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Freshworks iOS SDK

"Modern messaging software that your sales and customer engagement teams will love FreshworksSDK."


Freshworks iOS SDK can be integrated using cocoapods by specifying the following in your podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '14.0'

target 'Your project target' do
pod 'FreshworksSDK'



In Appdelegate -> didFinishLaunchingWithOptions (Invoke the Freshworks initialisation)

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { 
    Freshworks.shared.initializeFreshworksSDK(with: SDKConfig(source: "JS-Path", appID: "AppID", appKey: "AppKey", domain: "Mobile-specific-domain"))
    registerNotifications() // For notification related, check PushNotification section at the last
    return true

JS-Path ==> Admin settings -> Web -> Web Widget -> Select a widget needed -> Click on Embed -> Under embed code use the src for JS-Path AppId, AppKey ==> Admin settings -> Mobile SDK -> Under Appkeys Domain ==> Admin settings -> Mobile App for Chat -> Unique Domain Id

UserCreation and RestoreId

  • Listeners are required for User Created and RestoreId generated.
  • Implementation
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.onUserCreated(_:)), name: Notification.Name(FRESHWORKS_USER_CREATED), object: nil)
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.onRestoreIdReceived(_:)), name: Notification.Name(FRESHWORKS_USER_RESTORE_ID_GENERATED), object: nil)
        @objc func onUserCreated(_ notification: NSNotification) {
            print("User created")
            print(notification.object ?? "")
        @objc func onRestoreIdReceived(_ notification: NSNotification) {
            print("RestoreId Generated")
            print(notification.object ?? "")


  • Inorder to Create/Update/SetUser use the below for reference. (customProperties -> Keys needs to be created in portal before its used). This can be used only after the user is created

         Freshworks.shared.setUserDetails(firstName: "UserFirstName", lastName: "UserLastName", email: "", phone: "9876543210", phoneCountry: "+91", customProperties: ["cf_custom_field_name": "field value"])

    Note: For JWT enabled accounts, updating the user properties will be done through the JWT payload. Please refer the 'JWT' section below.

  • Set an Identifier for an User

        Freshworks.shared.identifyUser(externalId: "externalId")
  • Restoring an existing User

        Freshworks.shared.identifyUser(externalId: "externalId", restoreId: "restoreId")
  • To get current user information

        Freshworks.shared.getUser { [weak self] user in
  • Inorder to Reset an user


Launch the support experience

Note: self --> current viewcontroller

  • Conversations

  • Faqs

  • Filter by Conversation tags

    Customize your conversation by adding tags to Conversation during creation. Tags help filter and display specific conversation on freshworksDK. To implement, pass tags during showConversations public api call for relevant conversation.

        Freshworks.shared.showConversations(self, convTags: ["Conversation tags applicable"])
  • Filter by Faq tags

    Customize your FAQs by adding tags during creation. Tags assist in filtering and displaying specific FAQs on FreshworksSDK. To implement, include faqTags in the showFAQs public API call. Use filterType (category, article, or none) based on your specific requirement.

        Freshworks.shared.showFAQs(self, faqTags: FAQTags(tags: ["FaqTags applicable"], filterType: "FAQFilterType(category or article or none)"))
  • Parallel conversations

    In Freshchat, enable parallel conversation on the same topic. While multiple topics are supported, initiating parallel conversations on a single topic was challenging. For instance, in an e-commerce setting, managing Payment Support for various transactions was cumbersome. Our solution, Parallel conversation, allows multiple conversation threads on a single topic. To implement this, provide a unique conversationReferenceId with the FreshworksSDK. Customers can use the API showConversation. Support representatives guide users in configuring unique conversationReferenceIds, enabling seamless topic-specific conversations.

        Freshworks.shared.showConversation(conversationReferenceId: "<conv ref id>", topicName: "<topicName>")
        Freshworks.shared.showConversation(conversationReferenceId: "1", topicName: "Test Topic")


Request for notification permission if granted register the token with Freshworks.

   extension AppDelegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
    func registerNotifications() {
        UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
        UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { (granted, error) in
            // Handle authorization status
            if granted {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {

    func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
        let userInfo = notification.request.content.userInfo
        if Freshworks.shared.isFreshworksNotification(userInfo) {
            Freshworks.shared.handleRemoteNotification(userInfo) {
                completionHandler( [.banner, .badge, .sound])
        } else {
            completionHandler( [.banner, .badge, .sound])

    func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
        if Freshworks.shared.isFreshworksNotification(response) {
            Freshworks.shared.handleRemoteNotification(response) {
        } else {

