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From REST to GraphQL - Meetup

This is a GraphQL example for the GraphQL meetup in Rome.
We are going to use the reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript.

To start the tutorial:

  • clone this repository
  • git checkout 1.0.1

Data model

This is the data model we would like to define:

+----------------------------------+         +----------------------------+         +---------------------+
| QueryType                        |         | ReservationType            |         | HotelType           |
+----------------------------------+         +----------------------------+         +---------------------+
|                                  |         |                            |         |                     |
| reservations: [ReservationType]! +-------> | reservationNumber: ID!     |         | hotelName: String!  |
|                                  |         | checkIn: String!           |         | fullAddress: String |
+----------------------------------+         | checkOut: String!          |         | starRating: Int!    |
                                             | hotel: HotelType!          +-------> |                     |
                                             | status: ReservationStatus! |         +---------------------+
                                             |                            |

GraphQL Schema Definition

Using the GraphQL SDL (i.e. schema definition language), the data model can be described in this way:


Resolvers definition:

Executable schema

Loading the executable schema:

Starting the server

This is the recipe:

...and then start the server with the command: node ./src/index.js

Our first query

First query:

  reservations(userId: 4115) {

Try the first query in the browser.

Introspection query

The GraphQL introspection feature is the ability of exposing information about what queries are supported. Example introspection query:

  __schema {
    types {

Try the GraphQL the introspection query.

This feature leads to really nice features like:

  • Auto documentation: the client knows the exact GraphQL schema.
  • Code generation: the client can use a client generated from the schema.
  • Static validation: the GraphQL client can validate the query before sending it to the server


GraphiQL is a Schema Explorer that use the GraphQL introspection feature.

  • git checkout 1.0.2
  • restart the server and access to GraphiQL

More complex example

Introduce an additional resolver in order to gather hotel data from the HotelService:

  • git checkout 1.0.3