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This repository contains a collection of Deep Learning projects implemented using TensorFlow. These projects showcase various applications and techniques of Deep Learning, providing hands-on examples for building neural networks and solving real-world problems.



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Deep Learning Projects with TensorFlow

Welcome to the Deep Learning Projects with TensorFlow repository! This repository contains a collection of 9 projects showcasing the application of deep learning techniques using TensorFlow. Each project focuses on solving specific problems and demonstrates the power of deep neural networks.


  • Air Quality Prediction: Utilizing deep learning to predict air quality parameters based on historical data.
  • CNN for Pneumonia Prediction: Building a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify chest X-ray images and identify pneumonia cases.
  • CNN for Galaxy Type Prediction: Developing a CNN model to classify galaxy images and determine their types.
  • Forest Cover Type Classifier: Implementing a deep learning classifier to predict the forest cover type based on cartographic variables.
  • Life Expectancy Predictor: Using deep learning to predict life expectancy based on various socio-economic factors.
  • Medical Cost Predictor: Building a deep learning model to estimate medical costs based on patient attributes.
  • Patient Survival Predictor: Developing a deep learning model to predict patient survival based on medical data.
  • X-ray Lung Prediction: Utilizing deep learning to predict lung conditions and abnormalities from chest X-ray images.
  • Regression with Admissions Data: Applying deep learning regression techniques to predict admission rates based on different factors.

Please refer to the individual project directories for more details on each project, including code, datasets, and instructions on running the models.


Included in this repository is a PDF file certifying the successful completion of a course or certification program validating the knowledge and skills demonstrated in the projects.

Feel free to explore the projects and leverage the code as a learning resource or as a starting point for your own deep learning projects. Enjoy your journey into the fascinating world of deep learning with TensorFlow!


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.


This repository contains a collection of Deep Learning projects implemented using TensorFlow. These projects showcase various applications and techniques of Deep Learning, providing hands-on examples for building neural networks and solving real-world problems.








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