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Can you distribute a non-minified dist release? #37

peteygao opened this issue Sep 26, 2016 · 16 comments

Can you distribute a non-minified dist release? #37

peteygao opened this issue Sep 26, 2016 · 16 comments


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We're trying to use ofi.browser.js with an existing Rails project, but the built-in asset pipeline wants to re-minify all JS files, and unfortunately there seems to be some incompatibilities with our existing JS codebase and ofi.browser.js, which clobbers a function name in ofi.browser.js and throws a runtime exception.

With a non-minified dist .js, we can just let the Rails asset pipeline handle the minification process and hopefully avoid this issue.

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fregante commented Sep 27, 2016

As explained in #36 (comment)

But I'd be interested to see the js file output by your pipeline, perhaps you could remove everything but OFI+a couple other functions before running the pipeline, and then paste it into pastebin.

Also, how does OFI arrive into your files? Are you using npm?

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peteygao commented Sep 27, 2016

Sure, here's the output:

var objectFitImages=function(){"use strict";function t(t,r){if(!t[s].parsingSrcset){var i=l(t);if(i["object-fit"]=i["object-fit"]||"fill",!t[s].s){if("fill"===i["object-fit"])return;if(!t[s].skipTest&&o&&!i["object-position"])return}var c=t[s].ios7src||t.currentSrc||t.src;if(r)c=r;else if(t.srcset&&!a&&window.picturefill){var n=window.picturefill._.ns;t[s].parsingSrcset=!0,t[n]&&t[n].evaled||window.picturefill._.fillImg(t,{reselect:!0}),t[n].curSrc||(t[n].supported=!1,window.picturefill._.fillImg(t,{reselect:!0})),delete t[s].parsingSrcset,c=t[n].curSrc||c}if(t[s].s)t[s].s=c,r&&(t[s].srcAttr=r);else{t[s]={s:c,srcAttr:r||,"src"),srcsetAttr:t.srcset},t.src=s;try{t.srcset&&(t.srcset="",Object.defineProperty(t,"srcset",{value:t[s].srcsetAttr})),e(t)}catch(l){t[s].ios7src=c}}'url("'+c+'")',["object-position"]||"center","no-repeat",/scale-down/.test(i["object-fit"])?(t[s].i||(t[s].i=new Image,t[s].i.src=c),function f(){return t[s].i.naturalWidth?void([s].i.naturalWidth>t.width||t[s].i.naturalHeight>t.height?"contain":"auto"):void setTimeout(f,100)}())["object-fit"].replace("none","auto").replace("fill","100% 100%")}}function e(e){var r={get:function(){return e[s].s},set:function(r){return delete e[s].i,t(e,r),r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"src",r),Object.defineProperty(e,"currentSrc",{get:r.get})}function r(){l||(HTMLImageElement.prototype.getAttribute=function(t){return!this[s]||"src"!==t&&"srcset"!==t?,t):this[s][t+"Attr"]},HTMLImageElement.prototype.setAttribute=function(t,e){!this[s]||"src"!==t&&"srcset"!==t?,t,e):this["src"===t?"src":t+"Attr"]=String(e)})}function i(e,r){var c=!A&&!e;if(r=r||{},e=e||"img",l&&!r.skipTest)return!1;"string"==typeof e?e=document.querySelectorAll("img"):e.length||(e=[e]);for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++)e[n][s]=e[n][s]||r,t(e[n]);c&&(document.body.addEventListener("load",function(t){"IMG",{skipTest:r.skipTest})},!0),A=!0,e="img"),r.watchMQ&&window.addEventListener("resize",i.bind(null,e,{skipTest:r.skipTest}))}var s="",c=/(object-fit|object-position)\s*:\s*([-\w\s%]+)/g,n=new Image,o="object-fit"in,l="object-position"in,a="string"==typeof n.currentSrc,u=n.getAttribute,f=n.setAttribute,A=!1;return i.supportsObjectFit=o,i.supportsObjectPosition=l,r(),i}();

This file isn't even concatenated, it's simply passed through as a single vendor'd .js file into Sprockets' asset compilation pipeline and is rendered as a standalone file.

And no, I don't use NPM. The file in the dist folder of this repo is downloaded in raw form and added to our Rails app's vendor/assets/javascripts directory.

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fregante commented Sep 27, 2016

What you pasted works without any issues

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@bfred-it Really? How did you test it? Did you "test" it on a browser that already support object-fit, and thus actually skips the failure path? Use an older browser (or an iOS 9 device). You should see an exception noted below on line 6:

var objectFitImages = function() {
    "use strict";

