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JS menu component proof-of-concept

This React application demonstrates one approach to providing decoupled menus to a decoupled front end. It requires a Drupal site to be installed with a few patches and custom modules. You will find setup instructions below.

The back end requires a couple sandbox modules (which require a couple core patches). The back end also needs to have some default configuration and content set up.

In order to avoid CORS configuration and multiple vhosts, this project can be installed and used as a Drupal theme which simply loads the React SPA for all non-admin pages.


1. Download Drupal and the required modules/patches

To install the back end, you will need to set up Drupal as a Composer project. Then, you will need to install Drupal using the standard profile. Finally, you will need to create a few test nodes and configure one of them as a front page.

# First, change directories to where you'd like to install Drupal.
# Second, change the value below to a directory name that you prefer.
export INSTALL_DIR=js_menu_back_end

# Third, copy and paste the remaining commands into your terminal and run them.

# Creates a Drupal project and changes into its directory.
composer create-project --no-install drupal/recommended-project "$INSTALL_DIR"

# Enables automatic patch application.
composer require cweagans/composer-patches:^1.5
composer config extra.enable-patching true

# Makes the required sandbox modules and this project available to composer.
composer config repositories.1 vcs
composer config repositories.2 vcs
composer config repositories.3 vcs

# Installs the required modules.
composer require --prefer-source drupal/jsonapi_navigation:1.0.x-dev
composer require --prefer-source drupal/js_menu_demo:1.0.x-dev

# Forces composer to apply the patches required by the sandbox modules.
composer install

2. Install Drupal

Change directories into the web root (cd web) and run the following command.

php core/scripts/drupal install standard

Take note of the generated username and password.

Finally, you will need to set up an Apache vhost or other server. This is left as an exercise for the reader.

3. Log in and create test content

Using the previously noted credentials, visit /user/login and log in as User 1.

Next, visit /node/add/page and save a new page node entitled My home page.

Visit /node/add/page again and create another new page entitled My child page with a URL alias of your choice. Under menu settings, check Provide a menu link and set the Parent item to -- Home. Save the page.

Visit /node/add/article and save a new article entitled My first article. Do not choose a URL alias for this node. Under menu settings, check Provide a menu link and set the Parent item to -- Home and set the Weight to 1. Save the article.

Visit /admin/config/system/site-information and change the default front page to /node/1.

5. Install required modules

Visit /admin/modules and enable the JSON:API Navigation module and its dependencies.

6. Install the bridge theme

Visit /admin/appearance, find the JS Menu Component Bridge theme and click Install and set as default. Do not use this theme as an administration theme and be sure to enable the Use the administration theme when editing or creating content option.

Developer setup

If you would like to developer this project you will need to build the project. To do so, install the project's dependencies by changing directories into themes/contrib/js_menu_demo and running:

npm install

Next, create a .env.js file:

make .env.js

To build the project, run:


Running make will run both prettier and webpack, but you can run them individually with either make prettier or make pack.


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