Multi-Language Support (Locale Change)

FreshworksSDK provides multilanguage support. The list of all supported languages and their keys are provided in the table below.

ar Arabic Language (RTL)
en English
ca Catalan
zh-HANS Chinese (Simplified)
zh-HANT Chinese (Traditional)
cs Czech
da Danish
nl Dutch
de German
et Estonian
fi Finnish
fr French
hu Hungarian
id Indonesian
it Italian
ko Korean
lv Latvian
nb Norwegian
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
pt-BR Portuguese - Brazil
ro Romanian
ru Russian
sk Slovak
sl Slovenian
es Spanish
es-LA Spanish - Latin America
sv Swedish
th Thai
tr Turkish
uk Ukrainian
vi Vietnamese
  • Widget locale change

    The language is selected based on priority and is explained below.

    1. Configured Language: The highest priority is given to the language that is specified when the freshworksSDK is initialized or changeWidgetLanguage public api is called. For instance, in the below code the key locale is used to set the language when the freshworksSDK is initalized or changeWidgetLanguage public api is called.
         Freshworks.shared.initializeFreshworksSDK(with: SDKConfig(source: "JS-Path", appID: "AppID", appKey: "AppKey", domain: "Mobile-specific-domain", locale: "en"))
         or use below after initialization
         Freshworks.shared.changeWidgetLanguage(locale: "ar")
    1. Default Language: The lowest priority is the Default Language which is set in your Freshchat account. This will be the primary language that is specified on your Freshchat Account.
  • User locale change

    If you want the Freshchat widget's language to be changed dynamically based on user selection such as language dropdown, the locale has to be set when the dropdown is changed. You will have to use the below code to specify the language in that case. Please refer to the sample code below for better clarity.

        Freshworks.shared.changeUserLanguage(locale: "en")

Tracking User Events

  • Freshchat allows you to track any events performed by your users. It can be anything, ranging from updating their profile picture to adding 5 items to the cart. You can use these events as context while engaging with the user. Events can also be used to set up triggered messages or to segment users for campaigns.
        Freshworks.shared.trackUserEvents(name: "eventName", payload: ["eventName":"eventValue"])

JWT Authentication

  • Enabling user authentication using JSON Web Token:

Freshchat uses JSON Web Token (JWT) to allow only authenticated users to initiate a conversation with you through the Freshchat messenger. Freshchat sends a callback (along with the user’s authentication status) to let you know about any event with respect to the messenger and user’s authentication status.

Step 1: Create the JWT without UUID using the public & private keys.

Step 2: Initiate the SDK with the above JWT.

Freshworks.shared.initializeFreshworksSDK(with: SDKConfig(
    source: "JS-Path", appID: "AppID", appKey: "AppKey", domain: "Mobile-specific-domain", jwtAuthToken: "jwt-token-without-uuid"

Note: If your account is JWT enabled, it is mandatory to pass JWT while SDK initialization.

Step 3: Set 'YourClass' as the delegate to receive user state change updates.

Freshworks.shared.setJWTDelegate(self) // 'self' is the instance of <YourClass>'

Step 4: Implement the 'FreshworksJWTDelegate' function to receive the user state change updates. Once user state change update is received, if the user is not authenticated, fetch the UUID from 'Freshworks.shared.getUUID { uuid in }'

extension <YourClass>: FreshworksJWTDelegate {

  func userStateChanged(_ userState: UserState) {
    switch userState {
    case .authenticated, .created, .loaded, .identified, .restored: 
    case .unloaded, .notLoaded, .notCreated, .notAuthenticated: 
    @unknown default: 

  func fetchUUID() {
    Freshworks.shared.getUUID { [weak self] uuid in
      // Use this uuid to generate a valid JWT

Step 5: Create a valid JWT using the UUID recevied from step 4 and update the same.


Note: The above API (Freshworks.shared.updateUser) will also be responsible for updating the user details. While creating the JWT, the details which need to be updated should be added in the payload.

Beta Readme Note

Issue: User properties are not getting updated if the SDK is not initialized.

Solution: To successfully update user details, make sure the SDK is properly initialized. If user details retrieval fails, it is likely because the SDK has not been initialized. Ensure initialization before attempting to update user information. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work towards enhancing your experience.


FreshworksSDK is released under the Commercial license. See LICENSE for details.


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