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Mengikis data dari Instagram tanpa mendaftar ke API yang diautentikasi. By FRM Developer dari scraper-instagram

Getting started


  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • Yarn


DARI npm

masukkan tulisan dibawah ke package.json
"scrape-insta": "latest"

atau ketik di terminal / command prompt

npm install scrape-insta

Variabel lingkungan opsional untuk pengujian yang lebih lengkap:

  • SESSION_ID : ID sesi untuk uji autentikasi dan uji autentikasi
  • PUBLIC_PROFILE : profil publik untuk diakses
  • PRIVATE_PROFILE : profil pribadi untuk diakses
  • STORY_PROFILE_ID : ID profil dengan cerita untuk dibaca
  • STORY_PROFILE_USERNAME : nama pengguna profil dengan cerita untuk dibaca
  • HASHTAG (default value : cat) : tagar untuk diambil
  • LOCATION_ID (default value : 6889842 aka. Paris) : lokasi untuk diambil
  • POST : sebuah pos untuk diambil
  • SEARCH_PROFILE : profil untuk dicari
  • SEARCH_HASHTAG (default value : cats) : hashtag untuk mencari
  • SEARCH_LOCATION (default value : Paris) : lokasi untuk mencari

Metode yang tidak tercakup oleh tes:

  • subscribeUserPosts
  • subscribeHashtagPosts
  • subscribeAccountNotifications


const Insta = require('scrape-insta');
const InstaClient = new Insta();


Otentikasi memungkinkan Anda untuk mengakses profil pribadi selama Anda mengikuti mereka.

Mengimpor ID sesi Anda dengan desktop
  • Buka
  • Login (jika belum login)
  • Open development tools (Ctrl + Shift + I)
  • Ambil sessionid cookie value
    • Untuk browser berbasis chromium : application tab
    • Untuk browser berbasis firefox : storage tab
Mengimpor ID sesi Anda dengan Android
  • Buka di browser
  • Login (jika belum login)
  • Buka aplikasi HTTP Canary dan aktifkan pemantauan
  • Buka browser dan kunjungi
  • Buka HTTP Canary dan hentikan pemantauan
  • Cari di http canary dan cari cookie
	.then(account => console.log(account))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));

Jika otentikasi berhasil, Anda akan mendapatkan data formulir dari accounts/edit :

	"first_name": "",
	"last_name": "",
	"email": "",
	"is_email_confirmed": true,
	"is_phone_confirmed": true,
	"username": "",
	"phone_number": "",
	"gender": 1,
	"birthday": null,
	"biography": "",
	"external_url": "",
	"chaining_enabled": true,
	"presence_disabled": false,
	"business_account": false,
	"usertag_review_enabled": false

Jika ID sesi Anda tidak valid, Anda akan mendapatkan 401 error.

Otentikasi nama pengguna/kata sandi mungkin didukung di masa mendatang.


Metode ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan elemen tertentu dari Instagram sementara Anda tahu persis apa yang Anda cari.

Errors handling

get dapat mengembalikan kesalahan dalam dua kasus berikut.

  • Request error : failed to get data from Instagram (HTTP code)
  • Parsing error : failed to parse data returned by Instagram (406)
  • No content : nothing to parse (204)
  • Authentication required : session ID required to access data (401)
  • Too many requests : rate limit exceeded (429)
  • Conflict : automation detected, password reset required (409)
Dapatkan profil berdasarkan nama pengguna
	.then(profile => console.log(profile))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));


  • id string - Instagram identifier, only used for stories
  • name string - public full name
  • pic url - public profile picture
  • bio string - public biography
    website url - public website
    more info about bio & website
  • private boolean - account private state
  • access boolean - access to the profile's feed
    In order to have access to a private account's feed, you must have sent him a follow request that he accepted.
  • verified boolean - account verified state
  • followers integer - number of users following this profile
  • following integer - number of users this profile follows
  • posts integer - number of posts this profile published
  • lastPosts array of posts - last posts
    This property is empty ([]) when the profile doesn't have any post but null if access is false (denied).
  • link url - link to the profile's page
  • business string - business category (when applicable and profile unblocked)
  • user object - user relevant properties (while authenticated) :
    • mutualFollowers array of usernames - people following you and this profile
    • blocking boolean - you blocked this profile
    • blocked boolean - this profile blocked you (only available property in user while true)
    • requesting boolean - you sent a follow request to this profile (if private)
    • requested boolean - this profile sent you a follow request (if yours is private)
    • following boolean - you're following this profile
    • followed boolean - this profile follows you
Get profile story (requires authentication)
Using profile ID
    .then(profile => console.log(profile))
    	.catch(err => console.error(err));
Using profile username (will automatically request profile ID)
    .then(profile => console.log(profile))
    	.catch(err => console.error(err));
  • unread boolean - profile story is unread
  • author object - a subset of profile
    • username
    • pic
  • user object - user relevant properties
    • requesting
    • following
  • items array of stories - profile stories
    • url string - link to original story file (jpg, mp4, ...)
    • type string - story type : photo or video
    • timestamp epoch
    • expirationTimestamp epoch

Those methods will return null when a profile has no story.

