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Markdown Toolbar

Gem Version

Markdown Toolbar is an lightweight helper buttons that appear over textarea


Try a demonstration

(Wait for load, as the heroku instance that serves demo is probably sleeping now, so it takes time for it to wake up)


Rails 4.1+

Use version 1.0.0, add to Gemfile:

gem "markdown-toolbar", "~> 1.0"

Rails 3 and before 4.1

use version 0.2.4, add to Gemfile

gem "markdown-toolbar", "~> 0.2.4"

And run the bundle command.

Getting Started

Markdown Toolbar requires you to add such lines to your application.js

//= require markdown-toolbar

and to application.css

*= require markdown-toolbar

Then you can add toolbar to any textarea by adding a class markdown-toolbar to it

<%= f.text_area :text, :class => "markdown-toolbar" %>

Alternatively, if you dynamicly create textareas, you can assign markdown toolbar in javascript by creating new instance of MarkdwonToolbar, with a textarea element as argument:

new MarkdownToolbar($("#some_textarea"));


You can customize order, remove or add new buttons by copying markdown-toolbar-buttons.js file into your project. There is a rails generator to do it:

rails generate markdown_toolbar:copy_buttons

To customize stylesheet run:

rails generate markdown_toolbar:copy_css


Markdown Toolbar is released under the MIT License.