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Activity (android application)


Activity is my first bigger project and therefore my first mobile application. That being said, I have made some mistakes during developing this game. One of those silly beginner mistakes is testing an app only on my, at the time, personal mobile phone (OnePlus 3t). Therefore the application may have bugs that haven't been discovered while testing performance on the mentioned personal mobile device.

My last check of Activity android application performance confirmed that the app does not behave as it should on android emulators, but when tested on my personal mobile phone (Oneplus 6t), the application worked as it should, with minor displaying inconveniences.

Presentation in the English language

The idea of android application Activity is taken from board game Activity, which is most suitable for 4 players.

Introduction to Activity board game

At the beginning of the game 4 players have to divide themselves into two groups, each should consist of two players. These two groups compete over the course of the game.

One group compete against the other with presenting and guessing a word or a phrase. Presentation and guessing are done between one group. A player from one group presents a word or a phrase written on a card pulled from a stack of playing cards to the other player of the same group, who tries to guess what is being presented in a limited amount of time. If the player guesses the word, the group to which he/she belongs to advances forward on the playing surface otherwise they do not move. For the game to be even more interesting the words have to be presented in one of the following approaches: speaking, drawing or pantomime. The approach is predefined for each word.

Introduction to Activity android application

Application Activity is also made for 4 players. In the beginning, players have to divide themselves into 2 groups, 2 players each. To each group, players have to give a name and names of the two players (the names can be left on default) and color. In the phase of making groups, players have to select the number of the maximum points too. They can choose between 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and unlimited points.

In the next stage, the game starts to play. When the player presses the 'new word' button a random English noun and random presentation approach are projected on the screen. The player has some time to think about how to present the written word to a co-player. When the player is ready to present he/she has to press the 'start countdown' button that starts to countdown 90 seconds. if the player, in the given time frame, guesses the presented word correctly, their group scores 1, otherwise 0 points. A player can press the 'stop countdown' button if he/she guesses the word correctly or has given up. To see the English explanation of the word, the player can press on it and the application will open an English-English dictionary where the word is explained.

Because the words are explained in English, the application can serve as a learning tool for learning the English language in a more fun and playful way.

Predstavitev v slovenskem jeziku

Ideja aplikacije Activity je vzeta iz druzabne igre Activity, ki je najboljsa za stiri igralce.

Predstavitev druzabne igre Activity

V zacetku igre se najprej ustvarita dve ekipi, vsaka ima po 2 igralca, dve ekipi pa tekmujeta druga proti drugi (torej dva igralca proti drugima dvema igralcema).

Dva para tekmujeta med seboj tako, da eden v paru soigralcu v istem paru predstavlja neko besedo oz. besedno zvezo, ki je napisana na kartici katero igralec povlece iz kupa kart, drugi igralec v paru pa jo mora pravilno uganiti v omejenem casu. Ce igralec pravilno ugotovi besedo oz. besedno zvezo, se pomakneta naprej po igralni povrsini, v nasprotnem primeru pa ne. Da je igra se bolj zanimiva, je dolocen pojem nujno predstaviti z nacinom, ki je na kartici poleg pojma vnaprej dolocen, ti nacini pa so govorjenje, pantomima in risanje.

Predstavitev aplikacije Activity

Aplikacija Activity je pravtako namenjena stirim igralcem. Na zacetku je potrebno dolociti imena dveh ekip in imena po dveh igralcev za vsako ekipo (lahko pa se odlocijo za ze v naprej dolocena imena ekip in igralcev), poleg tega pa morajo izbrati tudi barvo (izbirajo lahko med stirimi barvami: rdeca, zelena, modra in crna).

V naslednji fazi se igra pricne igrati, in sicer tako, da igralec klikne na gumb za novo besedo (NEW WORD), ki na zaslon prikaze nakljucen samostalnik v angleskem jeziku, z novo besedo pa se na zaslonu pokaze tudi nacin predstavljanja besede (govorjenje, risanje in pantomima), ki je pravtako nakljucen. Zdaj ima nekaj casa, da si besedo ogleda, ko pa pritisne na gumb za zacetek odstevalnika casa, beseda na zaslonu postane nevidna, da je igralec, ki besedo ugiba ne bi videl (ce besedo pozabi, si jo lahko ponovno ogleda z daljsim pritiskom na gumb v levem zgornjem kotu). Igralec, ki besedo ugotavlja ima natanko 90 sekund casa da besedo ugotovi. Ce besedo v tem casu ugotovi, se ekipi tocka pristeje, v nasprotnem primeru pa ne. Ce soigralec besedo ugotovi, lahko s pritiskom na gumb (STOP COUNTDOWN) ustavi odstevalnik casa. Ce igralec ne razume besede v angleskem jeziku, lahko nanjo klikne, kar ga popelje na spletno stran anglesko-angleskega slovarja, kjer mu je beeda v anglescini razlozena.

Ker so vse besede in razlage besed v anglescini, lahko aplikacijo vzamemo tudi kot pripomocek za ucenje angleskega jezika na bolj zabaven nacin, saj se ob igranju igralci naucijo pojem prepoznati ga razumeti in prikazati na razlicne nacine. Ko se igralci odlocijo da bi igro zeleli koncati, lahko pritisnejo gumb za konec (THE END), kar jih popelje na zadnjo aktivnost, kjer so prikazani podrobnejsi rezultati igre.

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