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frnkclsst edited this page May 1, 2017 · 17 revisions

An x-axis and an y-axis are shown by default in all chart types, but the pie chart.

You can have maximum 2 axes per axis type. If you have dual axes with a different scale defined, it's important that its name matches the name defined on a serie. Axes will be positioned dynamically based on its size.

"xAxis": {
   "gridlines": "none",
   "labels": {
      "format": "%",
      "rotate": 0
   "name": "Year",
   "orient": "top",
   "tickmarks": true,
   "title": {
      "align": "center",
      "text": "Year"

# [xAxis | yAxis].gridlines

Gridlines are collections of horizontal and/or vertical lines that divide a chart into a grid. This makes it easier for users to read values on the chart.

The gridline can take the following values:

  • "none" - no gridlines are drawn
  • "minor" - not implemented yet
  • "major" - a gridline is drawn on every tickmark

# [xAxis | yAxis].labels.format

# [xAxis | yAxis].labels.rotate

The angle in which the labels should be rotated

# [xAxis | yAxis].name

# [xAxis | yAxis].orient

Specifies the position of the axis.

The following orientations are supported for an x-axis :

  • "top" - horizontal axis with ticks above the domain path
  • "bottom" - horizontal axis with ticks below the domain path - default

The following orientations are supported for an y-axis:

  • "left" - vertical axis with ticks to the left of the domain path - default
  • "right" - vertical axis with ticks to the right of the domain path

If no value is specified for the orient property, the orientation defaults to "bottom".

# [xAxis | yAxis].tickmarks

# xAxis.title.align

Aligns the title of the axis. By default, the title will be centered.

Allowed values are:

  • "left"
  • "center"
  • "right"

# [xAxis | yAxis].title.text

# yAxis.title.valign

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