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---------------Text extracted from ontology: DO NOT EDIT---------------


  • OWL ID: RO_0002565
  • label: results in movement of
  • synonyms []


Holds between p and c when p is locomotion process and the outcome of this process is the change of location of c


Use this relation to link a locomotion process to the type of cell or anatomical structure or organism that the process results in locomotion of.


For movement of chemicals or cell parts, please use transports_or_maintains_localization_of


[valid_for_annotation_extension, AE_cell_or_anatomical, display_for_curators]

##local domain {u'GO:0008150': u'biological_process'}

local range

{u'CL:0000000': u'cell', u'WBbt:0004017': u'Cell'}

---------------END AUTO GENERATED SECTION---------------


Consider instead using transports_or_maintains_localization_of

  • Use results_in_movement_of for transport/movement of a cell or component
  • Use the transports term for transport/movement of proteins and small molecules

Annotation Extension Usage Examples

Enhancing Molecular Function and Biological Process Annotations

Specifying the cell or cellular component which move in response to the gene product

Cell adhesion molecule stimulates cell mobility

Statement from paper:

blood vessel epicardial substance (Bves) is critical for regulation of epicardial cell directional movement, as disruption of this interaction randomizes migratory patterns.

Gene Name (col 2) GO ID (col 5) Reference (col 6) Evidence (col 7) Annotation Extension (col 16)
Q9ES83 Bves GO:0060973 cell migration involved in heart development PMID:24048452 IMP results_in_movement_of (CL:0002494 cardiocyte)

Using examples to demonstrate Folding_and_Unfolding using the relationship results_in_movement_of

Specifying that a gene product regulates the location of cardiocytes as part of heart development . PMID:24048452

Statement from paper: blood vessel epicardial substance (Bves) is critical for regulation of epicardial cell directional movement, as disruption of this interaction randomizes migratory patterns.

Folded/unfolded DB (Col 2) Object (Col 3) GO ID (Col 5) Reference (Col 6) Extension (Col 16) Parent terms for new folded GO term
Unfolded Q9ES83 Bves GO:0060973 cell migration involved in heart development PMID:24048452 results_in_movement_of (CL:0002494 cardiocyte)
Folded Q9ES83 Bves New GO term cardiocyte migration involved in heart development PMID:24048452 is_a GO:0060973 cell migration involved in heart development AND is_a New GO term cardiocyte migration (parent GO:0016477 cell migration)

OWL class expression: GO:0060973 cell migration involved in heart development results_in_movement_of SOME CL:0002494 cardiocyte

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