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legastero edited this page Aug 5, 2011 · 6 revisions

Q: I'm using Openfire, and I can't connect! Why is your library broken?

A: After creating your ClientXMPP instance (in this example,"xmpp"), set xmpp.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3

Q: I'm not getting subscription events and/or auto_subscribe=True isn't working! What gives, SleekXMPP dudes?

A: In the XMPP RFCs, you will not get roster notifications or presence subscription stanzas from the server unless you retrieve the roster first! Try get_roster() on the session_start event like the examples do.

Q: Where is your documentation? Why isn't this thing documented at all?!

A: Ok, we get it, the Wiki is a bit sparse. But have you looked at the code? It's all well documented inline, plus the examples! We're working on making this all browse-able for the 1.0 release, plus more wiki documents.