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Counting summary (#376)
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* summary plots simplified

* sex qc added
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vyepez88 committed Oct 4, 2022
1 parent bba2c24 commit 402c321
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Showing 4 changed files with 97 additions and 44 deletions.
137 changes: 94 additions & 43 deletions drop/modules/aberrant-expression-pipeline/Counting/Summary.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,69 +43,59 @@ cnts_mtx <- counts(ods, normalized = F)
#' # Count Quality Control
#' Compare number of records vs. read counts
#' The `Obtained Read Count Ratio` plot does not include external counts
#' because there are no raw reads to be counted.
#' Compares total mapped vs counted reads.
#' The `Mapped vs Counted Reads` plot does not include external counts.
#' Consider removing samples with too low or too high size factors.
bam_coverage <- fread(snakemake@input$bam_cov)
bam_coverage[, sampleID := as.character(sampleID)]
setnames(bam_coverage, 'record_count', 'total_count')
coverage_dt <- merge(bam_coverage,
data.table(sampleID = colnames(ods),
read_count = colSums(cnts_mtx),
isExternal = ods@colData$isExternal),
by = "sampleID", sort = FALSE)
# read count
setorder(coverage_dt, read_count)
coverage_dt[, count_rank := .I]
# ratio
coverage_dt[, counted_frac := read_count/record_count]
setorder(coverage_dt, counted_frac)
coverage_dt[, frac_rank := .I]
# read counts
coverage_dt[, count_rank := rank(read_count)]

# size factors
ods <- estimateSizeFactors(ods)
coverage_dt[, size_factors := sizeFactors(ods)]
setorder(coverage_dt, size_factors)
coverage_dt[, sf_rank := 1:.N]
coverage_dt[, size_factors := round(sizeFactors(ods), 3)]
coverage_dt[, sf_rank := rank(size_factors)]

# Show this plot only if there are external samples, as the next plot contains the same info
if(has_external == T){
p_depth <- ggplot(coverage_dt, aes(x = count_rank, y = read_count, col = isExternal)) +
geom_point(size = 3,show.legend = has_external) +
theme_cowplot() + background_grid() +
labs(title = "Obtained Read Counts", x="Sample Rank", y = "Counted Reads") +
ylim(c(0,NA)) +

p_depth <- ggplot(coverage_dt, aes(x = count_rank, y = read_count, col= isExternal )) +
geom_point(size = 3,show.legend = has_external) +
theme_cowplot() +
background_grid() +
labs(title = "Read Counts", x="Sample Rank", y = "Reads Counted") +
ylim(c(0,NA)) +

p_frac <- ggplot(coverage_dt, aes(x = frac_rank, y = counted_frac, col = isExternal)) +
geom_point(size = 3,show.legend = has_external) +
theme_cowplot() +
background_grid() +
labs(title = "Read Count Ratio", x = "Sample Rank", y = "Percent Reads Counted") +
ylim(c(0,NA)) +

#+ QC, fig.height=6, fig.width=12
plot_grid(p_depth, p_frac)
p_comp <- ggplot(coverage_dt[isExternal == F], aes(x = total_count, y = read_count)) +
geom_point(size = 3, show.legend = has_external, color = "#1B9E77") +
theme_cowplot() + background_grid() +
labs(title = "Total mapped vs. Counted Reads", x = "Mapped Reads", y = "Counted Reads") +
xlim(c(0,NA)) + ylim(c(0,NA))
# ggExtra::ggMarginal(p_comp, type = "histogram") # could be a nice add-on

p_sf <- ggplot(coverage_dt, aes(sf_rank, size_factors, col = isExternal)) +
geom_point(size = 3,show.legend = has_external) +
ylim(c(0,NA)) +
theme_cowplot() +
background_grid() +
theme_cowplot() + background_grid() +
labs(title = 'Size Factors', x = 'Sample Rank', y = 'Size Factors') +

p_sf_cov <- ggplot(coverage_dt, aes(read_count, size_factors, col = isExternal)) +
geom_point(size = 3,show.legend = has_external) +
ylim(c(0,NA)) +
theme_cowplot() +
background_grid() +
labs(title = 'Size Factors vs. Read Counts',
x = 'Reads Counted', y = 'Size Factors') +

