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Command line parameters

gansaku edited this page Jun 2, 2018 · 16 revisions

CSLMapView now supports a set of command line parameters that specify how it behaves when it starts. For example: start /W cslmapview.exe foo.cslmap.gz -output foo.png -silent



Option Parameters Meaning
-input fileName Loads specified cslmap file. If this is the first parameter, -input can be omitted.
cslmapview foo.cslmap is same as cslmapview -input foo.cslmap.
-output fileName Writes map image to file. It should be specified with -input option, otherwise you'll get blank image file. All of png, jpeg, bmp and svg formats are supported.
-silent The gui opens with minimized and shutdowns after execution. Since CSLMapView.exe returns control to the shell when it is started up, wait for completion with start /W (cmd.exe) or Start-Process -Wait (PowerShell) when writing batch processing.
-printarea x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 (0<=value<=1, x2-x1>0, y2-y1>0) Adds print area. Coordinates must be specified from 0.0 to 1.0 range. For example
cslmapview -area 0.333333,0.333333,0.666667,0.666667 Four numbers must be given as one argument. If you would like to insert space use double quotes as cslmapview -area "0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75"
-area areas(0<value<=9) Sets target areas. This must be used with -silent.
-imagewidth outputImageWidth(<=20000) Sets width of output image. The height will be calculated. If the print area is not specified, this is equal to -canvassize. As for svg, this parameter is meaningless. Use -svgsize instead. This must be used with -silent.
-canvassize canvasSize(<=20000) Sets canvas size. This must be used with -silent.
-svgsize outputSvgImageSize Sets image size of svg output. This must be used with -silent.

Temporary program configurations

Option Parameters Meaning
-locale localeName Sets gui's language. For example: cslmapview -locale zh-CN
-log debug|info For debugging use.


Using print area

start /W cslmapview foo.cslmap.gz -printarea 0.5,0.4,0.6,0.6 -output test.png -silent -imagewidth 2000 -area 9

map image

Outputs images for all cslmap files in CSLMapView directory using Windows Power Shell.

cd X:\foo\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\CSLMapView
ls -File | where{$_.Name.EndsWith(".cslmap") -or $_.Name.EndsWith(".cslmap.gz")} | %{
	$fn = $_.FullName;
	$pos = $_.Name.LastIndexOf(".cslmap");
	$name = $_.Name.Substring(0,$pos) + ".png";
	$a = @("""$fn""","-output","""$name""","-silent");
	Start-Process -Wait .\cslmapview -ArgumentList $a