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Reimplement camera in Go
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gen2brain committed Nov 10, 2023
1 parent 6f02771 commit e5c1864
Showing 1 changed file with 341 additions and 12 deletions.
353 changes: 341 additions & 12 deletions raylib/rcamera.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,350 @@
//go:build !android
// +build !android

package rl

#include "raylib.h"
import "C"
// GetCameraForward - Returns the cameras forward vector (normalized)
func GetCameraForward(camera *Camera) Vector3 {
return Vector3Normalize(Vector3Subtract(camera.Target, camera.Position))

// GetCameraUp - Returns the cameras up vector (normalized)
// Note: The up vector might not be perpendicular to the forward vector
func GetCameraUp(camera *Camera) Vector3 {
return Vector3Normalize(camera.Up)

// GetCameraRight - Returns the cameras right vector (normalized)
func GetCameraRight(camera *Camera) Vector3 {
forward := GetCameraForward(camera)
up := GetCameraUp(camera)

return Vector3CrossProduct(forward, up)

// CameraMoveForward - Moves the camera in its forward direction
func CameraMoveForward(camera *Camera, distance float32, moveInWorldPlane uint8) {
forward := GetCameraForward(camera)

if moveInWorldPlane != 0 {
// Project vector onto world plane
forward.Y = float32(0)
forward = Vector3Normalize(forward)

// Scale by distance
forward = Vector3Scale(forward, distance)

// Move position and target
camera.Position = Vector3Add(camera.Position, forward)
camera.Target = Vector3Add(camera.Target, forward)

// CameraMoveUp - Moves the camera in its up direction
func CameraMoveUp(camera *Camera, distance float32) {
up := GetCameraUp(camera)

// Scale by distance
up = Vector3Scale(up, distance)

// Move position and target
camera.Position = Vector3Add(camera.Position, up)
camera.Target = Vector3Add(camera.Target, up)

// CameraMoveRight - Moves the camera target in its current right direction
func CameraMoveRight(camera *Camera, distance float32, moveInWorldPlane uint8) {
right := GetCameraRight(camera)

if moveInWorldPlane != 0 {
// Project vector onto world plane
right.Y = float32(0)
right = Vector3Normalize(right)

// Scale by distance
right = Vector3Scale(right, distance)

// Move position and target
camera.Position = Vector3Add(camera.Position, right)
camera.Target = Vector3Add(camera.Target, right)

// CameraMoveToTarget - Moves the camera position closer/farther to/from the camera target
func CameraMoveToTarget(camera *Camera, delta float32) {
distance := Vector3Distance(camera.Position, camera.Target)

// Apply delta
distance = distance + delta

// Distance must be greater than 0
if distance <= float32(0) {
distance = 0.001

// Set new distance by moving the position along the forward vector
forward := GetCameraForward(camera)
camera.Position = Vector3Add(camera.Target, Vector3Scale(forward, -distance))

// CameraYaw - Rotates the camera around its up vector
// Yaw is "looking left and right"
// If rotateAroundTarget is false, the camera rotates around its position
// Note: angle must be provided in radians
func CameraYaw(camera *Camera, angle float32, rotateAroundTarget uint8) {
// Rotation axis
var up = GetCameraUp(camera)

// View vector
var targetPosition = Vector3Subtract(camera.Target, camera.Position)

// Rotate view vector around up axis
targetPosition = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(targetPosition, up, angle)

if rotateAroundTarget != 0 {
// Move position relative to target
camera.Position = Vector3Subtract(camera.Target, targetPosition)
} else {
// Move target relative to position
camera.Target = Vector3Add(camera.Position, targetPosition)

// CameraPitch - Rotates the camera around its right vector, pitch is "looking up and down"
// - lockView prevents camera overrotation (aka "somersaults")
// - rotateAroundTarget defines if rotation is around target or around its position
// - rotateUp rotates the up direction as well (typically only usefull in CAMERA_FREE)
// NOTE: angle must be provided in radians
func CameraPitch(camera *Camera, angle float32, lockView uint8, rotateAroundTarget uint8, rotateUp uint8) {
// Up direction
var up = GetCameraUp(camera)

// View vector
var targetPosition = Vector3Subtract(camera.Target, camera.Position)

if lockView != 0 {
// In these camera modes we clamp the Pitch angle
// to allow only viewing straight up or down.

