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Gatho Events

Invite friends to your event with a one-click RSVP link - no matter which chat/social app they use!

Gatho is an event planning app which works great standalone, but can integrate with a group chat on Matrix. It is a side project by Jake Coppinger (

Jake previously hosted it at but has since shut down that instance. Feel free to spin up your own using the below instructions.


Gatho uses Next.js in Typescript (React on the frontend), and Postgres as a database.

The matrix bot uses matrix-bot-sdk and sends RSVPs or new events to the Gatho backend server.


It should work anywhere you can run a Next.js Node app.

  • Gatho uses NextAuth.js for authentication so no passwords are required to be stored.
  • API calls are checked for session token and that the requester owns the given event.
  • Database calls use SQL parameters.
  • No third party cookies are set and no third party JavaScript is run.

Get started building

Setting up database

Gatho uses Postgres. It gets the database location via the database URLs in the .env file.

Copy example-.env to .env as an example file to get started.

Make sure to populate all the example values.

See docs/ for installation instructions if you'd like to setup a local server.

Creating the database tables

Run ./scripts/

Running website dev server

  • npm i
  • npm run build
  • npm run dev



Gatho currently uses NextAuth.js for authentication. This reqires using a NextAuth database adapter - I haven't written my own at this stage so I used Prisma. This comes with some quirks.

Update: A vanilla postgres adapter has been merged - this could be used to remove Prisma usage: nextauthjs/next-auth#4933 (comment)

Error creating shadow database

I encountered this when using Heroku during development. See prisma/prisma#4571 (comment)

  • Change your prisma .env file to local db (mydb)

  • Delete prisma/migrations folder if any

  • Run npx prisma migrate dev --preview-feature to start a new migration

  • Change your prisma .env file back to the development db

  • Run npx prisma migrate resolve --applied "{{MIGRATION_FOLDER_NAME_GENERATED_BY_STEP_4}}" --preview-feature

  • npx prisma migrate reset

Debugging database issues

Some SQL tables use SERIAL keywords. If you delete a record the counter can become outdated. Run this snippet replacing "events" with the table you're having issues with

SELECT SETVAL((SELECT PG_GET_SERIAL_SEQUENCE('"events"', 'id')), (SELECT (MAX("id") + 1) FROM "events"), FALSE);


GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE.

Original author

Jake Coppinger (