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Mono SSO

Mono SSO is an OAuth 2 compliant SSO focused on scalability and performance to provide authorization for SCSs and microservices. You can easily develop your SSO front-end using the Postman collection provided here to understand how to interact with SSO Provider.

  • Authentication - this folder contains the requests related to SSO resource owner authentication
  • Implicit Flow - OAuth2 implicit flow token grant
  • Authorization Code Flow - OAuth2 authorization code flow token grant


The project is divided in three parts:

  • SSO Provider
  • SSO Service
  • SSO Manager

Each part has its own responsibilities and can be scaled/deployed according to your needs.

SSO Provider

SSO Provider is responsible for providing the edge API to end-users and interact with resource owners/client apps. It depends on:

  • Redis - store cache and session data
  • SSO Service - consumes the SSO API through gRPC

It provides a main entry point that parses a HTML file to display the SSO sign-in page and there are some vars that it replaces on template:

  • .Scopes - scopes required by client app, this var is only provided when an app requires the end-user to grant scopes
  • .ClientName - client app name, this var is only provided when an app requires the end-user to grant scopes
  • .GrantNonce - nonce to be passed to grant request, this var is only provided when an app requires the end-user to grant scopes
  • .RequireSignIn - if the session is invalid or expired this value will be true indicating that the end-user must sign-in again to activate the current session

You can see the example of this template usage in web/index.html. The configuration is done through environment vars:

Environment Var Type Description Default Value
SSO_NAMESPACE string Namespace to prefix cookies "SSO"
SSO_ISSUER string iss field in generated JWTs ""
SSO_TEMPLATE_PATH string Path to HTML template file "./index.html"
SSO_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY string Recaptcha site key (v2 or v3) "6LeIxAcTAAAAAJcZVRqyHh71UMIEGNQ_MXjiZKhI"
SSO_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY string Recaptcha secret key (v2 or v3) "6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe"
SSO_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH string Path to private key to sign JWTs (it'll be auto generated if it's empty) ""
SSO_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD string Private key password, leave it empty if there is no password ""
SSO_HTTP_BIND string IP and port to bind HTTP(S) server ""
SSO_HTTP_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT duration Maximum time to wait HTTP(S) server to shutdown "10000ms"
SSO_HTTP_REQUEST_DEADLINE duration Maximum duration of each HTTP request "2s"
SSO_HTTPS_PRIVATE_KEY string Private key to enable HTTPS server, empty will provide a plain HTTP server ""
SSO_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE string Certificate to enable HTTPS server, empty will provide a plain HTTP server ""
SSO_ALLOWED_ORIGINS string CORS allowed origins "https://localhost:3230"
SSO_GRPC_SERVER_ADDR string Address of SSO Service ""
SSO_PRETTY_LOG boolean Enable pretty log print, otherwise it'll be printed as JSON lines "true"
SSO_LOG_LEVEL string Log level, can be: debug, info, warn, error "debug"
SSO_REMEMBER_ME_TIMEOUT duration If it's > 0 it'll be the session duration of a remember-me enabled session, otherwise all sessions will be considered as ephemeral "0s"
SSO_EPHEMERAL_SESSION_DURATION duration Maximum duration of ephemeral sessions (normal sessions without remember-me) "15m"
SSO_MFA_SESSION_TIMEOUT duration Maximum duration of a MFA code "3m"
SSO_GRANT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT duration Maximum duration of a grant nonce "3m"
SSO_AUTHORIZATION_CODE_TIMEOUT duration Maximum duration of a authorization code (authorization code OAuth2 flow) "3m"
SSO_REFRESH_TOKEN_DURATION duration Duration of refresh tokens "60m"
SSO_ACCESS_TOKEN_DURATION duration Duration of access tokens "5m"
SSO_SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN duration Domain specified when setting cookies, empty and it won't be specified ""
SSO_SESSION_COOKIE_PATH duration Path specified when setting cookies "/"
SSO_REDIS_PREFIX string Prefix to be used when setting keys in Redis "sso"
SSO_REDIS_SENTINEL boolean Enables Redis Sentinel connection "false"
SSO_REDIS_NODES strings When using Redis Sentinel specify the nodes here ""
SSO_REDIS_PASSWORD string Redis password ""
SSO_REDIS_DB int Redis database to pick "0"
SSO_REDIS_MASTER string Redis Sentinel master to use ""
SSO_REDIS_MAX_POOL_SIZE int Maximum number of Redis connections on pool "5"
SSO_REDIS_MIN_POOL_SIZE int Minimum number of Redis connections on pool "1"
SSO_REDIS_NODE int When using Redis standalone specify the address here ""

SSO Service

SSO Service is responsible for providing the private API to interact with SSO persistence and validation. The dependencies are:

  • Redis - store some states and caches
  • Postgres - persistence for SSO entities data

All the interfaces provided by this application are specified in sso-service.proto and the available configurations are:

Environment Var Type Description Default Value
SSO_REDIS_PREFIX string Prefix to be used when setting keys in Redis "sso"
SSO_REDIS_SENTINEL boolean Enables Redis Sentinel connection "false"
SSO_REDIS_NODES strings When using Redis Sentinel specify the nodes here ""
SSO_REDIS_PASSWORD string Redis password ""
SSO_REDIS_DB int Redis database to pick "0"
SSO_REDIS_MASTER string Redis Sentinel master to use ""
SSO_REDIS_MAX_POOL_SIZE int Maximum number of Redis connections on pool "5"
SSO_REDIS_MIN_POOL_SIZE int Minimum number of Redis connections on pool "1"
SSO_REDIS_NODE int When using Redis standalone specify the address here ""
SSO_POSTGRES_URI string URI to connect to Postgres ""
SSO_POSTGRES_MAX_CONN int Maximum number of connections to Postgres to keep on pool "5"
SSO_GRPC_LISTEN string Address to bind the gRPC server ""
SSO_GRPC_KEEP_ALIVE duration Keep alive connections maximum duration "2m"
SSO_PRETTY_LOG boolean Enable pretty log print, otherwise it'll be printed as JSON lines "true"
SSO_LOG_LEVEL string Log level, can be: debug, info, warn, error "debug"


We use database migrations to keep our database versioning through the migrate utility. All migrations are on deployments/db/migrations so you can use the following commands to apply migrations to your database:

export SSO_POSTGRES_URI=postgres://postgres:123456@localhost:5432/sso?sslmode=disable

migrate -database ${SSO_POSTGRES_URI} -path deployments/db/migrations up

# To rollback:
migrate -database ${SSO_POSTGRES_URI} -path deployments/db/migrations down


  • Improve SSO Service cache
  • Allow refresh token endpoint to receive new scopes request
  • Improve event generation for auditing (logging)
  • Add request tracing
  • Add Prometheus metrics
  • Add passwordless sign-in (this authentication method is really insecure 'cause we relay only on the auth's second factor)
  • Add fallback 404 on SSO Provider
  • Add password recovery (with option to sign out from all devices)
  • Add cache purge (Account/Session/Client)
  • Add Kafka event sourcing
  • Add restricted scopes (scopes that must be authorized grant by an account that already have the scope)