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AWS IoT Greengrass 2 Provisioner

The AWS IoT Greengrass 2 Provisioner (Provisioner) is command line interface to safely provision a newly installed (but not presently configured) AWS IoT Greengrass service. The Provisioner performs all the steps to fully provision all AWS Cloud resources and then create the local files in the AWS IoT Greengrass root directory that reference and use the returned credentials.

Once completed, the initial start of AWS IoT Greengrass will read the contents of GREENGRASS_ROOT/config/config.yaml and connect to AWS IoT Greengrass services.


Clone the repository and install dependencies. As the provisioner is normally only needed for single operations, once the repository is cloned, install the package dependencies under the default user which will be used with the sudo -E install command.

cd ~
git clone
cd greengrassv2-provisioner
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

The ggv2-provisioner is supported on Python 3.6 and above.

⚠️ You will need to run ggv2_provisioner as root (sudo) - the pip3 install will place the requirements into the users' directory, and be used through the sudo -E flag when calling the Provisioner.

How to use

Install AWS IoT Greengrass

Prior to running the Provisioner, download and unzip the installation media and set AWS credentials.

Follow the Setting up AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2 to verify all dependencies are installed, and next complete the Install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software steps 1 through 3 (exporting AWS credentials), then STOP (do not perform step 4).

Provision a New AWS IoT Greengrass Core

Next, run the Provisioner which will do the following:

  1. Validate all resource inputs
  2. Create the Greengrass root directory
  3. Create all cloud resources and then save the credentials and rootCA file to the Greengrass root directory
  4. Create the default config.yaml in the system's temporary directory
  5. Run the Greengrass installation steps passing in the config.yaml and setting up to run as a system service

When finished, Greengrass will be installed and running on the local host.

Option 1 - Provision All Resources

If you need to deploy all the required resources to run AWS IoT Greengrass, use this process. The command will provision the following new resources:

  • IAM Role with policy of provided permissions to be used by the AWS IoT Role Alias
  • AWS IoT specific resources:
    • AWS IoT Role Alias used by AWS IoT Greengrass components to access other AWS services
    • AWS IoT Thing which maps to the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
    • AWS IoT Certificate (PEM encoded certificate and private key)
    • AWS IoT Policy used by the AWS IoT Greengrass Core to interact with iot and greengrass actions
    • Attach the Certificate to the Thing and Policy

Run the Provisioner command to complete the operations.

Note: The command line below references sample IAM and IoT policy documents located in the samples/ directory. Please review and change the actions and resources as needed. Also, you will need, at minimum, the local AWS permissions listed in the FAQ Permissions section.

# Run from the ggv2_provisioner directory
# Replace all "Test-" values with what you want to call the resources
cd ~/greengrassv2-provisioner
sudo -E python3 -m ggv2_provisioner \
  --root-dir /greengrass/v2 \
  # Change the directory to where you unzipped the nucleus file
  --gg-install-media-dir ~/GreengrassCore \
  # Replace with target region
  --region YOUR_REGION \
  --thing-name "Test-gg-device" \
  --download-root-ca \
  --iot-role-alias-name "Test-gg-role-alias" \
  --iam-role-name "Test-gg-role" \
  # Review and modify as needed
  --iam-policy-file samples/iam_base_permissions.json \
  --iot-policy-name "Test-iot-policy" \
  # Review and modify as needed
  --iot-policy-file samples/iot_base_permissions.json

This will complete all the operations needed for a new AWS IoT Greengrass Core to be provisioned in the cloud and configured locally.

Option 2 - Provision a Thing with an Existing IoT Role Alias

If you already have some of the resources provisions, such as the IAM Role and AWS IoT Role Alias, referencing them by name will have the Provisioner validate the resource exists and then use that. For instance, if an AWS IoT Role Alias name Test-gg-role-alias has already been provisioned and references an IAM Role, you can just reference --iot-role-alias-name "Test-gg-role-alias". In this case, the provisioning command would look like:



The Provisioner is prescriptive in certain approaches to the provisioning process. You may need to take these into consideration.

  • Component default user/group - These must be set initially through the Greengrass.jar installation process by providing the --component-default-user ggc_user:ggc_group setup argument. The Provisioner does not support changing of the default user and group.
  • AWS permissions - The Provisioner requires different AWS permissions to perform the various resource creation steps. Please ensure you current AWS credentials are sufficient to perform all the steps.
  • No roll-back of resources - The Provisioner creates resources in an synchronous manner. If a steps fails halfway through the process, the previously created resources are not rolled back and deleted. It is recommended to review and correct issues at they arise
  • Local file naming and location - The certificate, private key, and Root CA files use static names (e.g., ThingName-certificate.pem, ThingName-private-key.pem, and RootCA.pem). Also, the files are place into to root directory and referenced with absolute file name paths.

Troubleshooting and Frequently Asked Questions

What are the minimum permissions required to run the Provisioner?

These are the IAM Actions required to run all steps of the Provisioner. If some operations are not being performed, such as the creation of an IAM Role, those can removed from any minimum permissions. Due to the variability of naming, Resource values should be set to "*" unless you will scope down naming conventions.

