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Digital Foosball entry for the Q42 Hackathon. It consists of trackers, a server and visualizers. First some installation notes, afterwards running them.

Installation - for all

To run the server or the clients you need to copy the root file config.example.json as config.json and change at least the host of where the server will be running and optionally the port numbers of the server and clients. The clients will use the configured server host and port to connect with the server's websocket communication channel.

Installation - clients

TV / Visual client

The heart and soul of the digital foosball table. navigate to tv-client and run

npm install

Controller client (digital referee)

Use an iPhone / iPad / remote Laptop to control the game. navigate to controller-client and run

npm install

VR client

An under construction VR experience from inside the table's soccer field. navigate to vr-client and run

npm install

Installation - ball trackers

These install notes are for Mac. You need at least the OpenCV for Python libraries to install the server. If you don't wan to run any tracker you need to remove the 'opencv' dependency of the server's package.json.


Just install one of these 3 prerequisites, dependening on your setup if you want to track a ball.

OpenCV for NodeJS webcam tracking

The node-opencv library only needs OpenCV to be installed which you can do with the following through the Brew package manager.

brew update

brew tap homebrew/science

brew install opencv

To make sure the brew installed packages are used, make sure the following is in your PATH

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

OpenCV for Python webcam tracking

To get OpenCV and Python running try installing them with Brew

brew update

brew install python

brew tap homebrew/science

brew install opencv

 # opencv will also install the python numpy library    

To make sure the brew installed packages are used, make sure the following is in your PATH

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

You can check this by running:

which python

and it should mention /usr/local/bin/python

Other Python packages to install:

pip install imutils

Freenect (the Open Kinect library) for Python Kinect tracking

You don't need the Freenect library if you just want to track something by using a webcam. If so, just skip ahead to the 'Running the trackers' chapter.

If you just want to check the Kinect connection you can do

brew install freenect and after that and connecting the Kinect run freenect-glview from the command line.

To be able to program in Python with freenect install these prerequisites

pip install cython
pip install matplotlib

You can first try to run the trackers under python-trackers/ and if they don't run you need to replace python-trackers/ with a locally compile one. To create that one checkout the freenect repository at

Navigate to wrappers/python, edit and remove the reference to '/usr/local/lib64'

Install the library locally in that directory with python build_ext --inplace and after that you can move your copy of the freenect module to the python-trackers/ folder

Installation - server

You need NodeJS+NPM and after that navigate to server/ and run

npm install

As already said, if you don't want to track the ball, remove the opencv dependency of the server's package.json before npm installing.

Running the server

You need to connect the table's Makey Makey USB cable in order to receive table commands, like goals, reset and theme switching. After the server is running, navigate to http://localhost:your_configure_port/admin to be able to control and monitor the table. You need to keep the mouse focus on this page to be able to receive commands from the table.

Admin options

There are buttons for entering a score.


Score left


Score right


Change theme


Reset the score

Run one of the following commands to run the server.

No ball tracking

npm run notracking if you just want to receive goal, reset and theme switching input.

Default webcam tracking

Setup table dimensions (in cm) in trackers/CamTracker.js in the variable TABLE_DIMENSIONS. To track a ball through webcam tracking, connect a webcam and run

npm run webcam

After this, go to the admin page and draw a rectangle on the First screen grab to denote which area is of interest for ball tracking.

Python webcam tracking

After installing all prerequisites, setting TABLE_DIMENSIONS in cm in trackers/PythonCamTracker.js and connecting a webcam run

npm run python:webcam

You will see a small popup from Python top left of your screen. Enter your table dimensions (here as well) and press Save. With your mouse, draw a rectangle on the screen which will represent your foosball table. When a ball is tracked in between this rectangle you'll see it's position being output on screen.

Python Kinect tracking

After installing all prerequisites, setting TABLE_DIMENSIONS in cm in trackers/PythonCamTracker.js and connecting a kinect run

npm run python:kinect

And follow the table setup instructions of the 'Python webcam tracking' chapter.

Running the clients

Navigate to any one of the client's main folder and do npm start. Clients receive socket events from the table and can send events.

Sending and Receiving events

Receiving (event name, arguments)

ball-positions, reversed array of the last 10 positions (recent one 1st)

score-update, { left: int, right: int }

score-left, { left: int, right: int }

score-right, { left: int, right: int }

change-theme, theme index

get-current-theme, current theme index

get-themes, array of theme strings


Sending (event name, arguments)

change-theme, theme index









Controller Client

The digital referee allows you to score and substract wrongful scores.

TV Client

Connect the table's HDMI cable to the device that runs the TV client in order to see some wonderful effects :)

..TODO.. info on available keydown controls

VR Client

Currently, not much to do there.


Ball tracking colors

Running the python trackers manually

You can run the tracker by navigating to python-trackers/ and running the following:

python for a Webcam tracker


python --kinect for a Kinect tracker

After that enter your table dimensions and press Save. With your mouse, draw a rectangle on the screen which will represent your foosball table. When a ball is tracked in between this rectangle you'll see it's position being output on screen.


Digital Foosball entry for the Q42 Hackathon






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