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roll committed Dec 19, 2019
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Makefile
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@grep '^\.PHONY' Makefile | cut -d' ' -f2- | tr ' ' '\n'

referencer src --in-place
doctoc --maxlevel 3
npx referencer src --in-place
npx doctoc --maxlevel 3

git checkout master && git pull origin && git fetch -p && git diff
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130 changes: 123 additions & 7 deletions
Expand Up @@ -24,14 +24,15 @@ A library for working with [Table Schema](

- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Working with Table](#working-with-table)
- [Working with Schema](#working-with-schema)
- [Working with Field](#working-with-field)
- [Working with validate/infer](#working-with-validateinfer)
- [API Reference](#api-reference)
- [Table](#table)
- [Schema](#schema)
- [Field](#field)
- [Validate](#validate)
- [Infer](#infer)
- [Errors](#errors)
- [Legacy API Reference](#legacy-api-reference)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Changelog](#changelog)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -405,7 +406,122 @@ The `descriptor` variable is now a JSON object:

## API Reference

## API Reference (legacy)
### Table
Table representation

* [Table](#Table)
* _instance_
* [.headers](#Table+headers) ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code>
* [.schema](#Table+schema) ⇒ <code>Schema</code>
* [.iter(keyed, extended, cast, forceCast, relations, stream)](#Table+iter) ⇒ <code>AsyncIterator</code> \| <code>Stream</code>
* [.read(limit)](#Table+read) ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;Array&gt;</code> \| <code>Array.&lt;Object&gt;</code>
* [.infer(limit)](#Table+infer) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
* [.save(target, true)](#Table+save)
* _static_
* [.load(source, schema, strict, headers, parserOptions)](#Table.load)[<code>Table</code>](#Table)

#### table.headers ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code>

**Returns**: <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code> - data source headers

#### table.schema ⇒ <code>Schema</code>

**Returns**: <code>Schema</code> - table schema instance

#### table.iter(keyed, extended, cast, forceCast, relations, stream) ⇒ <code>AsyncIterator</code> \| <code>Stream</code>
Iterate through the table data

And emits rows cast based on table schema (async for loop).
With a `stream` flag instead of async iterator a Node stream will be returned.
Data casting can be disabled.

**Returns**: <code>AsyncIterator</code> \| <code>Stream</code> - async iterator/stream of rows:
- `[value1, value2]` - base
- `{header1: value1, header2: value2}` - keyed
- `[rowNumber, [header1, header2], [value1, value2]]` - extended

- <code>TableSchemaError</code> raises any error occurred in this process

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| keyed | <code>boolean</code> | iter keyed rows |
| extended | <code>boolean</code> | iter extended rows |
| cast | <code>boolean</code> | disable data casting if false |
| forceCast | <code>boolean</code> | instead of raising on the first row with cast error return an error object to replace failed row. It will allow to iterate over the whole data file even if it's not compliant to the schema. Example of output stream: `[['val1', 'val2'], TableSchemaError, ['val3', 'val4'], ...]` |
| relations | <code>Object</code> | object of foreign key references in a form of `{resource1: [{field1: value1, field2: value2}, ...], ...}`. If provided foreign key fields will checked and resolved to its references |
| stream | <code>boolean</code> | return Node Readable Stream of table rows |

#### ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;Array&gt;</code> \| <code>Array.&lt;Object&gt;</code>
Read the table data into memory

> The API is the same as `table.iter` has except for:
**Returns**: <code>Array.&lt;Array&gt;</code> \| <code>Array.&lt;Object&gt;</code> - list of rows:
- `[value1, value2]` - base
- `{header1: value1, header2: value2}` - keyed
- `[rowNumber, [header1, header2], [value1, value2]]` - extended

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| limit | <code>integer</code> | limit of rows to read |

#### table.infer(limit) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
Infer a schema for the table.

It will infer and set Table Schema to `table.schema` based on table data.

**Returns**: <code>Object</code> - Table Schema descriptor

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| limit | <code>number</code> | limit rows sample size |

####, true)
Save data source to file locally in CSV format with `,` (comma) delimiter


- <code>TableSchemaError</code> an error if there is saving problem

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| target | <code>string</code> | path where to save a table data |
| true | <code>Boolean</code> | on success |

#### Table.load(source, schema, strict, headers, parserOptions) ⇒ [<code>Table</code>](#Table)
Factory method to instantiate `Table` class.

This method is async and it should be used with await keyword or as a `Promise`.
If `references` argument is provided foreign keys will be checked
on any reading operation.