    function t(t, r) {
        if (!t[s].parsingSrcset) {
            var i = l(t); /******* Runtime exception. Undefined function "l(t)" ******/
            if (i["object-fit"] = i["object-fit"] || "fill", !t[s].s) {
                if ("fill" === i["object-fit"]) return;
                if (!t[s].skipTest && o && !i["object-position"]) return
            var c = t[s].ios7src || t.currentSrc || t.src;
            if (r) c = r;
            else if (t.srcset && !a && window.picturefill) {
                var n = window.picturefill._.ns;
                t[s].parsingSrcset = !0, t[n] && t[n].evaled || window.picturefill._.fillImg(t, {
                    reselect: !0
                }), t[n].curSrc || (t[n].supported = !1, window.picturefill._.fillImg(t, {
                    reselect: !0
                })), delete t[s].parsingSrcset, c = t[n].curSrc || c
            if (t[s].s) t[s].s = c, r && (t[s].srcAttr = r);
            else {
                t[s] = {
                    s: c,
                    srcAttr: r ||, "src"),
                    srcsetAttr: t.srcset
                }, t.src = s;
                try {
                    t.srcset && (t.srcset = "", Object.defineProperty(t, "srcset", {
                        value: t[s].srcsetAttr
                    })), e(t)
                } catch (l) {
                    t[s].ios7src = c
   = 'url("' + c + '")', = i["object-position"] || "center", = "no-repeat", /scale-down/.test(i["object-fit"]) ? (t[s].i || (t[s].i = new Image, t[s].i.src = c), function f() {
                return t[s].i.naturalWidth ? void( = t[s].i.naturalWidth > t.width || t[s].i.naturalHeight > t.height ? "contain" : "auto") : void setTimeout(f, 100)
            }()) : = i["object-fit"].replace("none", "auto").replace("fill", "100% 100%")

    function e(e) {
        var r = {
            get: function() {
                return e[s].s
            set: function(r) {
                return delete e[s].i, t(e, r), r
        Object.defineProperty(e, "src", r), Object.defineProperty(e, "currentSrc", {
            get: r.get

    function r() {
        l || (HTMLImageElement.prototype.getAttribute = function(t) {
            return !this[s] || "src" !== t && "srcset" !== t ?, t) : this[s][t + "Attr"]
        }, HTMLImageElement.prototype.setAttribute = function(t, e) {
            !this[s] || "src" !== t && "srcset" !== t ?, t, e) : this["src" === t ? "src" : t + "Attr"] = String(e)

    function i(e, r) {
        var c = !A && !e;
        if (r = r || {}, e = e || "img", l && !r.skipTest) return !1;
        "string" == typeof e ? e = document.querySelectorAll("img") : e.length || (e = [e]);
        for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n][s] = e[n][s] || r, t(e[n]);
        c && (document.body.addEventListener("load", function(t) {
            "IMG" === && i(, {
                skipTest: r.skipTest
        }, !0), A = !0, e = "img"), r.watchMQ && window.addEventListener("resize", i.bind(null, e, {
            skipTest: r.skipTest
    var s = "",
        c = /(object-fit|object-position)\s*:\s*([-\w\s%]+)/g,
        n = new Image,
        o = "object-fit" in,
        l = "object-position" in,
        a = "string" == typeof n.currentSrc,
        u = n.getAttribute,
        f = n.setAttribute,
        A = !1;
    return i.supportsObjectFit = o, i.supportsObjectPosition = l, r(), i

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fregante commented Sep 28, 2016

What minifier are you using? A whole function is missing, it's not just about minification:

screen shot 2016-09-28 at 07 14 28

I'd be worried if my bundler dropped functions; for your own sake the issue should be solved at the source since the input is valid JavaScript.

If you can't fix that, here's how to generate an unminified ofi.browser.js:

git clone
cd object-fit-images
npm install
sed -i -e "s/('rollup-plugin-uglify/=>('/" */bfred-npm-bundler/*
npm run build

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Thanks for that script!

I'm using whatever minifier Rails Sprockets depends on (I think it's uglify by default). I'll see if I can't reproduce this issue in isolation with a vanilla Rails app. If I can, I'll post this as an issue to Sprockets/uglify. Thanks for the help so far :)!

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I've also run into this issue. It seems like a bug in UglifyJS, function is removed if option for removing unused code was enabled.
You can try it out for example using this online service:

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yratof commented Oct 21, 2016

Same problem here, finding that grunt minify just rips out half of the functions needed to run this. Including the minified file in a workflow and excluding it from minification works, but is a pain to fit into previous projects, especially as this is a polyfill.

grunt-contrib-uglify strips it out for me. What are you using to minify in this project?

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fregante commented Oct 21, 2016

Seems to be an uglify error that strips functions as multiple passes of minification, trying on that online service as well. I'm using uglify internally.

How are you people accessing this library? Do you use npm, git urls or do you download the file manually from github?

If UglifyJS is stripping some function that is being used, this is an UglifyJS issue. It's stripping code that's not supposed to strip.

@fregante fregante reopened this Oct 21, 2016
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yratof commented Oct 21, 2016

At the moment, i've been including the file directly by downloading it and keeping part of another repo that updates several sites

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I found the UglifyJS bug mishoo/UglifyJS#1337

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What version of grunt-contrib-uglify are you using and what's your config? I'm unable to replicate the bug from uglifyjs' command line

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Issue occurs with ruby gem uglifier v2.5.0 (which is using UglifyJS 2.4.13). It seems to be fixed in the latest version.

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fregante commented Oct 21, 2016

Correct. It's fixed in Uglify 2.7.0

This is being used in:

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Thanks a ton @bfred-it for helping chase this down! I knew there was something fucky going on back in #36 but couldn't quite figure it out. Thanks for following up and letting us know! The fix seems simple enough.

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fregante commented Feb 6, 2017

Non-minified version is now in v3 ;)

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