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The node-enocean-ble monitors and parses telegrams coming from EnOcean BLE devices (rocker wall switch and multisensor). This module supports telegram authentication based on AES128 in CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC) mode and replayed telegram detection.


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The node-enocean-ble monitors and parses telegrams coming from EnOcean BLE devices (rocker wall switch and multisensor). This module supports telegram authentication based on AES128 in CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC) mode and replayed telegram detection.

Supported OS

The node-enocean-ble supports only Linux-based OSes, such as Raspbian, Ubuntu, and so on. This module does not support Windows and Mac OS for now. (If @abandonware/noble is installed properly, this module might work well on such OSes.)


See the document of the @abandonware/noble for details on installing the @abandonware/noble.

Note that the noble must be run as root on most of Linux environments. See the document of the @abandonware/noble for details.


Before installing the @abandonware/noble, some linux libraries related Bluetooth as follows must be installed if the OS is Ubuntu/Debian/Raspberry OS.

$ sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev

If you use other OS, follow the instructions described in the document of the @abandonware/noble.

After installing the libraries above, install the @abandonware/noble and the node-enocean-ble (this module) as follows:

$ cd ~
$ npm install @abandonware/noble
$ npm install node-enocean-ble

Table of Contents

Commissioning is a process that the receiver (in this document, it is the node-enocean-ble) learns the EnOcean BLE devices. For commissioning, you need to obtain commissioning data from your EnOcean BLE device. The commissioning data consists of 3 components:

  • Source address
  • Security key
  • Ordering code

In order to complete commissioning, all components above are required. The EnOcean BLE devices support 3 ways to obtain the commissioning data:

QR code commissioning

A QR code are printed in the back side of each EnOcean BLE device. You can read the QR code using a QR code reader app installed on your smartphone. The commissioning data is as follows:


See the description of the commission() method for more details.

NFC commissioning

The multisensor products support NFC commissioning. Installing a NFC reader app on your smartphone, you can read the commissioning data touching the device with your smartphone. The commissioning data is as follows:


See the description of the commission() method for more details.

Radio-based commissioning

The multisensor products have a LRN button. Pressing the button, a commissioning telegram is sent as a BLE advertising packet. The ndoe-enocean-ble supports such telegram, you can monitor and obtain the commissioning data.

But commissioning telegram contains only the source address and security key. In order to complete commissioning, you need to know the ordering code in advance. The ordering code is printed in the back side of the device.

See the description of the addCommission() method for more details.

In order to monitor telegrams, load the node-enocean-ble, register your EnOcean BLE devices, set a callback for incoming telegrams, and start to monitor.

// Load the node-enocean-ble and get a `EnoceanBle` constructor object
const EnoceanBle = require('node-enocean-ble');
// Create an `EnoceanBle` object
const enocean = new EnoceanBle();

// Commissioning (Easyfit Double Rocker Wall Switch)
// Commissioning (STM 550B Multisensor Module)

// Set a callback for incoming telegrams
enocean.ondata = (telegram) => {

// Start to monitor telegrams
enocean.start().then(() => {
  // Successfully started to monitor telegrams
}).catch((error) => {
  // Failed to start to monitor telegrams

When a telegram is received from the rocker wall switch, the code above will output the parsed telegram data as follows:

  address: 'e21500012345',
  manufacturer: '03da',
  sequence: 1435,
  type: 'button',
  data: { button: 'B0', pressed: true },
  signature: '6daea9f1',
  authenticated: true,
  replayed: false

When a telegram is received from the multisensor, the code above will output the parsed telegram data as follows:

  address: 'e50010012345',
  manufacturer: '03da',
  sequence: 47577,
  type: 'sensor',
  data: {
    temperature: 27.8,
    humidity: 66.5,
    illumination: 326,
    acceleration: {
      status: 3,
      description: 'Sensor disabled',
      x: 2.86,
      y: 3.57,
      z: 3.58
    contact: false,
    voltage: 3222
  signature: '10e650c8',
  authenticated: true,
  replayed: false

See the section "Telegram objects" for the details.

