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Harro Verton edited this page Apr 12, 2016 · 10 revisions

Steps to execute when releasing a new version of FuelPHP

Github activities:

  1. Go through all code, and remove everything marked as deprecated for the new version. If not marked with a version or not removed, mark it for removal in the next version.
  2. Run all unit tests defined on the current develop branch, validate and make corrections if needed.
  3. Create the changelog, or complete it, based on the commit logs.
  4. Branch the current develop to master for all framework repo's (fuel, core, docs, auth, oil, orm, email, parser).
  5. Add the changelog to fuel/fuel in the new master repo.
  6. Add the new version to the docs download page.
  7. Remove the '-dev' suffix from the Fuel::$version and the Docs version number in master.
  8. Tag the new version.
  9. Create a fuelphp-version zip file from master, and upload it to the website.
  10. Branch the current develop to the new develop, make the new develop repo's current.
  11. Bump the Fuel::$version and the Docs version number.

Minor release updates:

  1. Steps 1 to 3 as above.
  2. Merge the current develop back into the latest master.
  3. Change the dependencies in the composer back from "dev-1.x/develop" to "1.x.*" see
  4. Steps 6 to 11 as above.

website activities:

  1. Create a new blog post for the new release.
  2. Verify and update contributer info on the about page.
  3. Check and update the features page if needed.
  4. Update and
  5. Bump the current release version in Pyro variables, and update the link to the zip.
  6. Make the release blog page public and announce it to the world!
  7. Send out a tweet...