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Trigger API Reference DCEI Functions Lighting0

BlackTower edited this page Aug 15, 2022 · 9 revisions
Table of Contents
- [Trigger API Reference\DCEI Functions\Lighting](#trigger-api-referencedcei-functionslighting) * [void SetCustomLightColor(string name, ColorRGB color, float duration)](#void-setcustomlightcolorstring-name-colorrgb-color-float-duration) * [void SetCustomLightColorRGB(string name, ColorRGB color, float duration)](#void-setcustomlightcolorrgbstring-name-colorrgb-color-float-duration) * [void SetCustomLightIntensity(string name, float intensity, float duration)](#void-setcustomlightintensitystring-name-float-intensity-float-duration) * [void SetCustomLightPosition(string name, Float3 position, float duration)](#void-setcustomlightpositionstring-name-float3-position-float-duration) * [ColorRGB GetCustomLightColor(string name)](#colorrgb-getcustomlightcolorstring-name) * [ColorRGB GetCustomLightColorRGB(string name)](#colorrgb-getcustomlightcolorrgbstring-name)

Trigger API Reference\DCEI Functions\Lighting {Trigger-API-ReferenceDCEI-FunctionsLighting}

void SetCustomLightColor(string name, ColorRGB color, float duration) {void-SetCustomLightColorstring-name-ColorRGB-color-float-duration}

void SetCustomLightColor(string name, ColorRGB color, float duration)


Change a custom light's color gradually over duration time.


  • string name the name of the light.
  • ColorRGBA color the RGBA values for the line.
  • float duration the duration of this change.

Example Usage

DCEI.SetCustomLight("fire_light", {r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0, a = 0.5}, 1)

void SetCustomLightColorRGB(string name, ColorRGB color, float duration) {void-SetCustomLightColorRGBstring-name-ColorRGB-color-float-duration}

void SetCustomLightColorRGB(string name, ColorRGB color, float duration)


Change a custom light's color gradually over duration time.


  • string name the name of the light.
  • ColorRGBA color the RGBA values for the line.
  • float duration the duration of this change.

Example Usage

DCEI.SetCustomLightColorRGB("fire_light", {r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0, a = 0.5}, 1)

void SetCustomLightIntensity(string name, float intensity, float duration) {void-SetCustomLightIntensitystring-name-float-intensity-float-duration}

void SetCustomLightIntensity(string name, float intensity, float duration)


Change a custom light's intensity gradually over duration time.


  • string name the name of the light.
  • float intensity thew new intensity of the light.
  • float duration the duration of this change.

Example Usage

DCEI.SetCustomLightColorRGB("fire_light", 8, 1)

void SetCustomLightPosition(string name, Float3 position, float duration) {void-SetCustomLightPositionstring-name-Float3-position-float-duration}

void SetCustomLightPosition(string name, Float3 position, float duration)


Change a custom light's position gradually over duration time.


  • string name the name of the light.
  • Float3 position the position of the light.
  • float duration the duration of this change.

Example Usage

DCEI.SetCustomLightColorRGB("fire_light", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 15}, 1)

ColorRGB GetCustomLightColor(string name) {ColorRGB-GetCustomLightColorstring-name}

ColorRGB GetCustomLightColor(string name)


Get the current RGB value of the light.


  • string name the name of the light.

Example Usage


ColorRGB GetCustomLightColorRGB(string name) {ColorRGB-GetCustomLightColorRGBstring-name}

ColorRGB GetCustomLightColorRGB(string name)


Get the current RGB value of the light.


  • string name the name of the light.

Example Usage


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