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Mazhar Hussain edited this page Apr 12, 2023 · 2 revisions


Translation status

Translation status


This app uses Weblate for translations.

  1. Open in your web browser
  2. Sign in (if you have not already)
  3. Choose your language (or add new one by clicking on "Start new translation")
  4. Translate

Translating Offline

Translations happen in l10n branch of the git repository. So, if you would like to do translations offline i.e. with Poedit, GTranslator, etc. then

  1. You should switch to l10n branch before starting to translate anything.
  2. Pull requests should also be opened against l10n branch and not main branch.

Note: If you are not using Weblate, you will not get release announcements or translation-related updates since they are posted directly to Weblate.

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