#+ sizeFactors, fig.height=6, fig.width=12
plot_grid(p_sf, p_sf_cov)
setnames(coverage_dt, old = c('total_count', 'read_count', 'size_factors'),
new = c('Reads Mapped', 'Reads Counted', 'Size Factors'))
DT::datatable(coverage_dt[, .(sampleID, `Reads Mapped`, `Reads Counted`, `Size Factors`)][order(`Reads Mapped`)],
caption = 'Reads summary statistics')

#' # Filtering
#' **local**: A pre-filtered summary of counts using only the local (from BAM) counts. Omitted if no external counts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,3 +179,64 @@ if(has_external){
} else{
DT::datatable(expressed_genes[order(Rank),-"Is External"],rownames = F)

#' **Considerations:**
#' The verifying of the samples sex is performed by comparing the expression levels of
#' the genes XIST and UTY. In general, females should have high XIST and low UTY expression,
#' and viceversa for males. For it to work, the sample annotation must have a column called 'SEX',
#' with values male/female. If some other values exist, e.g., unknown, they will be matched.
#' The prediction is performed via a linear discriminant analysis on the log2 counts.

# Get sex column and proceed if it exists
sex_idx <- which('SEX' == toupper(colnames(colData(ods))))
print('Sex column not found in sample annotation')
} else{

# Verify if both XIST and UTY were counted
xist_id <- 'XIST'
uty_id <- 'UTY'

if(grepl('ENSG0', rownames(ods)[1])){
xist_id <- 'ENSG00000229807'
uty_id <- 'ENSG00000183878'
xist_idx <- grep(xist_id, rownames(ods))
uty_idx <- grep(uty_id, rownames(ods))

if(isEmpty(xist_idx) | isEmpty(uty_idx)){
print('Either XIST or UTY is not expressed')

sex_counts <- counts(ods)[c(xist_idx, uty_idx), ]
sex_dt <- data.table(sampleID = colnames(ods),
XIST = counts(ods)[xist_idx,],
UTY = counts(ods)[uty_idx,])
sex_dt <- merge(sex_dt,[,c(1, sex_idx), with = F], sort = F)
colnames(sex_dt) <- toupper(colnames(sex_dt))
sex_dt[, SEX := tolower(SEX)]
sex_dt[, SEX := '']

# Train only in male/female in case there are other values
train_dt <- sex_dt[SEX %in% c('f', 'm', 'female', 'male')]

lda <- lda(SEX ~ log2(XIST+1) + log2(UTY+1), data = train_dt)

sex_dt[, predicted_sex := predict(lda, sex_dt)$class]
sex_dt[, match_sex := SEX == predicted_sex]
table(sex_dt[, .(SEX, predicted_sex)])

g <- ggplot(sex_dt, aes(XIST+1, UTY+1)) +
geom_point(aes(col = SEX, shape = predicted_sex, alpha = match_sex)) +
scale_x_log10(limits = c(1,NA)) + scale_y_log10(limits = c(1,NA)) +
scale_alpha_manual(values = c(1, .1)) +
theme_cowplot() + background_grid(major = 'xy', minor = 'xy') +
annotation_logticks(sides = 'bl') +
labs(color = 'Sex', shape = 'Predicted sex', alpha = 'Matches sex')

DT::datatable(sex_dt[match_sex == F], caption = 'Sex mismatches')

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ count_ranges <- readRDS(snakemake@input$count_ranges)
seqlevelsStyle(count_ranges) <- seqlevelsStyle(bam_file)

# show info
message(paste("input:", snakemake@input$features))
message(paste("input:", snakemake@input$sample_bam))
message(paste("output:", snakemake@output$counts))
message(paste('\tcount mode:', count_mode, sep = "\t"))
message(paste('\tpaired end:', paired_end, sep = "\t"))
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ if( length(unique(row_names_objects)) > 1 ){
# merge counts
merged_assays <-, counts_list)
total_counts <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(counts=merged_assays))
colnames(total_counts) <- gsub('.bam', '', colnames(total_counts))

# assign ranges
rowRanges(total_counts) <- count_ranges
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ suppressPackageStartupMessages({
dataset_title <- paste("Dataset:", paste(snakemake@wildcards$dataset, snakemake@wildcards$annotation, sep = '--'))

ods <- readRDS(snakemake@input$ods)
if(is.null(colData(ods)$isExternal)) colData(ods)$isExternal <- FALSE

#' Number of samples: `r ncol(ods)`
#' Number of expressed genes: `r nrow(ods)`
Expand Down

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