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mde edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 18 revisions

Generating Routes

r = new Router();

a very simple route:

r.match( ‘/:controller/:action/:id’ );

optional groups are contained in (parens)

r.match( ‘/:controller/:action/:id(.:format)’ );

when either the controller or action aren’t present in the URL, you can map them in the to() method

r.match( ‘/:controller/:id’ ).to( { action:‘show’ } );

you can specify the HTTP method to match, otherwise it will assume any method will do:

r.match( ‘/:controller/:id’, ‘GET’ ).to( { action:‘show’ } );

you can force keys to match a specific pattern by passing a hash of { key: pattern } pairs

r.match( ‘/:controller/:action/:id(.:format)’, { id: /\d+/, format: ‘GET|PUT|POST’ } );

both the options hash and the request method are optional, and may be supplied in any order.

Generating Resources


is equivalent to the following:

r.match(‘/snow_dogs(.:format)’,‘GET’).to({ controller: ‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘index’ });
r.match(‘/snow_dogs/add(.:format)’,‘GET’).to({ controller: ‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘add’ });
r.match(‘/snow_dogs/:id(.:format)’,‘GET’).to({ controller: ‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘show’ });
r.match(‘/snow_dogs/:id/edit(.:format)’,‘GET’).to({ controller: ‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘edit’ });
r.match(‘/snow_dogs(.:format)’,‘POST’).to({ controller: ‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘create’ });
r.match(‘/snow_dogs/:id(.:format)’,‘PUT’).to({ controller: ‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘update’ });
r.match(‘/snow_dogs/:id(.:format)’,‘DELETE’).to({ controller: ‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘remove’ });

Generating URLs

this will probably be mixed in to the controller as a local method

you pass a params hash

r.url( { controller:‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘show’, id: 5 } ); // => ‘/snow_dogs/5’

optional segments are included only if all the inside params are accounted for

r.url( { controller:‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘show’, id: 5, format: ‘json’ } ); // => ‘/snow_dogs/5.json’

if you fail to specify a controller or action, the defaults “Application” and “index” will be used, respectively.

Extra Params

extra params that aren’t folded into the route will be appended to the query string

r.url( { controller:‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘show’, id: 5, geddy: ‘awesome’ } ); // => ‘/snow_dogs/5?geddy=awesome’

similarly, any QS params that are parsed with a request will simply be added to the params hash

Internal Stuff

only important if you’re hacking on Geddy

finding the first route that matches a request URI / method

r.first(‘/snow_dogs/5’, ‘GET’ ); // => { controller:‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘show’, id: 5 }

QS params are to be passed in with the path:

r.first(‘/snow_dogs/5?danke=schoen&high=5’, ‘GET’ ); // => { controller:‘SnowDogs’, action: ‘show’, id: 5, danke: ‘schoen’, high: 5 }


optional groups CAN NOT currently be nested – this will likely freak it right out

by default, all keys in a route are subjected to the regex match /[\w\-]/ EXCEPT controller & action, which have the limitation that they may not begin with a numeric digit: /[a-zA-Z\-\_][\w\-]/

as of this moment, I have done VERY LITTLE testing. We’ll work on that next, but in the meantime the router may explode with extreme prejudice at any moment.