// Clamp view up
var maxAngleUp float32 = Vector3Angle(up, targetPosition)
maxAngleUp = maxAngleUp - 0.001 // avoid numerical errors
if angle > maxAngleUp {
angle = maxAngleUp

// Clamp view down
var maxAngleDown float32 = Vector3Angle(Vector3Negate(up), targetPosition)
maxAngleDown = maxAngleDown * -1.0 // downwards angle is negative
maxAngleDown = maxAngleDown + 0.001 // avoid numerical errors
if angle < maxAngleDown {
angle = maxAngleDown

// Rotation axis
var right = GetCameraRight(camera)

// Rotate view vector around right axis
targetPosition = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(targetPosition, right, angle)

if rotateAroundTarget != 0 {
// Move position relative to target
camera.Position = Vector3Subtract(camera.Target, targetPosition)
} else {
// Move target relative to position
camera.Target = Vector3Add(camera.Position, targetPosition)

if rotateUp != 0 {
// Rotate up direction around right axis
camera.Up = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(camera.Up, right, angle)

// CameraRoll - Rotates the camera around its forward vector
// Roll is "turning your head sideways to the left or right"
// Note: angle must be provided in radians
func CameraRoll(camera *Camera, angle float32) {
// Rotation axis
var forward = GetCameraForward(camera)

// Rotate up direction around forward axis
camera.Up = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(camera.Up, forward, angle)

// GetCameraViewMatrix - Returns the camera view matrix
func GetCameraViewMatrix(camera *Camera) Matrix {
return MatrixLookAt(camera.Position, camera.Target, camera.Up)

// GetCameraProjectionMatrix - Returns the camera projection matrix
func GetCameraProjectionMatrix(camera *Camera, aspect float32) Matrix {
if camera.Projection == CameraPerspective {
return MatrixPerspective(camera.Fovy*(Pi/180.0), aspect, 0.01, 1000.0)
} else if camera.Projection == CameraOrthographic {
top := camera.Fovy / 2.0
right := top * aspect

return MatrixOrtho(-right, right, -top, top, 0.01, 1000.0)

return MatrixIdentity()

// UpdateCamera - Update camera position for selected mode
// Camera mode: CameraFree, CameraFirstPerson, CameraThirdPerson, CameraOrbital or Custom
func UpdateCamera(camera *Camera, mode CameraMode) {
ccamera := camera.cptr()
var mousePositionDelta = GetMouseDelta()

moveInWorldPlaneBool := mode == CameraFirstPerson || mode == CameraThirdPerson
var moveInWorldPlane uint8
if moveInWorldPlaneBool {
moveInWorldPlane = 1

rotateAroundTargetBool := mode == CameraThirdPerson || mode == CameraOrbital
var rotateAroundTarget uint8
if rotateAroundTargetBool {
rotateAroundTarget = 1

lockViewBool := mode == CameraFirstPerson || mode == CameraThirdPerson || mode == CameraOrbital
var lockView uint8
if lockViewBool {
lockView = 1

var rotateUp uint8

if mode == CameraOrbital {
// Orbital can just orbit
var rotation = MatrixRotate(GetCameraUp(camera), 0.5*GetFrameTime())
var view = Vector3Subtract(camera.Position, camera.Target)
view = Vector3Transform(view, rotation)
camera.Position = Vector3Add(camera.Target, view)
} else {
// Camera rotation
if IsKeyDown(KeyDown) {
CameraPitch(camera, -0.03, lockView, rotateAroundTarget, rotateUp)
if IsKeyDown(KeyUp) {
CameraPitch(camera, 0.03, lockView, rotateAroundTarget, rotateUp)
if IsKeyDown(KeyRight) {
CameraYaw(camera, -0.03, rotateAroundTarget)
if IsKeyDown(KeyLeft) {
CameraYaw(camera, 0.03, rotateAroundTarget)
if IsKeyDown(KeyQ) {
CameraRoll(camera, -0.03)
if IsKeyDown(KeyE) {
CameraRoll(camera, 0.03)

