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The municipality of Gävles FME portal - Configurable webb portal based on ESRI:s JavaScript API and Dojo Toolkit


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


The municipality of Gävles FME portal - A configurable webb portal developed using Dojo and ESRI:js JavaScript API. The portal is a dojo widget that can be integrated in a mapping application. The purpose of the widget is to allow quick setup of customized portals for easy access to FME workspaces stored on FME-server.


  • Authentication using credentials or tokens, auto-sign-in option
  • Two "portal modes", admin or custom mode.
  • Most FME parameter types are supported and represented as dijit form widgets.
  • File Upload forms.
  • Map and drawing tools for managing clipping geometries, buffering and multipolygon support.
  • Simple JSON configuration.
  • Internationalization (English and Swedish).
  • Supports FME-server service types Data Download, Job Submitter and Data Streaming.
  • Run workspaces synchronously or asynchronous by sending results to email.
  • Access workspace metadata and see running and queued jobs on FME-server.

Table of Contents


The examples are connected to a Safe Software demo FME-server.

Demo 1 - Automatic sign-in using a token, four workspaces configured

Demo 2 - Authenticate using a token or credentials with possibility to change server url and admin-mode


Define a package pointing to the widget location in the dojoConfig. Use the src for development or the optimized built version of the widget in the dist folder.

Include ESRI:s JavaScript API or Dojo. Remember to set dojoConfig before loading Dojo.

    var dojoConfig = {
       async: true,
       packages: [
          'name': 'app',
          'location': location.protocol + "//" + + "/src/app"
<script src=""></script>

Initialize the widget by passing a map (optional), a configuration object and a DOM-node or a DOM id to the widget constructor.


    ], function (FMEPortal, Map) {

        var map = new Map("map", {
            basemap: "topo",
            center: [ -123.114166, 49.264549 ],
            zoom: 12,
            minZoom: 12

        var fmeportal = new FMEPortal({
            "settings": configuration,
            "map": map
        }, "fmeportal");


All symbols except the loader gif are from Google Material Icons. ESRI:s JavaScript API require esri.css for the map and a dijit theme like calcite, tundra, claro etc. to render the forms correctly. More information about esri css here.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">


For a full configuration example, see src/app/FMEPortal/Config.


Set a unique id for the portal, a title and the about popup contents. The id is used to remember token and server settings in the browsers localStorage on refresh.

"general": {
    "id": "portal-1",
    "title": "FME Portal",
    "about": "About this FMEPortal..."


The server section of the configuration controls the portal mode, authentication options, FME-server url and API-version.


       "server": {
           "adminMode": false,
           "token": {
              "token": "568c604bc1f235bbe137sdfgh32h45h45bh",
              "time": 480,
              "unit": "minute",
              "showTokenTab": true,
              "autoLogin": false
           "url": "",
           "version": "v2",
           "showSettingsTab": true,
		   "allowAsyncJobs": true



If adminMode is enabled, the portal will query FME-server for all repositorys and workspaces the authenticated user has access too and populate two dropdowns.

Additionally, workspace forms will have two extra options next to the Run button:

  • A service type selector allowing the user to run a workspace using a specific registered service
  • A button to show metadata about the workspace.

If adminMode is disabled, specific workspaces to include in the portal must be set using the includedWorkspaces option.


  • token - Default token (optional)
  • time - Token lifespan
  • unit - Token lifespan unit
  • showTokenTab - True/False - Allow the user to sign in using a token
  • autoLogin - True/False - Use the supplied token to automatically sign in the visitor.


The FME-server base url.


The API version, currently v2 and v3 are supported.



Allow the visitor to change server url and set adminMode before signing in.



Always show email forms for workspaces registered to the Data Download and Job Submitter services. This allows running jobs asynchronously.


Disable selection of specific filetypes for upload to FME-server.


"uploadSettings": { 
   "disabledFiles": [".shx", ".prj", ".dbf", ".sbn", ".sbx", ".lock", ".png", ".xml", ".jpg", ".doc", ".docx", ".skp", ".cpg"]

Included workspaces

Array of workspaces to include in the portal, each item must have:

  • title - The workspace title.
  • description - Description of the workspace. Visible when the user clicks the question mark.
  • repository - Name of the FME-server repository.
  • workspace - Name of the FME-server workspace (including *.fmw)
  • service - The registered service type to use when running the workspace, "fmedatadownload", "fmejobsubmitter" and "fmedatastreaming" are supported.


"includedWorkspaces": [
        "title": "WKT Clip",
        "description": "Description of the WKT Clip workspace.",
        "repository": "REST-Playground",
        "workspace": "WKTClip.fmw",
        "service": "fmedatadownload"
        "title": "Austin Transport example",
        "description": "Description of the Austin Transport workspace.",
        "repository": "REST-Playground",
        "workspace": "AustinTransport.fmw",
        "service": "fmedatastreaming"

Custom error messages

Map error codes reported from FME Terminator transformers to specific error messages.

This can be useful for sending back messages from a workspace when something is wrong and a terminator is triggered.


 "customErrors": {
     "101": "No data in the area.",
     "102": "Draw a smaller area to extract data...",
     "103": "You don't have permission to extract data in the area"


Drawing tools will automatically appear when a selected workspace have a parameter name defined in the geometry section. The drawn geometry will be passed to the server as a string in the specified format. A map is required.

  • parameter - The name of the workspace parameter that is used to send a clipping geometry to the server
  • format - The geometry-format that is sent to the server, wkt, geojson or esrijson are supported.


"geometry": {
    "parameter": "GEOM",
    "format": "wkt"


If a map is used, these settings are required.

  • drawColor - The color used for map drawings (rgba).
  • bufferColor - The color used for the original geometry when a buffer is applied (right click on a geometry) (rgba).
  • geometryService - An ArcGIS Server geometry service used to buffer geometry and calculate areas and lengths.


"map": {
    "drawColor": [255, 170, 0, 0.75],
    "bufferColor": [0, 0, 0, 0.25],
    "geometryService": ""


The widget is internationalized in English, en, (default) and Swedish, sv. see the FMEPortal/nls folder.

More on Dojo internationalization here:


2019-03-13 - Support multipolygon clipping geometry. Add forms for running jobs asynchronously by entering an email address. Add submitJob and runJobSubmitter methods to RestManager. The runJobSubmitter method can be used instead of submitSyncJob or submitJob.

2019-03-08 - Add support for the opt_namespace parameter. Create new file upload session on each portal visit. Fix an issue that the geometry needed to be redrawn when changing workspace.

2016-12-26 - Add support for FME-server REST versions, v2 and v3. FMEServer JavaScript library is no longer required. The new RestManager module manages FME-server communication.

2016-12-18 - v1.0 First release


dojo-fmeserver-portal was developed by Peter Jäderkvist at Community Development Gävle.


dojo-fmeserver-portal is released under the MIT license.


The municipality of Gävles FME portal - Configurable webb portal based on ESRI:s JavaScript API and Dojo Toolkit







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