Note : calling this method will not mark the story as read.

Get hashtag
	.then(hashtag => console.log(hashtag))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));


  • pic url - hashtag profile pic (can't find out how it is chosen)
  • posts integer - number of posts containing this hashtag
  • featuredPosts array of posts - featured posts published with this hashtag
    lastPosts array of posts - last posts published with this hashtag
    more info about hashtag posts
  • link url - link to the hashtag's page
  • user object - user relevant properties (while authenticated) :
    • following boolean - you subscribed to this hashtag (receiving posts in your personal feed)
Get location by ID

Unfortunately, using IDs is currently the only way to get a location, at least for now.

	.then(location => console.log(location))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));


  • pic url - location profile pic
  • posts integer - posts published from that location
  • address object
    • street string
    • zipCode string
    • city string
    • latitude float
    • longitude float
  • website url - place's website
  • phone string - place's contact phone number
  • featuredPosts array of posts - featured posts published from this location
    lastPosts array of posts - last posts published from this location
  • link url - link to this location's page
Array of posts

This is a subset of a real post, containing the following properties :

  • shortcode string - post identifier
  • caption string - post description
  • comments integer - number of comments
  • likes integer - number of likes
  • thumbnail url - post thumbnail
    Always static image wether it's a photo or a video post, lower quality.
Get post by shortcode

The shortcode is the post's identifier : the link to a post is

	.then(post => console.log(post))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));


  • author object - a subset of a profile's properties.
    • username string
    • name string
    • pic url
    • verified boolean
    • link url
  • location
    • name string
    • city string
  • contents array of posts
    • type string - post type : photo or video
    • url string - link to original post file (jpg, mp4, ...)
    • if type is video :
      thumbnail string - link to thumbnail
      views integer - number of views
  • tagged array of usernames - people tagged in post contents
  • likes integer - number of likes
  • caption string - post description
  • hashtags array of hashtags - hashtags mentioned in post description
  • mentions array of usernames - people mentioned in post description
  • edited boolean - caption edited
  • comments array of objects (Max 40)
    • user string - comment author's username
    • content string - comment content
    • timestamp epoch
    • hashtags array of hashtags
    • mentions array of usernames
    • likes integer
  • commentCount integer
  • timestamp epoch
  • link string - link to the post

Paginated getters (require authentication)

Paginated getters allows bulk data downloads.

Params :

  • maxCount integer - max number of items to return
  • pageId string (optional) - page navigation identifier

Result : array + nextPageId property

Sample :

(async () => {
	const page0 = await somePaginatedGetter(someId, 50);
	const page1 = await somePaginatedGetter(someId, 50, page0.nextPageId);
	const page2 = await somePaginatedGetter(someId, 50, page1.nextPageId);

The pageId/nextPageId property may contain a string of digits, a base64 string, or a JSON string, but always must be leaved untouched.

Get profile posts

Result in array : full post object

Using profile ID
InstaClient.getProfilePostsById(profileId, maxCount, pageId)
    .then(posts => console.log(posts))
    	.catch(err => console.error(err));
Using profile username (will automatically request profile ID)
InstaClient.getProfilePosts(profileUsername, maxCount, pageId)
    .then(posts => console.log(posts))
    	.catch(err => console.error(err));
Get post comments
InstaClient.getPostComments(shortcode, maxCount, pageId)
	.then(posts => console.log(posts))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));

Result in array : comment object

Get hashtag posts
InstaClient.getHashtagPosts(hashtag, maxCount, pageId)
	.then(posts => console.log(posts))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));

Result in array : partial post object

Get location posts
InstaClient.getLocationPostsById(locationId, maxCount, pageId)
	.then(posts => console.log(posts))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));

Result in array : partial post object


Search profile
	.then(profiles => console.log(profiles))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));

Result in array : a subset of profile.

