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Source: Robocorp doc - Visual Studio Code

Robocorp basic tutorial using Visual Code, including the instructionsfor:

  • installing Robocorp vcode extensions
  • create a simple tasks
  • deploy the task to Robocorp Control Room

NOTES: The Robocorp extension for Visual Studio Code enables:


  • Install Visual Studio Code (vcode)

  • Then, install vcode extensions: Robocorp Code, and Robot Framework Language Server

  • Customize vcode for

    • From the top menu, select: File > Preferences > Settings
    • Search for "Format on Save" setting
    • If not already, check "Format a file on save"
  • Checkout the Robocorp code extension UI in vcode


  • In vcode, open a new empty Folder

    • From the top menu, select: File > Open Folder
    • NOTE: it's necessary to close an existing folder, and open an EMPTY folder, otherwise the next step will fail
  • Create a new Robot project template using the Robocorp extension

    • From the top menu, select: View > Command Pallete, and enter "Robocorp"
    • From the list, select "Robocorp: Create Robot"
    • Next, select the template "Standard Robot Framework Template"
    • Last, give a name to the robot project
  • Review the files: robot.yaml and conda.yaml, which is the config files for the robot, and the environment

  • The output folder will contain the generated artifacts after running the robot task(s)

CREATE Robot Task

  • The task.robot file specifies the instructions for the robot; in this tutorial, it will be very simple steps:

    • Open a browser
    • take a screenshot
    • Finally, close the browser
  • The task.robot file has been completed

  • Also CHECKOUT: "code completion", "Robot Framework Interactive Console",

RUN the robot locally

  • We will use the Robocorp extension to run the robot. The extension is configured with the robot.yaml file. There are two tasks defined in the robot.yaml file as shown below. The difference is in the robot task file, *.robot vs tasks.robot. The former will execute all the .robot files, versus only the tasks.robot file for the latter. The purpose is to demonstrate the ability to define multiple tasks in the robot.yaml file, and when calling the "Robocorp: Run Robot" below, there is an extra step to choose the task.
  Run all tasks:
    shell: python -m robot --report NONE --outputdir output --logtitle "All Task log" *.robot

  Run a single task:
    shell: python -m robot --report NONE --outputdir output --logtitle "Single Task log" tasks.robot
  • Run the robot locally using the Robocorp extension

    • From the top menu, select: View > Command Pallete, and enter "Robocorp"
    • From the list, select "Robocorp: Run Robot"
    • From the task list, select a task.
  • When the robot runs, the vcode debug console will show the messages

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2193]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\zCodes\robot-rpa-basic-vcode> cmd /C "c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\robocorp\temp\4d65822107fce832\rf-ls-run\run_env_00_x36t4_5d.bat c:\Users\<username>\.vscode\extensions\robocorp.robocorp-code-0.39.0\bin\rcc.exe task run --robot c:\zCodes\robot-rpa-basic-vcode\robot.yaml --space vscode-01 --task "Run all tasks" --controller RobocorpCode "
"c:\\zCodes\\robot-rpa-basic-vcode\\robot.yaml" as robot.yaml is:
# For more details on the format and content:

  # Task names here are used when executing the bots, so renaming these is recommended.      
  Run all tasks:
    shell: python -m robot --report NONE --outputdir output --logtitle "Task log" tasks.robot

condaConfigFile: conda.yaml

  - environment_windows_amd64_freeze.yaml
  - environment_linux_amd64_freeze.yaml
  - environment_darwin_amd64_freeze.yaml
  - conda.yaml

artifactsDir: output

  - .
  - .

