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This gem enables you to easily integrate Airtable with Jekyll site and use it as a database. Everytime the Jekyll build is triggered, the gem would automatically send API request to the Airtable base and tables you specify from the environment variable and then store the records as collections, grouped according to the table names.


Add this line to your Jekyll site Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-airtable'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


  1. Because you will have to mention/use your API key, it is VERY RECOMMENDED to use dotenv so you do not have your API key lying around in plain sight.
gem 'dotenv'

run bundle install again

  1. Add this to your repo .gitignore (create one if does not exist):
  1. Copy the .env.example in this repo to the root of your project, rename it to .env.
  2. Set your Airtable API Key in the .env
  1. You need to add a custom plugin to get the dotenv to work, you do this by creating a folder _plugins (if does not exist already) inside your Jekyll repo
  2. Inside the /_plugins , create a file called "environment_variables_generator.rb", with this as the content:
# Plugin to add environment variables to the `site` object in Liquid templates
require 'dotenv'

module Jekyll
  class EnvironmentVariablesGenerator < Generator
    priority :highest
    def generate(site)
      site.config['env'] = Dotenv.overload

      site.config['AIRTABLE_API_KEY']   = ENV['AIRTABLE_API_KEY']

Now the secret keys can be accessed by Jekyll without being visible to the public.

  1. Now, you need to declare and hook the plugins in the config.yml
  - jekyll-airtable
  - environment_variables_generator

  enable_sync: true
  base_uid: 'appp7C1MblPCnMePn'
    - name: 'Use Cases' 
    - name: 'Whitepapers'    
    - name: 'Quotes'
        - 'column name'
  1. Finally, you can execute the plugin using sh bundle exec jekyll serve or sh bundle exec jekyll build

For production, you also have to set those keys and values.

  1. You then need to set the collections on the _config.yml so that Jekyll recognizes them. The snippets below here are taken from The collections on that repo are "use_cases", "whitepapers", and "tutorials", taken from the Airtable of "Use Cases", "Whitepapers", and "Tutorials" respectively.
collections_dir: collections
    output: true
    output: true

  - scope:
      type: "whitepapers"
      layout: "page" # any jekyll layout file you already have in the _layouts that you want to use for this collection type.


There are a number of "enforced" conventions you have to know and can take advantage of.

  1. By default, the slug of the record (which is the file name) come from this sources, in order of priority: 1) The column labelled 'Slug' / 'slug' in your Airtable table, 2) The primary key of each row (the first column on each table), 3) or the Airtable UID of the record. So if you want to set each record's slug manually, you can do so by creating slug column in your Airtable table.GOTCHA: Should slugs that are derived from priority 1 and 2 are both longer than 100 char, then it will automatically use the Airtable UID.

  2. Attachments are not copied into your Jekyll repo but their informations, such as url and so on, will be stored in "data/airtable/attachments.yml" folder, if none exist before, this plugin will automatically create it for you.

  3. Long text with paragraphs are now supported.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Jekyll::Airtable project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Jekyll plugin to easily integrate with Airtable



Code of conduct





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