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friznit edited this page Aug 10, 2022 · 32 revisions


The Restone (BDB Etoh) family of rockets were derived from the PGM-11 ballistic missile. Jupiter-A and -C were sounding rockets use to test components and early re-entry vehicles. Juno 1, a derivative of Jupiter-C, launched Explorer 1, the first US orbital satellite in 1958. Sparta launched from the Woomera Test Range in Australia as part of a joint US-UK-AUS research programme in 1966. Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle (MRLV) carried the first US astronauts into space in 1961.


Jupiter A

Tags: Etoh


Launch Vehicle First Stage Second Stage Third Stage
Jupiter-A Etoh-1400 Vincenza
Jupiter-C / Juno I Etoh-1400+Etoh 400
SPARTA Etoh-1400 Staara-31-III Staara-10-LYC
Mercury-Redstone Etoh-1400+Etoh-400 Hermes Crew Capsule

Basic Build Guide

Instructions for how to build the Mercury pod can be found in Crew Modules. Attach the fins to the base of the rocket individually and then match up the paint scheme with the engine mount. Juno I's spin table functionality requires the Dock Rotate mod.


Juno I (Jupiter-C derived) & Mercury Redstone Launch Vehicle



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