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133 lines (118 loc) · 4.78 KB

File metadata and controls

133 lines (118 loc) · 4.78 KB

v0.12: 2014-01-26

  • Per-action response caching
  • Mailer integration via Nodemailer (
  • E-mail activation for new users for auth plugin
  • Framework events
  • Programmatic server shutdown
  • Filesystem session-store
  • Rewritten tutorial
  • API for adding new MIME types
  • Expose template engines for use in controllers
  • Update to Jade v1.x in generated apps
  • appName config value
  • Numerous updates to selectTag helper
  • Config options for asset server and URI base path
  • generatedByVersion config value in generated apps
  • Model: reflexive through-associations
  • Model: correct serialization for 'object' datatype
  • Model: simplified query-syntax for multiple comparisons on a single field
  • Model: fixed API for removal of associations
  • Model: eager-fetch of join-model on through-associations
  • Model: numerous MySQL and SQLite adapter fixes
  • Model: throw when attempting to use system property in model definition

v0.11: 2013-11-05

  • New Model adapters: MySQL, SQLite, LevelDB, Filesystem
  • Streaming query results from Model
  • Model adapters require local installation of DB lib in app
  • Default model adapter for development is Filesystem
  • No-model configuration option
  • Opts for response.sendFile
  • Improved docs for Azure and Heroku deployment
  • Updated Swig adapter for latest Swig version
  • Realtime fixes
  • Fix for circular references in models
  • Model test stubs
  • Fixed numeric property 'failbotage'

v0.10: 2013-09-16

  • Response API (i.e., respond/respondTo/respondWith)
  • Customizable error pages
  • API-formatted error responses
  • Updated router to Barista v0.10
  • Simplified Model export syntax
  • Migration fixes for up/down to specific point
  • Better stacktrace in logs for error responses
  • Geddy site accessibility
  • Using tlsopts for parsing SSL and SPDY options

v0.9: 2013-07-08

  • Migrations for SQL databases
  • Custom validation scenarios
  • Integrated flash messages with generated scaffold-code
  • Complete rewrite of template-rendering code
  • Addes Swig templating language, including to all generators
  • Complete rewrite of CLI code
  • Added support for selectTag.option to accept attributes
  • Added named-pipes support for Windows Azure deployment
  • Implemented EJS-in-JSON hack for env-var support in deploy-from-Git
  • Controller-level override for i18n setting
  • Better debug output from CLI tasks
  • Integration tests for generator tasks
  • Travis CI for all Geddy-related repos
  • Separated docs into Reference and Guide
  • Proper branch support for Docs site

v0.8: 2013-04-25

  • Flash-messages for session
  • Through-associations for models
  • Eager-loading model associations for SQL adapters
  • Better domains-based errors for bad requests
  • Improved round-trip persistence of 'object' datatype
  • Removed 'array' datatype (now just use 'object')
  • Improvements to selectTag helper
  • Fixes for MongoDB session-store
  • --geddy-root CLI option for setting application root
  • Handle special characters in HTTP referer header
  • Improvements to generated CRUD scaffolds
  • Improved tests for controllers
  • Enable custom HTTP status-code for response
  • Enable empty response-bodies
  • Fixes to Redis session-store
  • Fixes for JSON content-type
  • Massive refactor of app-loading code

v0.7: 2013-03-12

  • Node v0.10 compatibility
  • Better CLI help
  • RT code for non-EJS templating
  • Correct handling for CSV content-type
  • Updates to bundled JQuery and Bootstrap for templates
  • package.json for generated apps
  • Optional HTTP status-code for redirects
  • Ton of grammar and spelling fixes for the README, docs and Web site
  • Flexible generator for action-helpers
  • routes command for CLI
  • --bind CLI option for server IP address
  • CoffeeScript support for routes
  • Non-EJS support for auth generator
  • Better docs for Heroku and NodeJitsu deploy

v0.6: 2012-11-05

  • Models can now be used on the front end
  • Added the -rt option for app generation
  • Added realtime system to models
  • Added a connect compatibility mode to before and after filters
  • Added authentication system
  • Added named associations
  • Made deploying to PaaS's a little easier
  • New Chinese, Russian locales
  • Removed Templato dependency
  • Fixed a ton more bugs (keep 'em coming!)

v0.5: 2012-10-11

  • Brand new Web site with extensive docs
  • Removed models from geddy core, moved into Model project
  • Removed utilities from geddy core, moved into Utilities project
  • Removed router from geddy core, replaced with Barista
  • Added view helpers
  • Added model as a dependency
  • Added utilities as a dependency
  • Added barista as a dependency
  • Added the geddy console command for CLI access to apps
  • Added the geddy jake command to run Jake tasks in the app environment
  • Added a ton of tests
  • Fixed a ton of bugs