In order to use the node-enocean-ble, you have to load the node-enocean-ble module as follows:

const EnoceanBle = require('node-enocean-ble');

You can get an EnoceanBle constructor from the code above. Then you have to create an EnoceanBle object from the EnoceanBle constructor as follows:

const enocean = new EnoceanBle();

The EnoceanBle constructor takes an argument optionally. It must be a hash object containing the properties as follows:

Property Type Required Description
noble Noble option a Noble object of the @abandonware/noble module

The node-enocean-ble module uses the @abandonware/noble module in order to interact with BLE devices. If you want to interact other BLE devices using the @abandonware/noble module, you can create a Noble object by yourself, then pass it to this module. If you don't specify a Noble object to the noble property, this module automatically create a Noble object internally.

The sample code below shows how to pass a Noble object to the EnoceanBle constructor.

// Create a Noble object
const noble = require('@abandonware/noble');

// Create an `EnoceanBle` object
const EnoceanBle = require('../lib/enocean-ble.js');
const enocean = new EnoceanBle({ 'noble': noble });

In the code snippet above, the variable enocean is an EnoceanBle object. The enocean object has a lot of methods as described in sections below.

The commission() method registers an EnOcean BLE device using commissioning data string from QR code or NFC. This method takes a commissioning data.

let cdata = enocean.commission('30SE21500012345+Z38C1D339863D7F8D0000000000000000+30PE8221-A280+2PDC03+S07000001');

This method returns an object representing the commissioning data parsed the commissioning data string:

  address: 'e21500012345',
  securityKey: '38c1d339863d7f8d0000000000000000',
  orderingCode: 'E8221-A280',
  stepCodeRevision: 'DC-03',
  serial: '07000001'

The structure of the commissioning data object is as follows:

Property Type Description
address String Source Address
securityKey String Security Key
orderingCode String Ordering Code
stepCodeRevision String Step Code - Revision
serial String Serial Number

If a commissioning data string from NFC is passed to this method, the value of the serial will be an empty string.

If the address in the specified commissioning data string has been already registered, the old one will be replaced by the new one.

The addCommission() method registers an EnOcean BLE device manually. This method takes an object containing commissioning data as follows:

Property Type Required Description
cdata Object Required
    address String Required Source address
    securityKey String Required AES128 security key
    orderingCode String Required Ordering code

The address and securityKey must be specified in hexadecimal representation. They are not case-sensitive.

This method is mainly used when you obtain the commissioning data from a commissioning telegram (Radio-based commissioning). The telegram contains the source address and security key, but the ordering code. You can see the ordering code on the back side of the device.

The supported ordering codes are shown in the section "Supported EnOcean BLE devices".

let cdata = enocean.addCommission({
  address: 'E21500012345',
  securityKey: '38c1d339863d7f8d0000000000000000',
  orderingCode: 'E8221-A280'

The code above will output the result as follows:

  address: 'E21500012345',
  securityKey: '38c1d339863d7f8d0000000000000000',
  orderingCode: 'E8221-A280',
  stepCodeRevision: '',
  serial: ''

Each value of the stepCodeRevision and the serial is always an empty string.

The deleteCommission() method deletes a registered commissioning data. The address of the device must be passed to this method. The value of address is not case-sensitive. This method returns the deleted commissioning data object.

let cdata = enocean.deleteCommission('E21500012345');

The code above will output the result as follows:

  address: 'E21500012345',
  securityKey: '38c1d339863d7f8d0000000000000000',
  orderingCode: 'E8221-A280',
  stepCodeRevision: '',
  serial: ''

The getCommissions() method gets a list of the registered commissioning data. This method return an Array object containing the registered commissioning data objects.

let cdata_list = enocean.getCommissions();

The code above will output the result as follows:

    address: 'e50010012345',
    securityKey: '2358e2f4682e641a0000000000000000',
    orderingCode: 'S6221-K516',
    stepCodeRevision: '',
    serial: ''
    address: 'e21500012345',
    securityKey: '38c1d339863d7f8d0000000000000000',
    orderingCode: 'E8221-A280',
    stepCodeRevision: '',
    serial: ''

The start() method starts to monitor telegrams coming from EnOcean BLE devices. This method returns a Promise object. This method takes an argument filters optionally.

