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Mazhar Hussain edited this page Oct 23, 2023 · 11 revisions


This app can be downloaded as an AppImage from here and integrated into your system using either appimaged or AppImageLauncher.

Note: AppImage may not work properly (or at all) if sandboxed.


Download on Flathub

  1. Make sure Flatpak and Flathub are set up on your computer. If not, click here for instructions on how to do so.

  2. Make sure xdg-desktop-portal package is installed on your computer along with at least one implementation for it.

    For example,

  3. Run the following command in the terminal to install it

    flatpak install io.github.realmazharhussain.GdmSettings

Note: Some features available in the AppImage and distro-specific packages are not available in the Flatpak because of the sandbox.


This app is available in the AUR as gdm-settings, gdm-settings-beta and gdm-settings-git. You can install it using your favorite AUR helper. For example,

yay -S gdm-settings


paru -S gdm-settings


pamac install gdm-settings

Gentoo Linux

Note: This Gentoo package is unofficial and provided by a 3rd party.

  1. Add loatchi-overlay

    eselect repository add loatchi git
    emaint sync -r loatchi
  2. Install the app

    emerge gdm-settings

Manual Installation

First of all, make sure all build-time and run-time dependencies are installed

Method 1

  1. Download and extract this zip file (or this tar.gz file)
  2. Go to the folder where you extracted that file
  3. Open your terminal application in that folder
  4. Type meson setup build and press Enter
  5. Type meson install -C build and press Enter
  6. Type your password and press Enter

Method 2

First, make sure git is installed on your system then run the following commands in the terminal

git clone --depth=1
cd gdm-settings
meson setup build
meson install -C build
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