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(Beta) Workflow Engine for working with PacBio data.

Official Latest Documentation

Circle CI


  • Integrates natively with Pacific Biosciences sequence data
  • Runs Scatter/Gather model to scale bioinformatic analysis
  • Configurable HPC scheduler (SGE, PBS, Slurm)
  • pbcommand Python Tool Contract API to define tasks
  • Simple Bindings model to define pipelines and pipeline templates
  • HTML Reports

Defining Tasks using Tool Contracts

pbcommand library can be used to call python functions natively, or generate an CLI interface that can be emit Tool Contract JSON files, or run Resolved Tool Contract JSON files.

See pbcommand for details.

An example using the 'quick' model that allows you to call python functions and define metadata about the task, such as the FileType

from pbcommand.models import FileTypes
from pbcommand.cli import registry_builder, registry_runner

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

registry = registry_builder("pbcommand", "python -m pbcommand.cli.examples.dev_quick_hello_world ")

def _example_main(input_files, output_files, **kwargs):"Running example main with {i} {o} kw:{k}".format(i=input_files,
                                                               o=output_files, k=kwargs))
    # write mock output files, otherwise the End-to-End test will fail
    xs = output_files if isinstance(output_files, (list, tuple)) else [output_files]
    for x in xs:
        with open(x, 'w') as writer:
            writer.write("Mock data\n")
    return 0

@registry("dev_qhello_world", "0.2.1", FileTypes.FASTA, FileTypes.FASTA, nproc=1, options=dict(alpha=1234))
def run_rtc(rtc):
    return _example_main(rtc.task.input_files[0], rtc.task.output_files[0], nproc=rtc.task.nproc)

@registry("dev_fastq2fasta", "0.1.0", FileTypes.FASTQ, FileTypes.FASTA)
def run_rtc(rtc):
    return _example_main(rtc.task.input_files[0], rtc.task.output_files[0])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.exit(registry_runner(registry, sys.argv[1:]))

The tool contracts can now be emitted to a directory and tool ids can be used in Pipeline Bindings to define the workflow graph.

$> python -m pbcommand.cli.examples.dev_quick_hello_world -o /path/to/my-tool-contracts

Defining a Pipeline

A pipeline template can be defined using a simple micro language to bind outputs to inputs.

See pbsmrtpipe.pb_pipelines_dev for examples.

The bindings are a list of tuples that are used to define the mappings of the output of a task to the input of task.

This will map the 0-th output of pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_txt_to_fasta to the first input of task pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_filter_fasta.

b1 = [('pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_txt_to_fasta:0', 'pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_filter_fasta:0')]

Registering a pipeline can be written in python. An entry-point must be defined as the external input to the pipeline.

import logging

from pbsmrtpipe.core import register_pipeline
from pbsmrtpipe.constants import to_pipeline_ns

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@register_pipeline("pipelines.pbsmrtpipe.dev_local", "Dev Local Hello Pipeline")
def get_dev_local_pipeline():
    """Simple example pipeline"""
    b1 = [('$entry:e_01', 'pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_hello_world:0')]

    b2 = [('pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_hello_world:0', 'pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_hello_worlder:0')]

    b3 = [('pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_hello_world:0', 'pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_txt_to_fasta:0')]

    b4 = [('pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_txt_to_fasta:0', 'pbsmrtpipe.tasks.dev_filter_fasta:0')]

    return b1 + b2 + b3 + b4

Once the pipeline is registered it can be referenced in pipeline-template and will accessible via the CLI using pbsmrtpipe show-templates

The pipeline can by run by referencing id pipelines.pbsmrtpipe.dev_local using --entry-point e_01:/path/to/file.txt as a CLI arg.


> pbsmrtpipe pipeline my_workflow.xml --output=/path/to/output_dir entry_01:/path/to/file.txt entry_id_02:/path/to/file2.txt

> pbsmrtpipe pipeline-id pbsmrtpipe.pipelines.dev_pipeline --output=/path/to/output_dir entry_01:/path/to/file.txt entry_id_02:/path/to/file2.txt

> pbsmrtpipe show-templates # Displays all registered pipelines templates

> pbsmrtpipe show-template-details [template id] # Displays pipeline template details


(mk_pbsmrtpipe_test)pbsmrtpipe $> pbsmrtpipe --help
usage: pbsmrtpipe [-h] [-v]

Pbsmrtpipe workflow engine

positional arguments:
    pipeline            Run a pipeline using a pipeline template or with
                        explict Bindings and EntryPoints.
    pipeline-id         Run a registered pipline by specifiying the pipline
    task                Run Task by id.
    show-templates      List all pipeline templates. A pipeline 'id' can be
                        referenced in your my_pipeline.xml file using
                        id="pbsmrtpipe.pipelines.my_pipeline_id" />. This can
                        replace the explicit listing of EntryPoints and
                        Show details about a specific Pipeline template.
    show-tasks          Show completed list of Tasks by id
    show-task-details   Show Details of a particular task by id (e.g.,
                        'pbsmrtpipe.tasks.filter_report'). Use 'show-tasks' to
                        get a completed list of registered tasks.
                        Display all workflow level options that can be set in
                        <options /> for preset.xml

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit


PacBio Workflow Engine






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