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OpenEngSB .Net Interface Parser

This project can be used to parse Java-Interfaces, -Classes and -Enums and compile them to .Net 2.0 using mono.
Currently only parsing and creating of .cs files is supported. Compilation is done with a simple NAnt build-script.


1. The parser uses reflection to retrieve the method-informations so your java files have to be compiled
2. Compile the parser using ant (ant or ant build)

Parsing java classes (running the parser)

1. First lets try to start the `Main` class 

        $ java org.openengsb.dotnet.parser.Main

   The result should be an `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException` because we didn't provide any parameters about reader, filter and writer

2. The syntax for the parameters is: 
        Reader_ClassName Reader_Parameter {Filter_ClassName Filter_Parameter}* Writer_ClassName Writer_Parameter

   In our case we use the ClassReader which needs a xml-config (reader.config, is in this directory); CSharpFilter needs a key-value-config (filter.config) also in this directory and the CSharpWriter only needs the path to the output-directory.    
   The call could look like this:

        $ java org.openengsb.dotnet.parser.Main org.openengsb.dotnet.parser.reader.ClassReader reader.config org.openengsb.dotnet.parser.filter.CSharpFilter filter.config org.openengsb.dotnet.parser.writer.CSharpWriter src/csharp
3. Now you most probably see an error, that some class is not in the class-path and couldn't be found, To solve this, you just have to add all your classes to the classpath and the final command could look something like this:

        $ java -classpath .:additionalClasses org.openengsb.dotnet.parser.Main org.openengsb.dotnet.parser.reader.ClassReader reader.config org.openengsb.dotnet.parser.filter.CSharpFilter filter.config org.openengsb.dotnet.parser.writer.CSharpWriter src/csharp


Parses java code to csharp code







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