**Returns**: [<code>Table</code>](#Table) - data table class instance

- <code>TableSchemaError</code> raises any error occurred in table creation process

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| source | <code>string</code> \| <code>Array.&lt;Array&gt;</code> \| <code>Stream</code> \| <code>function</code> | data source (one of): - local CSV file (path) - remote CSV file (url) - array of arrays representing the rows - readable stream with CSV file contents - function returning readable stream with CSV file contents |
| schema | <code>string</code> \| <code>Object</code> | data schema in all forms supported by `Schema` class |
| strict | <code>boolean</code> | strictness option to pass to `Schema` constructor |
| headers | <code>number</code> \| <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code> | data source headers (one of): - row number containing headers (`source` should contain headers rows) - array of headers (`source` should NOT contain headers rows) |
| parserOptions | <code>Object</code> | options to be used by CSV parser. All options listed at <>. By default `ltrim` is true according to the CSV Dialect spec. |

## Legacy API Reference

#### `async Table.load(source[, {schema, strict=false, headers=1, ...parserOptions}])`

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
"mocha": "^6.2.1",
"mocha-lcov-reporter": "^1.2.0",
"nyc": "^14.1.1",
"referencer": "^0.2.3",
"sinon": "^2.1.0",
"sinon-chai": "^2.9.0",
"superagent-mock": "^3.7.0",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const {Table} = require('./table')
const { Table } = require('./table')
const {Schema} = require('./schema')
const {Field} = require('./field')
const {validate} = require('./validate')
Expand Down
89 changes: 81 additions & 8 deletions src/table.js
Expand Up @@ -19,12 +19,38 @@ const config = require('./config')

// Module API

* Table representation
class Table {

// Public

* Factory method to instantiate `Table` class.
* This method is async and it should be used with await keyword or as a `Promise`.
* If `references` argument is provided foreign keys will be checked
* on any reading operation.
* @param {(string|Array[]|Stream|Function)} source - data source (one of):
* - local CSV file (path)
* - remote CSV file (url)
* - array of arrays representing the rows
* - readable stream with CSV file contents
* - function returning readable stream with CSV file contents
* @param {(string|Object)} schema - data schema
* in all forms supported by `Schema` class
* @param {boolean} strict - strictness option to pass to `Schema` constructor
* @param {(number|string[])} headers - data source headers (one of):
* - row number containing headers (`source` should contain headers rows)
* - array of headers (`source` should NOT contain headers rows)
* @param {Object} parserOptions - options to be used by CSV parser.
* All options listed at <>.
* By default `ltrim` is true according to the CSV Dialect spec.
* @throws {TableSchemaError} raises any error occurred in table creation process
* @returns {Table} data table class instance
static async load(source, {
Expand All @@ -44,21 +70,48 @@ class Table {

* Headers
* @returns {string[]} data source headers
get headers() {
return this._headers

* Schema
* @returns {Schema} table schema instance
get schema() {
return this._schema

* Iterate through the table data
* And emits rows cast based on table schema (async for loop).
* With a `stream` flag instead of async iterator a Node stream will be returned.
* Data casting can be disabled.
* @param {boolean} keyed - iter keyed rows
* @param {boolean} extended - iter extended rows
* @param {boolean} cast - disable data casting if false
* @param {boolean} forceCast - instead of raising on the first row with cast error
* return an error object to replace failed row. It will allow
* to iterate over the whole data file even if it's not compliant to the schema.
* Example of output stream:
* `[['val1', 'val2'], TableSchemaError, ['val3', 'val4'], ...]`
* @param {Object} relations - object of foreign key references in a form of
* `{resource1: [{field1: value1, field2: value2}, ...], ...}`.
* If provided foreign key fields will checked and resolved to its references
* @param {boolean} stream - return Node Readable Stream of table rows
* @throws {TableSchemaError} raises any error occurred in this process
* @returns {(AsyncIterator|Stream)} async iterator/stream of rows:
* - `[value1, value2]` - base
* - `{header1: value1, header2: value2}` - keyed
* - `[rowNumber, [header1, header2], [value1, value2]]` - extended
async iter({keyed, extended, cast=true, relations=false, stream=false, forceCast=false}={}) {
const source = this._source
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +229,16 @@ class Table {

* Read the table data into memory
* > The API is the same as `table.iter` has except for:
* @param {integer} limit - limit of rows to read
* @returns {(Array[]|Object[])} list of rows:
* - `[value1, value2]` - base
* - `{header1: value1, header2: value2}` - keyed
* - `[rowNumber, [header1, header2], [value1, value2]]` - extended
async read({keyed, extended, cast=true, relations=false, limit, forceCast=false}={}) {

Expand All @@ -196,7 +258,13 @@ class Table {

* Infer a schema for the table.
* It will infer and set Table Schema to `table.schema` based on table data.
* @param {number} limit - limit rows sample size
* @returns {Object} Table Schema descriptor
async infer({limit=100}={}) {
if (!this._schema || !this._headers) {
Expand All @@ -216,7 +284,11 @@ class Table {

* Save data source to file locally in CSV format with `,` (comma) delimiter
* @param {string} target - path where to save a table data
* @throws {TableSchemaError} an error if there is saving problem
* @param {Boolean} true on success
async save(target) {
const rowStream = await this.iter({keyed: true, stream: true})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,14 +390,15 @@ async function createRowStream(source, encoding, parserOptions) {

* @ignore
* Detects the CSV delimiter, updating the received `csvParser` options.
* It will use the first chunk to detect the CSV delimiter, and update it on
* `csvParser.options.delimiter`. After this is finished, no further processing
* will be done.
* @param {module:csv/parse} csvParser - The csv.parse() instance
* @return {module:stream/PassThrough}
* @returns {module:stream/PassThrough}
function createCsvDelimiterDetector(csvParser) {
const detector = PassThrough()
Expand Down

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