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g2x3k edited this page Jul 19, 2015 · 8 revisions

A few things to consider

I've been getting a lot of emails and private messages on rizon about how to run this bot via a web browser. However, most webhosts do not compile php with socket support enabled, and for that matter, most web hosts don't have php5 as of yet. Even so, in order to start the bot, you have to specify a config file on the command line. Thus, running this bot from a web browser without modification is impossible. I will not make this possible, so in other words, please stop asking.

Another thing that might deter people from using this script is the enourmous memory requirement by php to keep a script loaded in memory. PHP5 loads all of the program and everything it could possibly use into memory. This can take up quite a bit of space! I've had a bot use 8 megs of ram on the low end, and up to 15 megs on the high end. If you don't mind dropping 15 megs of ram for this bot, then continue on. Otherwise, don't whine to me that its a resource hog. I believe the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages--how else could I have gotten this far?

Experts Quick install (linux)

if you dont consider yourself that better follow the windows/linux full install guide

git clone
cd php-irc
nano bot.conf 
php f bot.php bot.conf


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