  - .gitignore

####  Progress: 01/13  v11.30.0     0.033s  Fresh [shared mode] holotree environment a00e12d3-9b74-42bb-058b-538d0767ae47.
####  Progress: 02/13  v11.30.0     0.006s  Holotree blueprint is "2fabf9c4e4a82ae7" [windows_amd64].
####  Progress: 12/13  v11.30.0     0.669s  Restore space from library [with 3 workers].
Installation plan is: c:\ProgramData\robocorp\ht\e98a75f_b1f3c24_1c0bc041\rcc_plan.log
Environment configuration descriptor is: c:\ProgramData\robocorp\ht\e98a75f_b1f3c24_1c0bc041\identity.yaml
####  Progress: 13/13  v11.30.0     0.734s  Fresh holotree done [with 3 workers].
Wanted  Version  Origin  |  No.  |  Available                           Version       Origin       |  Status
------  -------  ------  +  ---  +  ---------                           -------       ------       +  ------
-       -        -       |    1  |  Authlib                             1.1.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |    2  |  Pillow                              9.3.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |    3  |  PyPDF2                              1.28.6        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |    4  |  PySocks                             1.7.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |    5  |  PyYAML                              5.4.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |    6  |  Pygments                            2.13.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |    7  |  async-generator                     1.10          pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |    8  |  attrs                               22.1.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |    9  |  beautifulsoup4                      4.11.1        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   10  |  bzip2                               1.0.8         conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   11  |  ca-certificates                     2022.9.24     conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   12  |  cached-property                     1.5.2         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   13  |  certifi                             2022.9.24     pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   14  |  cffi                                1.15.1        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   15  |  chardet                             3.0.4         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   16  |  charset-normalizer                  2.1.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   17  |  click                               8.1.3         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   18  |  colorama                            0.4.6         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   19  |  comtypes                            1.1.11        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   20  |  cryptography                        37.0.4        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   21  |  decorator                           5.1.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   22  |  defusedxml                          0.7.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   23  |  dnspython                           2.2.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   24  |  docutils                            0.19          pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   25  |  et-xmlfile                          1.1.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   26  |  exceptiongroup                      1.0.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   27  |  exchangelib                         4.8.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   28  |  fire                                0.4.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   29  |  fonttools                           4.38.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   30  |  fpdf2                               2.5.7         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   31  |  furl                                2.1.3         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   32  |  graphviz                            0.13.2        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   33  |  h11                                 0.14.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   34  |  htmldocx                            0.0.6         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   35  |  hubspot-api-client                  4.0.6         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   36  |  idna                                3.4           pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   37  |  importlib-metadata                  4.13.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   38  |  isodate                             0.6.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   39  |  java-access-bridge-wrapper          0.9.5         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   40  |  jsonpath-ng                         1.5.3         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   41  |  jsonschema                          4.17.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   42  |  libffi                              3.4.2         conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   43  |  libsqlite                           3.39.4        conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   44  |  libzlib                             1.2.13        conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   45  |  lxml                                4.9.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   46  |  mss                                 6.1.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   47  |  netsuitesdk                         1.24.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   48  |  notifiers                           1.3.3         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   49  |  ntlm-auth                           1.5.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   50  |  oauthlib                            3.2.2         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   51  |  openpyxl                            3.0.10        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   52  |  openssl                             3.0.7         conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   53  |  orderedmultidict                    1.0.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   54  |  outcome                             1.2.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   55  |  packaging                           21.3          pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   56  |  pdfminer.six                        20201018      pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   57  |  pip                                 22.1.2        conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   58  |  platformdirs                        2.5.3         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   59  |  ply                                 3.11          pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   60  |  psutil                              5.9.4         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   61  |  pycparser                           2.21          pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   62  |  pynput-robocorp-fork                4.0.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   63  |  pyotp                               2.7.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   64  |  pyparsing                           3.0.9         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   65  |  pyperclip                           1.8.2         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   66  |  pyrsistent                          0.19.2        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   67  |  python                              3.9.13        conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   68  |  python-dateutil                     2.8.2         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   69  |  python-docx                         0.8.11        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   70  |  python-dotenv                       0.21.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   71  |  pytz                                2022.6        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   72  |  pywin32                             303           pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   73  |  pywinauto                           0.6.8         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   74  |  requests                            2.28.1        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   75  |  requests-file                       1.5.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   76  |  requests-ntlm                       1.1.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   77  |  requests-oauthlib                   1.3.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   78  |  requests-toolbelt                   0.10.1        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   79  |  robocorp-dialog                     0.5.3         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   80  |  robotframework                      5.0.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   81  |  robotframework-pythonlibcore        3.0.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   82  |  robotframework-requests             0.9.4         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   83  |  robotframework-sapguilibrary        1.1           pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   84  |  robotframework-seleniumlibrary      6.0.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   85  |  robotframework-seleniumtestability  2.0.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   86  |  rpaframework                        17.4.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   87  |  rpaframework-core                   10.0.1        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   88  |  rpaframework-dialogs                4.0.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   89  |  rpaframework-pdf                    5.0.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   90  |  rpaframework-windows                6.1.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   91  |  selenium                            4.6.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   92  |  setuptools                          65.5.1        conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   93  |  simple-salesforce                   1.12.2        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   94  |  six                                 1.16.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   95  |  sniffio                             1.3.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   96  |  sortedcontainers                    2.4.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   97  |  soupsieve                           2.3.2.post1   pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |   98  |  sqlite                              3.39.4        conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |   99  |  svg.path                            6.2           pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  100  |  tenacity                            8.1.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  101  |  termcolor                           2.1.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  102  |  tk                                  8.6.12        conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |  103  |  tqdm                                4.64.1        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  104  |  trio                                0.22.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  105  |  trio-websocket                      0.9.2         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  106  |  tweepy                              3.10.0        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  107  |  tzdata                              2022f         conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |  108  |  tzdata                              2022.6        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  109  |  tzlocal                             2.1           pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  110  |  ucrt                                10.0.22621.0  conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |  111  |  uiautomation                        2.0.17        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  112  |  urllib3                             1.26.12       pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  113  |  vc                                  14.3          conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |  114  |  vs2015_runtime                      14.32.31332   conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |  115  |  webdriver-manager                   3.8.4         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  116  |  wheel                               0.38.4        conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |  117  |  wrapt                               1.14.1        pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  118  |  wsproto                             1.2.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  119  |  xlrd                                2.0.1         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  120  |  xlutils                             2.0.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  121  |  xlwt                                1.3.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  122  |  xz                                  5.2.6         conda-forge  |  N/A
-       -        -       |  123  |  zeep                                4.2.0         pypi         |  N/A
-       -        -       |  124  |  zipp                                3.10.0        pypi         |  N/A
------  -------  ------  +  ---  +  ---------                           -------       ------       +  ------
Wanted  Version  Origin  |  No.  |  Available                           Version       Origin       |  Status

