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Gabriel Sanches edited this page Apr 18, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Differences from other dotfile managers
    1. GNU Stow
    2. chezmoi

Differences from other dotfile managers

GNU Stow

The main difference between Pilgo and GNU Stow is GNU Stow is directory-based, while Pilgo is configuration-based. With Pilgo, you can keep any directory structure and just adapt the configuration to it.

Also, Pilgo offers a nice tree view of your setup. For more information, run plg show -h and plg check -h.


Different from chezmoi, Pilgo doesn't manage secrets and doesn't handle multiple OSes by default. The command simply follows what is written in a YAML file (you can have multiple configuration files, though, one for each OS, and use the -config option to use different configurations).

Meanwhile, chezmoi offers more customization per OS at the cost of more complexity. Taking that into account, it even states the following in its website:

If you do not personalize your configuration or only ever use a single operating system with a single account and none of your dotfiles contain secrets then you don’t need chezmoi.

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