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This repository contains a copy of the main development branch of Ngspice ( and scripts for Github Actions that run daily to update the copy and build it for Linux (X64) and MacOS (X86_64 and arm64). The resulting binaries can be found under the "Actions" tab above. (Look for "artifacts".) A Github login is required for downloading.

The binaries are packaged as ZIP files so the execute permission is not preserved. Use this command to restore it:

chmod a+x bin/ngspice

and for a Macintosh also:

xattr -d bin/ngspice
xattr -d lib/ngspice/*

The packaged files are intended for installation in /usr/local. A file, /usr/local/README.ngspice, identifies the latest revision that was included in the build.

This branch is for this file and Github Actions workflow files only, the ngspice source is on a branch with a name of the form pm_XX, depending on the current Sourceforge development branch. There is currently one local change to the source: the MacOS compile script has been modified to support cross-compiling for arm64.


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