[ WARN ] This is a deprecated import that will be removed in favor of RPA.Browser.Selenium
Tasks :: Template robot main suite.
Open browser and take a screenshot                                    | PASS |
Tasks :: Template robot main suite.                                   | PASS |
1 task, 1 passed, 0 failed
Output:  c:\zCodes\robot-rpa-basic-vcode\output\output.xml
Log:     c:\zCodes\robot-rpa-basic-vcode\output\log.html
  • After the robot process ends, the output folder will contain the generated artifacts: log.html, output.xml, and log files

    • Open the log.html file using a browser
  • The screenshot png image file can be found on the root folder

RUN the robot in the Robocorp cloud Control Room

  • If not already, create a Robocorp account - signup

  • Open a browser, and Login into the account

  • Then, go back to vcode, and link to Robocorp cloud Control Room

    • From the top menu, select: View > Command Pallete, and enter "Robocorp"
    • From the list, select "Robocorp: Link to Control Room"
    • Next, just press enter to be routed to the browser robocorp page "Access Credential"
    • On the "Access Credential" page, either select a credential, or add a new credential
    • From the selected credential, copy the credential. The credential is made up of numbers & letters
    • Copy the credential to the vcode, and press enter
    • Vcode is now linked to Robocorp cloud control room
  • Next, upload the robot tasks to the control room

    • From the top menu, select: View > Command Pallete, and enter "Robocorp"
    • From the list, select "Robocorp: Upload Robot to the Control Room"
    • Next, select from the available workspace
    • Next, select "Create a new robot", and provide a name
  • Go back to the browser, Robocorp control room.

  • The robot task was uploadd to the control room > Workspace > Robots

  • To run the robot task, it needs to be added as a Step into the Process

    • Create a new Process, or modify existing process
    • Add the step, and select the uploaded robot
  • Next, Run the process

  • Review the results


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