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Gabriel Sanches edited this page May 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Pilgo Wiki!

  1. Concept


Pilgo is a configuration-based dotfiles manager. That means it uses a configuration file (pilgo.yml by default) to manage your dotfiles. It parses that configuration to a tree structure, and then performs actions based on that tree.

In order for that to happen, parsing commands need a configuration file to base on. Pilgo has a command to generate a base configuration file. That command (plg init) is directory-based, that is, it scans the dotfiles repository and deduces top-level files (the ones at the directory's root) are the targets.

However, different from GNU Stow, it doesn't need the base directory to exist in the directory layout; by default, it uses the user's configuration directory (e.g. ~/.config on Linux distros). That way, there's no need to have multiple .config files throughout your dotfiles repository. That way, you can organize your dotfiles however you want. A simple example of this difference is:

With GNU Stow you need:

$ tree
└── alacritty
    └── .config
        └── alacritty.yml

With Pilgo you can have:

$ tree
└── alacritty
    └── alacritty.yml

So you'll end up with alacritty being symlinked to ~/.config/alacritty (or equivalent). 😄

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