  • username
  • name
  • pic
  • private
  • verified
  • followers
  • user
    • following
Search hashtag
	.then(hashtags => console.log(hashtags))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));

Result in array : a subset of hashtag.

  • name
  • posts
Search location
	.then(locations => console.log(locations))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));

Result in array : a subset of location.

  • id
  • name
  • address
    • street
    • city
    • latitude
    • longitude

Subscribe to posts

  • options object (optional)
    • interval integer (optional) - time in seconds between requests. Default : 30
    • lastPostShortcode string (optional) - shortcode from which to begin if not the next one to be published.
    • fullPosts boolean (optional) - fetch full post data, additional request required
From user
InstaClient.subscribeUserPosts(username, (post, err) => {
}, {
From hashtag
InstaClient.subscribeHashtagPosts(hashtag, (post, err) => {
}, {

Account requests (user-relevant methods)

Get account notifications
	.then(notifications => console.log(notifications))
	.catch(err => console.error(err));

Result in array : notification

  • id string - Notification identifier
  • timestamp epoch
  • type string - Notification type : like, mention, comment, follow
  • post
    • shortcode
    • thumbnail
  • by
    • username
    • name
    • pic
  • content string - Comment content (when applicable)
Subscribe to account notifications
  • options object (optional)
    • interval integer (optional) - time in seconds between requests. Default : 30
    • lastNotificationId string (optional) - Notification ID
InstaClient.subscribeAccountNotifications((post, err) => {
}, {
Get account stories
    .then(stories => console.log(stories))
    .catch(err => console.error(err));

Result in array : inbox-like

  • unread
  • author object - a subset of a profile's properties.
    • id
    • username
    • pic
  • user object - user relevant properties
    • requesting
    • following


  • 1.0.0 (2019-03-26) • Initial release
  • 1.0.1 (2019-03-27)
    • Fixed throw error scope
    • Fixed single photo post wrongly structured
    • Added support for comments
    • Added support for hashtags, mentions and tags in posts and comments
    • Added posts subscriptions feature from users (untested) and hashtags
  • 1.0.2 (2019-03-27) • Added support for videos
  • 1.0.4 (2019-03-27)
    • Fixed video post thumbnail & views count
    • Using promises & observable
  • 1.0.5 (2019-03-27) • Added proper error for private accounts
  • 1.0.6 (2019-03-31) • Private account access doesn't require mutual follow
  • 1.0.7 (2019-04-03) • Added profile's last posts analytics #1 + more
  • 1.0.8 (2019-04-14)
    • Using classes
    • Added support for authentication using session cookie (only allows to access friend profile)
    • Added support for locations
    • Added search feature for profiles, hashtags & locations
    • Added user-relevant properties
    • Added support for notifications history & subscription
    • Fixed subscriptions since #1
    • Removed useless id properties
  • 1.0.9
    • Added business property to profile (when applicable)
    • Automatically access public profile anonymously when user blocked
  • 1.0.10 (2020-01-26) • Fixed post comments on anonymous session
  • 1.0.11 (2020-04-18)
    • Improved subscriptions
      • Using async/await
      • Using simple callbacks instead of observables
      • Using object parameter for options
      • Added full post fetching option
      • Added subscription unsubscribe method
    • Improved 401 detection
    • Improved parsing
      • Using RegExp
      • Removed JSDOM dependency
    • Added support for edited post captions
  • 1.0.12 (2020-06-16) • Small fix & refactor
  • 1.0.13 (2020-07-10) • Added support for stories
  • 1.0.14 (2020-10-17) • Fixed access to own private profile
  • 1.0.15 (2020-12-19)
    • Removed Request dependency
    • Improved 429 detection
    • Added unit tests
  • 1.0.16 (2020-12-25)
    • Added full post commentCount property
    • Added partial post timestamp property
    • Added post comment id property
    • Added profile IDs memoization
    • Added getProfilePostsById & getProfilePosts methods
    • Added getPostComments method
    • Added getHashtagPosts method
    • Added getLocationPostsById method
    • Added 409 detection
    • Improved 401 detection
    • Restored full post shortcode property
  • 1.0.17 (2021-01-21)
    • Fixed error on empty profile story
    • Fixed 409 detection
    • Added profile story external link
  • 2.0.0 (202?-??-??)
    • Refactored names
    • Refactored scopes
    • Refactored promises
    • Refactored errors
    • Refactored indents
    • Renamed getLocation to getLocationById
    • Reverse subscribe methods post & error parameters
    • Improved unit tests coverage
    • Added JSDoc
    • Added links to partial post, hashtag & location
    • Fixed post author link









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