Property Type Required Description
filters Object Optional
    auth Boolean Optional If true, unauthenticated telegrams will be ignored. The default value is true.
    replay Boolean Optional If true, replayed telegrams will be ignored. The default value is true.

The node-enocean-ble supports the telegram authentication based on AES128 in CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC) mode. This mechanism ensures integrity and authenticity of transmitted telegrams. If the auth is set to true, unauthenticated telegrams will be ignored.

The EnOcean BLE devices send a telegram 2 or 3 times for purpose of ensuring the reachability. In normal cases, applications which use the node-enocean-ble might not need the replayed telegrams. The replay detection is used for cutting off the redundant telegrams and preventing replay attacks. The node-enocean-ble always checks a sequence counter in each telegram. If the counter in the telegram is less than or equal to the last counter, the telegram will be marks as a replayed telegram. If the replay is set to true, the replay detection is enabled and such telegrams will be ignored.

Whenever a telegram is received, the callback function set to the ondata will be called. When a telegram is received, a hash object representing the telegram will be passed to the callback function.

See the Quick Start section for more details.

The stop() method stops to monitor telegrams coming from EnOcean BLE devices. This method returns a Promise object.

enocean.stop().then(() => {
  // Stopped to monitor successfully
}).catch((error) => {
  // Failed to stop to monitor

If a callback function is set to the ondata property, the callback function will be called whenever an telegram is received from a EnOcean BLE device during the monitoring process is active (from the moment when the start() method is called, to the moment when the stop() method is called).

A Telegram object will be passed to the callback function. See the "Telegram objects" section for more details.

After the start() method is invoked, the ondata event handler will be called whenever a telegram comes from the EnOcean BLE devices. A telegram object is passed to the callback. There are 3 object types: SwitchTelegram, SensorTelegram, and CommissioningTelegram object. The basic structure of the object is as follows:

Property Type Description
address String Source address of the device. (e.g., "cb4eb903c96d")
manufacturer String Manufacturer ID. The value is always "03da", which means "EnOcean GmbH". The ID is assigned by Bluetooth SIG.
sequence Integer Sequence counter. The value is in the range of 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF.
type String Type of object. It could be "button" (SwitchTelegram), "sensor" (SensorTelegram), or "commissioning" (CommissioningTelegram).
data Object The structure depends on the type of object (the value of type). See the sections below for details.
signature String Security signature.
authenticated Boolean If the telegram was authenticated (verified) by the telegram authentication process based on AES128 in CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC) mode, the value will be true. Otherwise, the value will be false.
replayed Boolean If the sequence counter (the value of sequence) is less than or equal to the last counter (i.e., the telegram is replayed), the value will be true. Otherwise, it will be false.

If the value of the type is "commissioning" (CommissioningTelegram), the signature and authenticated do not exist in the object.

When a button on a Rocker Wall Switch is pressed or released, a SwichTelegram object will be passed to the callback. The structure of the data in the object is as follows:

Property Type Description
data Object Button status
    button String Button name which was pressed or released. It could be "A0", "A1", "B0", or "B1".
    pressed String Button action. When a button was pressed, the value will be true. When a button was released, the value will be false.
  address: 'e21500012345',
  manufacturer: '03da',
  sequence: 1453,
  type: 'button',
  data: { button: 'A0', pressed: true },
  signature: '8649a1e6',
  authenticated: true,
  replayed: false

