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Add analytics to your laravel applications


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Add analytics to your Laravel application

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Add the ability to associate analytics to your Laravel Eloquent models.

$post = Post::find(1);

event(new Viewed($post))


You can install the package via composer:

composer require starfolksoftware/analytics

The package will automatically register itself.

You can publish the migration with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="StarfolkSoftware\Analytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

After the migration has been published you can create the media-table by running the migrations:

php artisan migrate

You can publish the config-file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="StarfolkSoftware\Analytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider" --tag="config"

To register the Viewed event, CaptureView and CaptureVisit listeners, edit your EventServiceProvider as in the following:

   * The event listener mappings for the application.
   * @var array
  protected $listen = [
    'StarfolkSoftware\Analytics\Events\Viewed' => [


Registering Models

To let your models be able to have analytics, add the HasViews, HasVisits traits to the model classes.

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use StarfolkSoftware\Analytics\Traits\{HasViews, HasVisits};

class Post extends Model
  use HasViews, HasVisits;


To trigger the viewed event on your model, you can call the event() helper method. It receives the intance of the Viewed.

$post = Post::find(1);

event(new Viewed($post))

This event triggers the CaptureView and CaptureVisit listeners.

Retrieving Analytics

The models that use the HasViews and HasVisits traits have access to it's analytics using the views and visits relations respectively:

$post = Post::find(1);

// Retrieve
$views = $post->views;
$visits = $post->visits;


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.