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An only mildly snarky xaringan to powerpoint converter

slides_html <- "slides.html"

# "print" HTML to PDF
pagedown::chrome_print("slides.html", output = "slides.pdf")

# how many pages?
pages <- pdftools::pdf_info("slides.pdf")$pages

# set filenames
filenames <- sprintf("slides/slides_%02d.png", 1:pages)

# create slides/ and convert PDF to PNG files
pdftools::pdf_convert("slides.pdf", filenames = filenames)

# Template for markdown containing slide images
slide_images <- glue::glue("

![]({filenames}){{width=100%, height=100%}}
slide_images <- paste(slide_images, collapse = "\n")

# R Markdown -> powerpoint presentation source
md <- glue::glue("
output: powerpoint_presentation


cat(md, file = "slides_powerpoint.Rmd")

# Render Rmd to powerpoint
rmarkdown::render("slides_powerpoint.Rmd")  ## powerpoint!


This requires xaringan (obvs), pagedown for the chrome_print() function, pdftools to handle the .pdf to .png conversion, and glue because it makes template strings in R easy. I also used xaringanthemer for the xaringan theme.


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