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Gemini Applications

friznit edited this page Mar 26, 2022 · 16 revisions

Bridging the gap between Hermes (Mercury) and Kane (Apollo), the Leo (Gemini) Command Pod introduces a number of innovations including a docking port and a service module that also serves as an adapter for the Titan II Gemini Launch Vehicle.


The Gemini Reentry Module has an accompanying Service Adapter Module which includes an Equipment Module and an Orbital Attitude Manoeuvre System. The Gemini Launch Vehicle is a modified Titan II missile. The Reentry Module was fitted with ejection seats in place of a Launch Escape System.


Gemini-Agena Target Vehicle was launched atop an Atlas-Agena LV-3A to practice orbital space rendezvous and docking in preparation for the Apollo missions.

front_Gemini-Agena Target Vehicle_1

Advanced Gemini proposed a number of extensions to the programme including manned orbital, cislunar and lunar landing missions as a cheaper and quicker alternative to Apollo. A number of approaches were considered, including a Earth Orbital Rendezvous with a stacked Agena and Centaur.


Another proposal involved a Lunar Orbit Rendezvous with a lightweight lander launched previously on a Saturn C-3. The BDB "Dona" lander is a representation of the Gemini Lander concept.


A 1962 study considered various options for a modular Gemini Space Station launched on Titan GLV or Titan III and assembled in orbit.

front_Gemini Space Station Prog C_1

Gemini Ferry was a conceptual design to transport crew and cargo to NASA and USAF space stations.


A McDonnell Douglas proposal aimed to shuttle crew and cargo to space stations planned by the Apollo Applications Project (AAP) using a "Big Gemini". Two baseline Big G spacecraft were outlined: a nine-man minimum modification version of Gemini B called Min-Mod Big G and a 12-man Advanced Big G. Outwardly similar, they were designed for launch on the USAF Titan IIIG or IIIM. An alternative conical configuration was designed to mate with the S-IVB upper stage of a Saturn INT-20 (use the tag "B1G" in the parts search and the round Sarnus-SIVB-BLAM Lunar Adapter base with the Big G node configuration to interface with the S-IVB Instrument Unit).

Gemini Big G

Titan IIIM Adv Big G 69 and Ferry

Titan IIID Gemini Ferry & Titan IIIM Advanced Big G

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