Action Description Access Level Provisioner Use
iam:CreateRole from docs Write Create new IAM Role for AWS IoT Role Alias
iam:GetRole from docs Read Determine if IAM Role already exists
iam:PutRolePolicy from docs Write Add contents of --iam-policy-file to newly created IAM Role
iot:AttachPolicy from docs Write Attach certificate to AWS IoT Policy
iot:AttachThingPrincipal from docs Write Attach certificate to AWS IoT Thing (Greengrass Core)
iot:CreateKeysAndCertificate from docs Write Create and activate new X.509 client certificate and return certificate and private key
iot:CreatePolicy from docs Write Create a new AWS IoT Policy with policy document containing iot:AssumeRoleWithCertificate Allow permission
iot:CreatePolicyVersion from docs Write Create a new version of policy for an existing AWS IoT Policy
iot:CreateRoleAlias from docs Write Create new AWS IoT Role Alias
iot:CreateThing from docs Write Create new AWS IoT Thing to represent Greengrass Core
iot:DeletePolicyVersion from docs Write Delete the oldest AWS IoT Policy version to allow for new version
iot:DescribeCertificate from docs Read Determine if AWS IoT Certificate already exists
iot:DescribeRoleAlias from docs Read Determine if AWS IoT Role Alias already exists
iot:DescribeThing from docs Read Determine if AWS IoT Thing already exists
iot:GetPolicy from docs Read Determine if AWS IoT Policy already exists
iot:ListPolicyVersions from docs Read Determine if at limit (5) of AWS IoT Policy versions
sts:GetCallerIdentity Returns details about the IAM identity whose credentials are used to call the API Read Build resource Arns for IAM and IoT policies

Coding, TODO's, etc.

Process to automate creation of GG Thing, cert, rolealias, etc. and use Ansible to install and perform initial deployment. Intent is for script that runs on the GG device and based on needed approach creates all cloud side resources and updates all files needed prior to first run.

The three approaches:

  1. Uses locally defined AWS credentials to generate all cloud resources and deploys to GGv2 root directory.
  2. Uses a bootstrap certificate and deployed Fleet Provisioning pipeline to complete the steps via Lambda.
  3. Uses a bootstrap certificate or API key to call API Gateway to completed the provisioning steps.

NOTE: Provisioning only takes place on an installed, but not running AWS IoT Greengrass software deployment. It is expected to be part of an automation process such as Ansible, or GGv2 software embedded into a base install such as Yocto/OE.

Locally, a script would take in:

  • Region
  • AWS credentials from normal process of environment variables or local credentials file
  • thingName to create
  • thingGroup to create and place the thingName in, existing thingGroup, or optionally no thingGroup
  • iotPolicy file to create, arn of existing policy, or create a default policy with minimal permissions needed

The AWS IoT Policy needs to contain normal iot: actions for connect, publish, subscribe, but also must contain the iot:AssumeRoleWithCertificate action and reference the AWS IoT Role Alias to use or be created. Here is an example default policy:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": ["iot:AssumeRoleWithCertificate"],
      "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:REGION:AWS_ACCOUNT:rolealias/your_role_alias_name"
  • Certificate to create (AWS IoT), CSR to use for AWS IoT, arn of existing certificate, or certificate/key from BYoCA
  • Role alias name to include as policy attached to certificate (if new role alias, it will create the IAM role and an inline policy with this default policy (note - this is overly permissive and should only be used for testing purposes):
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

For artifact access, this needs to be added to role alias role:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": ["s3:GetObject"],
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/*"

The minimal created config.yaml will contain the following, with the REPLACE_WITH_ text using the provisioned values:

  certificateFilePath: "REPLACE_WITH_ABSOLUTE_PATH"
    componentType: "NUCLEUS"
      awsRegion: "REPLACE_WITH_REGION"
      componentStoreMaxSizeBytes: 10000000000
      deploymentPollingFrequencySeconds: 15
      envStage: "prod"
      iotCredEndpoint: "REPLACE_WITH_ENDPOINT"
      iotDataEndpoint: "REPLACE_WITH_ENDPOINT"
      iotRoleAlias: "REPLACE_WITH_ROLE_ALIAS"

      logging: {}
        proxy: {}
        posixUser: "ggc_user:ggc_group"
    version: "2.0.3"
      - "aws.greengrass.Nucleus"
    lifecycle: {}

Systemd config file to create:

Description=Greengrass Core

ExecStart=/bin/sh /greengrass/v2/alts/current/distro/bin/loader


User stories

  1. I want to develop locally and create and configure AWS IoT Greengrass resources with local AWS credentials stored.
  2. I have a vanilla system that I will pass credentials to complete provisioning (SSM, Ansible) via a local provisioner.
  3. I have an embedded firmware with certificate and private key that I want to use to register a certificate (JITP) and configure Greengrass.
  4. I have a bootstrap certificate that I will use to register.
  5. I have an API key that I will use to register.


CLI to provision Greengrass 2.0







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