print and Export options
    • the submission filename is displayed.
  • For a DOC submission:
    • when the submission filename is clicked, a disposable VM (dispVM) is started.
    • after the dispVM starts, the submission is displayed in LibreOffice
    • when LibreOffice is closed, the dispVM shuts down
  • For a PDF submission:
    • when the submission filename is clicked, a dispVM is started.
    • after the dispVM starts, the submission is displayed in evince
    • when evince is closed, the dispVM shuts down
  • For a JPEG submission:
    • when the submission filename is clicked, a dispVM is started.
    • after the dispVM starts, the submission is displayed in Image Viewer
    • when Image Viewer is closed, the dispVM shuts down
  • When Export is first clicked on a submission:
    • the "Preparing to export..." message is displayed
    • the sd-devices VM is started
    • the user is prompted to insert an Export USB
    • On clicking Cancel, the prompt closes and the file is not exported
  • When Export is clicked on the submission again:
    • the "Preparing to export..." message is displayed
    • the user is prompted to insert an Export USB
    • When the user inserts an invalid Export USB, attaches it to the sd-devices VM and clicks OK:
      • a message is displayed indicating that the Export USB is invalid and the user is prompted to insert a valid device
  • When Export is clicked on the submission again:
    • the "Preparing to export..." message is displayed
    • the user is prompted to insert an Export USB
    • When the user inserts a valid Export USB, attaches it to the sd-devices VM, and clicks OK:
      • the user is prompted for the Export USB's password
    • When the user enters an invalid Export USB password and clicks Submit:
      • a failure message is displayed and the user is prompted to enter the password again
    • When the user enters an valid Export USB password and clicks Submit:
      • the file is saved to the Export USB
  • When the user detaches the Export USB and mounts it on another VM or computer:
    • the decrypted submission is available in on the Export USB, in a directory sd-export-<timestamp>/export_data
  • When the user clicks Print on a downloaded submission:
    • a "Preparing to print..." message is displayed
    • the sd-devicesVM is started
    • the user is prompted to connect a supported printer
  • When the user connects a printer, attaches it to the sd-devices VM, and clicks Continue:
    • a "Printing..." message is displayed
    • the X Printer Panel dialog is displayed with the printer selected
  • When the user clicks Print in the X Printer Panel:
    • the submission is printed successflly.

Closing the client

  • When the user clicks the main window close button:
    • the client exits.

Scenario: Offline mode without existing data


  • server is available and contains source test data
  • test data includes at least one previously downloaded submission
  • test data includes at least one undownloaded submission
  • ~/.securedrop_client/data in sd-app is empty, and ~/.securedrop_client/svs.sqlite does not exist (do not delete the entire ~/.securedrop_client directory)
  • the sd-devices VM is not running (shut down manually if necessary)
  • a supported printer is available, but not attached.

Offline to Online

  • When SecureDrop desktop icon is double-clicked, preflight updater is displayed
  • After preflight updater runs, when user clicks Continue, login dialog is displayed
  • When user clicks Work Offline, login dialog closes and main window opens
  • after startup:
    • there is no sync attempt with the server
    • the source list is empty
  • When the user clicks the top-left user icon and chooses Sign in:
    • the login dialog is displayed over the main window
  • When the user enters valid login details and clicks Log in:
    • the login dialog closes
    • The user icon is updated to reflect the user's details
    • the client is synced with the server and the source list is updated
  • When the user selects a source with submissions from the source list:
    • the conversation view is populated with the source conversation
    • the reply panel is active
    • a reply can be sent to the source
    • a submission can be downloaded
    • a downloaded submission can be exported
  • When the user clicks the main window close button:
    • the client exits.

Scenario: Offline mode with existing data


  • server is available and contains source test data
  • test data includes at least one previously downloaded submission
  • test data includes at least one undownloaded submission
  • client data directory has been synced with server in a previous login
  • the sd-devices VM is not running (shut down manually if necessary)
  • a supported printer is available, but not attached.

Offline to Online

  • When SecureDrop desktop icon is double-clicked, preflight updater is displayed
  • After preflight updater runs, when user clicks Continue, login dialog is displayed
  • When user clicks Work Offline, login dialog closes and main window opens
  • after startup:
    • there is no sync attempt with the server
    • the source list is populated with contents of last server sync
  • When the user selects a source with submissions from the source list:
    • the conversation view is populated with the source conversation
    • the reply panel is inactive, with a "Sign in" message
    • a previously downloaded submission can be exported
    • a previously downloaded submission can be printed
    • When the user clicks Download on an undownloaded submission, a message is displayed instructing the user to sign in to perform the download
  • When the user clicks the top-left user icon and chooses Sign in:
    • the login dialog is displayed over the main window
  • When the user enters valid login details and clicks Log in:
    • the login dialog closes
    • The user icon is updated to reflect the user's details
    • source data is synced with the server
  • When the user selects a source with submissions from the source list:
    • the conversation view is populated with the source conversation
    • the reply panel is active
    • When the user replies to a source, the reply is added to the source conversation
    • When the user clicks Download on an undownloaded submission, the submission is downloaded and decrypted
    • When the user clicks Export on a submission, the export process can be completed
    • When the user clicks Print on a submission, the print process can be completed
  • When the user clicks the main window close button:
    • the client exits.

