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CSS Crash Course


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Matching Exercise

Provided are a bunch of stylesheets (.css) and their corresponding .md files.

e.g. positioning.css and

The .css files contain a bunch of CSS snippets. The .md files contain English descriptions of what all those CSS snippets do -- but in a different order.

Your job is to copy each CSS snippet and paste it next to its description in one of the .md files.

This is also going to require testing your css with index.html. More on that below.

Example Matching Exercise Answer

In a CSS snippet...

background-color: red;

In a .md file...

Gives el a red background
` ` `

` ` `

The CSS snippet pasted in the correct section of the .md file...

Gives el a red background
` ` `
` ` `

Testing the CSS

First, look at the words used in the CSS snippets. What do the words mean in English? For instance, if you see background-color: red, it's pretty obvious what that does.

If you're not sure about a particular snippet, put it in the provided index.html and see how its appearance is affected.

  1. Open the provided index.html file in your web browser. You can do that by entering $ open index.html from the exercise directory in the Terminal.
  2. Copy and paste the snippet into the section marked PUT YOUR CSS HERE.
  3. "Save" the index.html file.
  4. "Refresh" the page in your browser to see what changes have been applied.

If you're still unsure, try Googling the name of the CSS property in question (e.g. "CSS background-color").

What Is el?

"El" is short for "element". Often, "el" is used in Javascript to refer to a certain element, var el = document.getElementById("some-id-name"). In the context of this exercise, when you're told to "do something with el," it means "do something with all HTML elements with the class of 'el'".


If you've copied and pasted some strange CSS and refreshed the page but it doesn't look any different, the CSS may only affect its appearance when the screen or particular elements are bigger or smaller than a certain size.