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Death of Component State


Component state is the primary state model of every modern UI framework. The component state model is predicated on the misconception that UI state only has local implications and a predictable lifecycle. In truth, UI state has broad implications and an unpredictable lifecycle. State hoisting, the maneuver employed to conceal this reality, has a bevy of harmful ramifications: subversion of the component model, state obscurity, transition rule disintegration, inefficient reconciliation, and memory overhead. The Gact store lets you avoid these problems by providing the only suitable state model for UIs: an accountable centralized state tree.

Simple Component

Let's start with a simple form example to compare the component state model with the Gact store.

Component State

import React, { useState } from "react";

function Reservation() {
  const [isGoing, setIsGoing] = useState(true);
  const [numberOfGuests, setNumberOfGuests] = useState(2);

  function handleIsGoingChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {

  function handleNumberOfGuestsChange(
    event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>
  ) {

  return (
        Is going:
      <br />
        Number of guests:

Gact Store

You must first create the Gact store and the React bindings:

import { createStore } from "@gact/store";
import { createBindings } from "@gact/react-store";

export type State = {
  isGoing: boolean;
  numberOfGuests: number;

const store = createStore(initialState);

// destructure and export the access layer
export const { path, get, set, update, remove, transaction } = store;

// destructure and export the React bindings
export const { useValue, withStore } = createBindings(store);
import React from "react";

import { set, useValue } from "store";

type Props = {
  isGoingPath: PathFor<State, boolean>;
  numberOfGuestsPath: PathFor<State, number>;

function Reservation({ isGoingPath, numberOfGuestsPath }: Props) {
  const isGoing = useValue(isGoingPath);
  const numberOfGuests = useValue(numberOfGuestsPath);

  function handleIsGoingChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {

  function handleNumberOfGuestsChange(
    event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>
  ) {
    set(numberOfGuestsPath, Number(;

  return (
        Is going:
      <br />
        Number of guests:


With just a simple Reservation form, the component state model is obviously superior. We declare state right inside our component and use it directly. In contrast, we have to create a Gact Store and use paths to consume our state.

Extended Requirements

When we consider a simple component in isolation, the component state model shines because the assumptions underlying it hold: state only has local implications and a predictable lifecycle. However, real UI state has broad implications and an unpredictable lifecycle.

Let's extend our Reservation form into a more complete reservation management system as follows:

  • add a CostEstimator, which displays the expected cost for attending the event with the specified number of guests.
  • add an event details page

Component State

These new requirements pose some challenges for the component state model.

  • The CostEstimator needs access to numberOfGuests, but that state is imprisoned within the Reservation component.
  • When the user navigates to the event details page, the Reservation form will be unmounted and its state cleared.

The workaround employed whenever we discover state has broader implications or state and instance lifecycles diverge is state hoisting. State hoisting is the movement of state to an ancestor.

We want both the CostEstimator and Reservation components to have access to numberOfGuests. If we move numberOfGuests to a common ancestor, then both the CostEstimator and Reservation components can be given access to numberOfGuests.

import React, { useState } from "react";

import CostEstimator from "...";
import Reservation from "...";

function ReservationManagement() {
  const [numberOfGuests, setNumberOfGuests] = useState(2);

  return (
      <CostEstimator numberOfGuests={numberOfGuests} />
import React, { useState } from "react";

type Props = {
  numberOfGuests: number;
  setNumberOfGuests: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>;

function Reservation({ numberOfGuests, setNumberOfGuests }: Props) {
  const [isGoing, setIsGoing] = useState(true);

  function handleIsGoingChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {

  function handleNumberOfGuestsChange(
    event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>
  ) {

  return (
        Is going:
      <br />
        Number of guests:

To persist state while navigating to the event details page, we would have to hoist further. We would need to move the numberOfGuest and isGoing state to a common ancestor of both the EventPage and ReservationManagement components.

Gact Store

We do not have to change our Reservation component. We simply provide access to the numberOfGuests by providing it's path to our CostEstimator.

import React, { useState } from "react";

import { path } from "store";
import Reservation from "...";

function ReservationManagement() {
  return (
      <CostEstimator numberOfGuestsPath={path("numberOfGuests")} />

Likewise, navigating to the events page requires no additonal work because in the Gact store state lifecycle is independent of component lifecycle.


The Gact Store approach scales beautifully. We do not even have to touch our Reservation component. We simply create our CostEstimator and give it access to numberOfGuests via a path. Further, we can support arbitrary lifecyles for our state.

In order to support the same features, the component state model requires several rounds of state hoisting. At first glance, state hoisting may seem like a fine way to deal with the limitations of component state. At a closer inspection, however, we see that state hoisting has a bevy of harmful ramifications:

Subverts the Component Model

A component should encapsulate a piece of an interface, and compose well with other such pieces.

Hoisting breaks encapsulation by leaking state management details. After hoisting numberOfGuest, we cannot understand the Reservation component in isolation. We must always consider it alongside the ReservationManagement component.

Hoisting hinders composition by encoding assumptions about component usage. After hoisting numberOfGuest, we can only use Reservation in a context where an ancestor manages numberOfGuest.

Obscures State

State hoisting obscures the state that impacts a given instance. We have to consider the state owned by the instance plus the state owned by all of its ancestors. Further, we have to consider how ancestors' state is transformed as it travels from ancestors to the instance in question!

Transition Rule Disintegration

State hoisting complicates reasoning about transitions by fostering transition rule disintegration: distance between the two elements of a transition rule (i.e update and event).

Let's consider the transition rule for numberOfGuests. The event that triggers an update of numberOfGuests is a change to the corresponding input located in the Reservation component. The write triggered on that event is defined in ReservationManagement. This disintegration makes the transition more difficult to understand, we again have to reason about ReservationManagement and Reservation simultaneously.

Inefficient Reconciliation

State hoisting promotes inefficient reconciliation.

The more we hoist state:

  • the bigger the subtrees we have to reconcile
  • the smaller the ratio: view that needs to be updated / view that was diffed

In summary, a minor update with minor impact forces reconciliation of large subtrees.

Memory Overhead

The shackles of component state force state and state updates to travel along paths. These paths incur memory overhead. This is simple to see, we hold the state and props of every instance in memory. The ReservationManagement component stores numberOfGuests even though it never makes any real use of its value.

It Only Gets Worse

All the negative consequences of hoisting state get more dramatic the more we hoist:

  • Further subversion of the component model
  • Further obscured state
  • Further transition rule disintegration
  • Even more inefficient reconciliation
  • Greater memory overhead

The Reservation example is really just a toy example. But consider the principles discussed above for a large form with several sections as is typical in an enterprise application.


Component state is dead. Use the Gact store.