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gark87 edited this page Mar 24, 2013 · 7 revisions

Thanks for your interest in SmartFilters!

SmartFilters is designed to help to solve such a common problem as automatic message filtering. It helps to detect most common patterns in headers of your messages and suggests to create folders based on detected patterns. E.g. imagine you are subscribed to several mailing lists and you would like to keep messages in different folders. Common way is to manually create folders and filters for each mailing list. SmartFilters can do it for you!

How it works?

It analyzes your mailbox looking for some regularities according to email specifics. For now there are 3 types of patterns that SmartFilters are looking for:

  1. Mailing lists - messages that you get because you subscribed to some electronic maling list.
  2. Robot - automatic messages that was send to you not by human, but some program (like your facebook or twitter notification mails).
  3. Subject Analyser - this filter analyse your mails subject to determine some patterns in words appearance.

Quick start

  1. Right-click on folder that you want SmartFilters to analyse and choose "SmartFilter It" menu item.
    click on folder
  2. In appeared dialog you can see progress in analysis. New possible filters would appear as they are fond. If at any moment you would like to terminate this process, click on "Stop" button at the dialog top and just close the dialog. No changes would be applied.
  3. After SmartFilter finished it's work you'll get list of suggested filters suggested filters

In each filter item you can found:

  1. Filter description showing pattern type and filter condition
  2. Folder name for filter. Please notice that you can change it as you like, except each dot in name means subfolder. For example, you can merge filter results in one folder.
  3. Checkbox for marking which filters would be applied further. Also you can select or unsellect all filters by clicking on "Select All" and "Unselect All" buttons at the top dialog panel respectively. After that click on "Apply" button at the dialog bottom
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