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Chess Board Single File Include

This repository provides a simple and lightweight chessboard component that can be easily included in your web project with minimal setup. With just one file inclusion and a few lines of code, you can have a fully functional chessboard on your website. Only vanilla JS, HTML and CSS are used. The official FEN notation format is supported.

alt text


A live demo of the chessboard component can be found here.


1. Add a Board Container

Create a div element in your HTML file with the ID and class set to "board":

<div id="board" class="board"></div>

2. Include the JavaScript File

Copy the board.js file from the /include directory into your project. Then, include the file in your HTML using a script tag:

<script src="path/to/board.js"></script>

Initialize the Chessboard

You're now ready to start using the chessboard component. Use the provided JavaScript functions to interact with the board.

Functions Available

  • GAMEMODE: A flag to toggle piece movement. When set to false, piece movement is deactivated. When set to true, piece movement is activated.

  • init(): Initialises the board, GAMEMODE should be set.

  • spawnPiece(piece, square): Spawns a piece of the given type ('K' for king, 'Q' for queen, etc.) and color 'K' or 'k' (Capital letter means white), on the specified square (in long notation, e.g., 'd6').

  • clear(): Clears the board.

  • build(): Builds the standard starting position.

  • movePiece(suqareId, targetSuqareId): Moves a piece from one square to another. If GAMEMODE is true sendControlInstruction(from, to) is called.

  • buildFromPosStr(posStr): Builds the board position from a given position string.

  • buildFromFEN(fen): Builds the board position from a given FEN string.

  • getSuqareOccupation(squareId): Returns a string with letter+Id of the piece, if the suqare is not occupied the return value is an empty string.

  • getPosStr(): Returns a JSON with actual posStr.

  • getLastPosStr(): Returns a JSON with last/previous posStr.

  • getFEN(): Returns a JSON with actual FEN.

  • getLastFEN(): Returns a JSON with last/previous FEN.

  • getStartPositionFEN(): Returns a String with the startpos. FEN.

  • rotateBoard(): Rotates the board.


// Create a board container
<div id="board" class="board"></div>

// Include the chessboard file
<script src="include/board.js"></script>

// Initialize the chessboard
  // Deactivate piece movement
  GAMEMODE = false;

  // Initialise the board (GAMEMODE has  to bne set already)

  // Spawn a white king on square d6
  spawnPiece('K', 'd6');

  // Clear the board

  // Build the standard start position

  // Move a piece from e2 to e4
  movePiece('e2', 'e4');

  // Example position string
  const posStr = `
  r . b q k b n r 
  p p p p . p p p 
  . . n . . . . . 
  . B . . p . . . 
  . . . . P . . . 
  . . . . . N . . 
  P P P P . P P P 
  R N B Q K . . R`;
  // Build position from string

  // Build position from official FEN notation string
  buildFromFEN('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3');

  // Returns actual position string JSON format

  // Returns last/previous position string JSON format

  // Returns actual FEN string JSON format

  // Returns last/previous FEN string JSON format
  function getLastFEN()

  // Rotate the board

  // Activate piece movement
  GAMEMODE = true;
  init(); // <-- Always use init() after GAMEODE change
                 to (re)initialize the eventhandler