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Deleting DSU entries

gangelo edited this page Jan 13, 2024 · 5 revisions

You can delete DSU entry groups; this will delete all the entries for the particular day or date range. When deleting DSU entries for a particular day (date, today, tomorrow, yesterday), or date range (dates), dsu will delete the entry group(s) and all the associated entries for that day or date range.

  • $ dsu delete today
  • $ dsu d n # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
  • $ dsu delete tomorrow
  • $ dsu d t # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
  • $ dsu delete yesterday
  • $ dsu d y # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
  • $ dsu delete date DATE|MNEMONIC
  • $ dsu d d DATE|MNEMONIC # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
  • $ dsu delete dates OPTIONS
  • $ dsu d dd OPTIONS # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts

NOTE: Before any of the above dsu commands are executed, dsu will prompt you to confirm the delete; you can continue ('y') or cancel ('N').


The following example deletes the entry group and all entries for today's date.

dsu delete today
dsu d n # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
Are you sure you want to delete all the entries for 2023-12-17 (1 entry groups)? [y/N]> y
Deleted 1 entry group(s).

The following example deletes the entry group and all entries for yesterday's date.

dsu delete yesterday
dsu d y # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
Are you sure you want to delete all the entries for 2023-12-16 (1 entry groups)? [y/N]> y
Deleted 1 entry group(s).

The following example deletes the entry group and all entries for tomorrow's date.

dsu delete tomorrow
dsu d t # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
Are you sure you want to delete all the entries for 2023-12-18 (1 entry groups)? [y/N]> y
Deleted 1 entry group(s).

The following deletes the entry group and all entries for 12/17 of the current year.

dsu delete date 12/17
dsu d d 12/17 # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
Are you sure you want to delete all the entries for 2023-12-17 (0 entry groups)? [y/N]> y
Deleted 1 entry group(s)

The following deletes the entry group and all entries for the past week, starting from today (12/17/2023).

dsu delete dates --from today --to -6
dsu d dd -f n -t -6 # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
Are you sure you want to delete all the entries for 2023-12-11 thru 2023-12-17 (7 entry groups)? [y/N]> y
Deleted 7 entry group(s).

See also

See the Dates, MNEMONICS and relative date MNEMONICS wiki for more information on acceptable DATE formats used by dsu, MNEMONICS and relative date MNEMONICS.