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Fix 20231005

Sean P. Harrington edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

SD Card Write Protect

A defect has been found in some of the first batch of the Aquarius+ units that were shipped in September and October 2023, units numbered AA-01-SPH through AA-36-SPH.

The problem shows up as an inability to SAVE data to the SD card. Depending on the version of the OS you're running, this will display as either an Unknown Error or a Write Protect Error after trying to SAVE a file or data.

The source of the problem is an inconsistent application of solder to the write protect pin of the SD card reader, labeled as J9. While not all units are affected by this, it is a good idea to perform the simple fix, regardless.

  1. Open your Aquarius+ by carefully removing the four Phillips-head screws on the bottom of the case. Do so in a clean, antistatic environment where you have room to work. Remove screws

  2. Remove the PCB from the case and locate the SD card reader, J9. Locate J9

  3. This jumper is sometimes poorly soldered to the PCB, and may even show a visible gap beneath it. This is due to the way in which the SD card adapter is placed by the automated parts assembly system. J9-a J9-b

  4. Using a soldering iron and a small bit of solder, add enough solder to cover the pad (on the PCB) and the connector (on the SD card reader). Since the other connections are not very close to this one, it is a relatively easy fix to make, but be careful to use only as much solder as necessary to reinforce the joint between the PCB and the SD card adapter. J9-side

  5. Clean up any debris or residue using isopropyl alcohol and a Q-tip, allow to dry, and reinstall the PCB in the Aquarius+ case, taking care when putting the screws back in place to not overtighten them. The plastic resin of the case is strong, but threads can strip out if too much force is used.

  6. Reconnect and test your Aquarius+ by writing a one-line program: 10 REM Hello ... and then SAVE "test.baq" to save, and then DIR to show that it is listed as a file on the SD card. You can DEL "test.baq" after you're done to remove the test file.

Thanks for your patience in this process. In pre-loading the Aquarius+ we performed SD card access tests, but not specifically WRITE tests. We've added both READ and WRITE tests to our prep process, and we've let the vendor know to check this point for future orders.

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