// Camera movement
if !(IsGamepadAvailable(0)) {
// Camera pan (for CameraFree)
if mode == CameraFree && IsMouseButtonDown(MouseMiddleButton) {
var mouseDelta = GetMouseDelta()
if mouseDelta.X > 0.0 {
CameraMoveRight(camera, 0.2, moveInWorldPlane)
if mouseDelta.X < 0.0 {
CameraMoveRight(camera, -0.2, moveInWorldPlane)
if mouseDelta.Y > 0.0 {
CameraMoveUp(camera, -0.2)
if mouseDelta.Y < 0.0 {
CameraMoveUp(camera, 0.2)
} else {
// Mouse support
CameraYaw(camera, -mousePositionDelta.X*0.003, rotateAroundTarget)
CameraPitch(camera, -mousePositionDelta.Y*0.003, lockView, rotateAroundTarget, rotateUp)

// Keyboard support
if IsKeyDown(KeyW) {
CameraMoveForward(camera, 0.09, moveInWorldPlane)
if IsKeyDown(KeyA) {
CameraMoveRight(camera, -0.09, moveInWorldPlane)
if IsKeyDown(KeyS) {
CameraMoveForward(camera, -0.09, moveInWorldPlane)
if IsKeyDown(KeyD) {
CameraMoveRight(camera, 0.09, moveInWorldPlane)
} else {
// Gamepad controller support
CameraYaw(camera, -(GetGamepadAxisMovement(0, GamepadAxisRightX)*float32(2))*0.003, rotateAroundTarget)
CameraPitch(camera, -(GetGamepadAxisMovement(0, GamepadAxisRightY)*float32(2))*0.003, lockView, rotateAroundTarget, rotateUp)

if GetGamepadAxisMovement(0, GamepadAxisLeftY) <= -0.25 {
CameraMoveForward(camera, 0.09, moveInWorldPlane)
if GetGamepadAxisMovement(0, GamepadAxisLeftX) <= -0.25 {
CameraMoveRight(camera, -0.09, moveInWorldPlane)
if GetGamepadAxisMovement(0, GamepadAxisLeftY) >= 0.25 {
CameraMoveForward(camera, -0.09, moveInWorldPlane)
if GetGamepadAxisMovement(0, GamepadAxisLeftX) >= 0.25 {
CameraMoveRight(camera, 0.09, moveInWorldPlane)

if mode == CameraFree {
if IsKeyDown(KeySpace) {
CameraMoveUp(camera, 0.09)
if IsKeyDown(KeyLeftControl) {
CameraMoveUp(camera, -0.09)

if mode == CameraThirdPerson || mode == CameraOrbital || mode == CameraFree {
// Zoom target distance
CameraMoveToTarget(camera, -GetMouseWheelMove())
if IsKeyPressed(KeyKpSubtract) {
CameraMoveToTarget(camera, 2.0)
if IsKeyPressed(KeyKpAdd) {
CameraMoveToTarget(camera, -2.0)

// UpdateCameraPro - Update camera movement/rotation
// UpdateCameraPro - Update camera movement, movement/rotation values should be provided by user
func UpdateCameraPro(camera *Camera, movement Vector3, rotation Vector3, zoom float32) {
ccamera := camera.cptr()
C.UpdateCameraPro(ccamera, *movement.cptr(), *rotation.cptr(), C.float(zoom))
// Required values
// movement.X - Move forward/backward
// movement.Y - Move right/left
// movement.Z - Move up/down
// rotation.X - yaw
// rotation.Y - pitch
// rotation.Z - roll
// zoom - Move towards target

lockView := uint8(1)
rotateAroundTarget := uint8(0)
rotateUp := uint8(0)
moveInWorldPlane := uint8(1)

// Camera rotation
CameraPitch(camera, -rotation.Y*(Pi/180.0), lockView, rotateAroundTarget, rotateUp)
CameraYaw(camera, -rotation.X*(Pi/180.0), rotateAroundTarget)
CameraRoll(camera, rotation.Z*(Pi/180.0))

// Camera movement
CameraMoveForward(camera, movement.X, moveInWorldPlane)
CameraMoveRight(camera, movement.Y, moveInWorldPlane)
CameraMoveUp(camera, movement.Z)

// Zoom target distance
CameraMoveToTarget(camera, zoom)

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