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Release 37.0.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 07 Aug 21:57

This release bring a number of new changes, including a massive enhancement to SemanticClassification types thanks to @cartermp.
From dotnet/fsharp:333eb82c8..d9e070a9d:
now allows for multiple implementations of generic interfaces (preview feature) (thanks @0x53A!)
the default assembly set for script resolution now includes System.Numerics (thanks @KevinRansom)
#r nuget package resolution is now committed eagerly, instead of delayed (thanks @KevinRansom)
reduced allocations for some strings in the compiler (thanks @kerams)
better printing for SRTP constraints (thanks @abelbraaksma/@realvictorprm)
more expressive DUs for semantic classification (thanks @cartermp)
remove legacymsbuildreferenceresolver (thanks @kevinrandom)
supply witnesses for op_UnaryPlus (thanks @TIHan)
clean up CE classifications (thanks @cartermp)
Fixed tostring/equality for StringText (thanks @deviousasti)
Fixed error text for FS0874
Disallow assignment to C# Const/Readonly properties (thanks @baronfel)
Allow Int64.MinValue as a valid nativeint literal (thanks @abelbraaksma)
Enhancements to the nameof feature (preview feature)
String interpolation (preview feature)