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SOMa is a self-organizing map library for Java.

All external libraries that are used in building, testing and running SOMa are
included in the lib/ directory.  The runtime libraries are packed into the JAR
during packaging when built by Ant.  SOMa uses some features from Java 7, so
the JDKv7 is required for building and JREv7 is required to run SOMa.

The aim of SOMa is to provide programmers with a comprehensive library for
using or exploring self-organizing maps.  A few basic SOMs are provided,
preconfigured for simple use, as well as a highly configurable version, which
provides detailed control over the map's operation.

Maps can be saved to plain text files in an easily readable format and read back
in to a running application.

Javadoc is the best source for usage and help and we have made an effort to
provide useful and complete javadoc.  There are some source demonstrations of
SOMa's use in the demo package, which may be useful to get an understanding of
its usage.

SOMa includes an Ant build script.  The jdk.home property in the file
"" should be changed to point to the building JDK's base
directory.  After that is done, running Ant will build a JAR file which will be
located in "out/artifacts/soma/" and will be named "soma.jar".

Running the Demonstrations
Any of the following commands will run a demonstration application when entered
from the commandline in the directory of soma.jar:

java -cp soma.jar cs437.som.demo.BasicMapDemo
    Displays a planar mapping of neuron weights as a SOM is trained.

java -cp soma.jar cs437.som.demo.ColorMapDemo
    Displays a color map and a heat map as a SOM is trained to match 3D vectors.

java -cp soma.jar cs437.som.demo.EdgeDetectionRunner
    Provides a complete application for testing different SOM configurations in
    image edge detection.

java -cp soma.jar cs437.som.demo.EdgeDetector
    Runs a single instance of image edge detection, displaying a reference
    image, false color image and normalized image.

Why the name?
The name comes from "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley.  Hopefully, SOMa can
provide you with at least one restful weekend, and there ends the implications
of the name that we would like to adopt from the novel.

SOMa's license can be found in the file "LICENSE".  The lib/ directory contains
external libraries used to build or run SOMa and a copy of their licenses.
These include the 3-clause BSD license, which SOMa is released under, the
Apache-2.0 license and, in the case of JDOM, a version of the Apache license
version 1.1 modified to make use attribution optional.


A self-organizing map library for Java.







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