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Adding DSU entries

Gene M. Angelo, Jr edited this page Feb 18, 2024 · 12 revisions

Updates for dsu 3.0.0 coming soon

Adding DSU entry using this command will add the DSU entry for the given day or date, and then display the DSU entries for that day or date.



If no OPTIONS are provided, the DSU entry will be be added to the current date.

Duplicate entries are not allowed for the same Entry Group (i.e. within the same date); that is, entry DESCRIPTIONS need to be unique within an entry group.


Adding a DSU entry for the current day (today), you can use the -n|--today option. Today (-n) is the default; therefore, the -n flag is optional if you want to add a DSU entry for the current day (today).

dsu add --today "Pair with John on ticket IN-12345"

dsu a -n "Pair with John on ticket IN-12345" # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts

dsu a "Pair with John on ticket IN-12345" # Equivalent to the above, '-n' and '--today' are optional and default to 'today'


Adding a DSU entry for yesterday's date, you can use the -y| --yesterday option.

dsu add --yesterday "Pick up ticket IN-12345"

dsu a -y "Pick up ticket IN-12345" # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts


Add a DSU entry for tomorrow, you can use the -t|--tomorrow option.

dsu add --tomorrow "Pick up ticket IN-12345"

dsu a -t "Pick up ticket IN-12345" # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts

Miscellaneous Date

Adding a miscellaneous date, you can use the --date | -d option.

  • When omitting year, dates must be entered in MM/DD format.
  • When including year, dates must be entered in YYYY/MM/DD format.
  • When omitting YYYY, the current year is assumed.

dsu add --date 2023/12/31 "Attend New Years Coffee Meet & Greet"

dsu a -d 2023/12/31 "Attend New Years Coffee Meet & Greet" # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts

dsu a -d 12/31 "Attend New Years Coffee Meet & Greet" # Equivalent to the above, assumes the current year

See also

See the Dates, MNEMONICS and relative date MNEMONICS wiki for more information on acceptable DATE formats used by dsu, MNEMONICS and relative date MNEMONICS.