When a telegram comes from a multisensor, a SensorTelegram object will be passed to the callback. The structure of the data in the object is as follows:

Property Type Description
data Object Sensor status
    temperature Float Temperature (degC)
    humidity Float Relative Humidity (%RH)
    illumination Integer Illumination (lx)
    acceleration Object Acceleration (See the description below for more details)
        status Integer Status code
        description String Meaning of the status code
        x Float Acceleration of the x-axis (g)
        y Float Acceleration of the y-axis (g)
        z Float Acceleration of the z-axis (g)
    contact Boolean Status of the Magnet Contact. true means "close", false means "open".
    voltage Integer Voltage of the backup battery (mV)
    energy Integer Energy Level (%)

The mapping of acceleration.status and acceleration.description is as follows:

status description
0 Acceleration value out of bound
1 Periodic update
2 Acceleration wake
3 Sensor disabled

For now, the acceleration is experimental. The multisensor products seem to disable the report of acceleration by default. Unfortunately, I don't know how to enable the report of acceleration. Therefore, I'm not sure whether the result is correct or not.

If a backup battery is mounted in the device, the voltage exists while the energy does not exit, and vice versa.

  • When a backup battery is mounted:
  address: 'e50010012345',
  manufacturer: '03da',
  sequence: 47810,
  type: 'sensor',
  data: {
    temperature: 24.9,
    humidity: 64.5,
    illumination: 250,
    acceleration: {
      status: 3,
      description: 'Sensor disabled',
      x: 4.63,
      y: -4.15,
      z: 4.22
    contact: false,
    voltage: 3222
  signature: '3828b6b7',
  authenticated: true,
  replayed: false
  • When a backup battery is not mounted:
  address: 'e50010012345',
  manufacturer: '03da',
  sequence: 47825,
  type: 'sensor',
  data: {
    temperature: 26.4,
    humidity: 64,
    illumination: 291,
    acceleration: {
      status: 3,
      description: 'Sensor disabled',
      x: 4.95,
      y: -1.55,
      z: 4.22
    contact: false,
    energy: 100
  signature: '17103bcf',
  authenticated: true,
  replayed: false

When the LRN button on the multisensor is pressed, a CommissioningTelegram object will be passed to the callback. The structure of the data in the object is as follows:

Property Type Description
data Object Sensor status
    key String Security key
    address String Source address
  address: 'e50010012345',
  manufacturerId: '03da',
  sequence: 47803,
  type: 'commissioning',
  data: { key: '2358e2f4682e641a0000000000000000', address: 'e50010012345' },
  replayed: false

For now, the EnOcean BLE devices which the node-enocean-ble supports are as follows:

Product Name Manufacturer Ordering Code
PTM 215B EnOcean S3221-A215
STM 550B Multisensor Module EnOcean S6221-K516
Easyfit Single Rocker Wall Switch for BLE - EWSSB EASYFIT E8221-A270
Easyfit Double Rocker Wall Switch for BLE - EWSDB EASYFIT E8221-A280
Easyfit Single Rocker Pad for BLE - ESRPB EASYFIT ESRPB-W-EO
Easyfit Double Rocker Pad for BLE - EDRPB EASYFIT EDRPB-W-EO
IoT Multisensor - EMSIB EASYFIT E6221-K516

I actually tested only STM 550B Multisensor Module (S6221-K516) and Easyfit Double Rocker Wall Switch for BLE - EWSDB (E8221-A280). The others should work well with the node-enocean-ble because they use the same EnOcean BLE module as the two. If your device does not work well with the node-enocean-ble, let me know.

  • v0.0.2 (2020-09-29)
    • Added the replay detection in the commissioning telegram
  • v0.0.1 (2020-09-29)
    • First public release

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2020 Futomi Hatano

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



The node-enocean-ble monitors and parses telegrams coming from EnOcean BLE devices (rocker wall switch and multisensor). This module supports telegram authentication based on AES128 in CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC) mode and replayed telegram detection.







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