Scenario: Client and Journalist Interface both in use

Note: this scenario requires access to the Journalist Interface (JI) via Tor Browser. If the scenario is being tested on Qubes, the JI address can be found in sd-whonix in /usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf. See for instructions on how to connect to the JI in a VM.


  • server is available and contains source test data
  • client data directory is empty


  • when SecureDrop desktop icon is double-clicked, preflight updater is displayed
  • After preflight updater runs, when user clicks Continue, login dialog is displayed
  • after valid login to client:
    • the login dialog closes
    • source data is downloaded and source list is populated
    • user is prompted for GPG key access
    • submissions and replies are decrypted
    • the source list is displayed but no sources are selected by default
    • the conversation view is not populated
  • when the JI address is visited in Tor Browser:
    • JI login page is displayed
  • after valid login to JI using same account as for client:
    • sources page is displayed, containing the same sources as the client (order may differ)

Sources, replies, submissions

  • when a source is starred in the client:
    • the source is also starred in the JI after a page reload
  • when a starred source is unstarred in the JI:
    • the source is also unstarred in the client after next sync.
  • when a reply is sent to a source via the client:
  • the reply is visible in the JI and can be viewed by the source in the Source Interface
  • when a reply is sent to a source via the JI:
    • the reply is visible in the source conversation view after next sync
  • when the journalist account used to reply is deleted by an admin in the JI:
    • the next sync is successful
    • the reply is visible in the conversation view
    • the journalist's details are deleted from the client database
  • when a reply is deleted by a source:
    • the reply is flagged as having being read in the client
  • when an individual file submission is deleted in the JI:
    • the submission is no longer listed in the conversation view
    • the submission files are deleted from the client data directory
  • when an individual message is deleted in the JI:
    • the message is no longer listed in the conversation view
    • the messages are deleted from the client database
  • when a source is deleted in the JI:
    • the source is no longer listed in the client after next sync
    • files associated with the source are no longer present in the client data directory
  • when a source is deleted in the client:
    • the source is no longer listed in the JI after a page reload

Scenario: Large dataset


  • server is available and contains large source test dataset (256 sources, submission sizes ranging from 1-500MB)
  • client data directory is empty


  • after valid login:
    • the login dialog closes
    • all source data is downloaded and source list is populated
    • user can scroll to bottom of source list
    • user is prompted for GPG key access
    • submissions and replies are decrypted
    • the source list is displayed but no sources are selected by default
    • the conversation view is not populated
  • when a source is selected in source list:
    • conversation view is populated with source conversation
    • a source message containing HTML is displayed as unformatted text
    • source submissions have an active Download button
    • source submission compressed file size is displayed accurately
  • when the upper right 3-dot button is clicked:
    • a menu is displayed with a delete source account option
    • when delete source account is selected:
      • the source is deleted from the source list and the converation view is blanked
      • the source is deleted from the server and not restored on next sync
      • source submissions and messages are removed from the client's data directory
  • when a source is starred in source list, and the client is closed and reopened in Online mode:
    • the source is still starred in the source list


  • when a source is selected in the source list:
    • the reply panel is available for use and there is no message asking the user to sign in
    • a reply can be added to the conversations
    • a reply containing HTML is displayed as unformatted text
    • two replies added immediately after each other are ordered correctly


  • when Download is clicked on a submission:
    • the submission is downloaded and decrypted
    • the Download button is replaced with Print and Export options
    • the submission filename is displayed.
  • For a DOC submission:
    • when the submission filename is clicked, a disposable VM (dispVM) is started.
    • after the dispVM starts, the submission is displayed in LibreOffice
    • when LibreOffice is closed, the dispVM shuts down
  • For a PDF submission:
    • when the submission filename is clicked, a dispVM is started.
    • after the dispVM starts, the submission is displayed in evince
    • when evince is closed, the dispVM shuts down
  • For a JPEG submission:
    • when the submission filename is clicked, a dispVM is started.
    • after the dispVM starts, the submission is displayed in Image Viewer
    • when evince is closed, the dispVM shuts down

Release-specific test plans

Some of the tests below should be incorporated into main test plan after the release, while others will not need to be re-tested with each release.

SecureDrop Workstation 0.3.0

Moved to

SecureDrop Client 0.2.0

Moved to